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New York and Product Stewardship New York Product Stewardship Council 917-597-2119 1.

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Presentation on theme: "New York and Product Stewardship New York Product Stewardship Council 917-597-2119 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 New York and Product Stewardship New York Product Stewardship Council 917-597-2119 1

2 An overview of today’s presentation What is the waste management problem facing New York and the U.S. today? What is Product Stewardship and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)? Why is New York focusing on product stewardship and EPR? The New York Product Stewardship Council (NYPSC) How to get involved 2

3 What is the Problem? 3 Hundreds of products that we use every day Products reach end of life & must be disposed of and managed properly Result in a lot of garbage – 250 BILLION tons/year

4 25,000 lbs. of minerals extracted from the earth per person, per year! Most of these environmental impacts are INVISIBLE to consumers. 4 Finite virgin resources mined, processed and manufactured Greenhouse gases produced; 29% from products

5 4 mg mercury 4 lbs lead; barium, nickel, cadmium, rare earth metals 4 g mercury Beryllium, PVC, brominated flame retardants, lead, copper Nickel, lithium, cadmium Pharmaceutical compounds 0.8 g mercury Some products contain toxins Petrochemicals, volatile organic compounds BPA, endocrine disruptors Brominated flame retardants 5

6 Some products are bulky and hard to manage at end-of-life. 6

7 We expect local governments to manage our complex waste stream …and spend millions of tax dollars. 7

8 …but, in turn, we end up spending millions in tax dollars to pay for it. 8

9 Source: 2010 U.S. EPA Municipal Solid Waste Report, Facts and Figures. We also waste valuable commodities. 2010 US MSW Disposal Millions of Tons (percent) 9

10 Source: PSI compilation of data from 2010 U.S. EPA Municipal Solid Waste Report, Facts and Figures. This is not sustainable! 10

11 The consequences are profound. Environmental Social Economic 11

12 Optimize Current System or Transform It? Implement Voluntary Programs or Regulatory Programs? So What Can We Do? 12

13 “Pay-as-you-throw” (unit pricing) Public education Landfill bans/mandatory recycling Recycled content standards Invest in upgraded recycling facility equipment Improve communication between end-markets & manufacturing process (closed loop recycling) How Do We Optimize the Current System? 13

14 How Do We Transform the Current System? Product Stewardship Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) 14

15 Minimizing health, safety, environmental, and social impacts Maximizing economic benefits of a product and its packaging Considering all lifecycle stages, from design to end-of-life Either voluntary or required by law What is Product Stewardship? 15

16 The producer of the product has the greatest ability to minimize adverse impacts. Many other stakeholders play a role, too. Who’s Involved in Product Stewardship? 16

17 Mandatory product stewardship Producer’s responsibility for product extends to post-consumer management of product and packaging at end-of-life Central tenet of product stewardship What is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)? 17

18 Product Stewardship and EPR Product Stewardship: Lifecycle and Sustainability Voluntary or mandatory EPR: End-of-life Mandatory only 18

19 EPR: Not Prescriptive Government sets parameters, but allows flexibility for producers to determine the most cost-effective solutions within those parameters Flexibility promotes a market-based solution to meet goals EPR: Industry-Run Government oversees law, but producers are responsible for implementation Essential Characteristics of EPR 19

20 Current Practice: Taxpayers/Governments pay EPR: Changing How Waste is Financed and Managed Recycling collection/infrastructure built into product price or company’s cost of doing business Producers responsible for financing and managing their products at end-of-life Producers internalize costs of reducing environmental externalities (unintended consequences) EPR: Manufacturers/Product Purchasers pay 20

21 Benefits of Product Stewardship: 21

22 EPR shifts the costs and responsibility off government, even if government keeps collecting. 22

23 That means tax dollars can be used to meet other needs in the community… …instead of paying to recycle or dispose of our old products. 23

24 Why is New York focusing on Product Stewardship and EPR? Local governments can’t solve this problem on their own! Recycling rates are plateauing in NY New state property tax cap means local governments are seeking cost-saving measures 24

25 Development of New York Product Stewardship Council (NYPSC) Created out of NECESSITY in March 2009 by NYS Association for Solid Waste Management Lots of support! NYSAR3 NY-SWANA Federation of NY Solid Waste Management Associations Product Policy Institute Product Stewardship Institute, Inc. 25

26 Who is the NYPSC today? Multi-stakeholder council with membership from: NY local governments Businesses Recycling professionals Members of the environmental community Goals: To support sound product stewardship policies To develop and recommend workable product stewardship polices, provide leadership and guidance Educate all stakeholders on benefits 26

27 Priorities Build and educate our support base  engage more local governments Implement and strengthen current legislation (e.g., rechargeable batteries, electronics) Pass new legislation on new product categories (e.g., paint, carpeting, pharmaceuticals, thermostats, CFLs) 27

28 Get Involved! Become an NYPSC Member or Partner: Stay informed on proposed legislation and new EPR laws and regulations Learn more about product stewardship Join the voice of NY local government to support new legislation 28

29 Get Involved! Become a PSI Member or Partner, too: Stay informed on proposed national legislation, new EPR laws, and regulations in all 50 states that could impact New York Gain access to an international network of product stewardship and EPR experts Participate in strategic planning calls and meetings for product stewardship initiatives nationwide 29

30 Take Advantage of Existing Programs Participate in available collection programs: Get Involved! 30

31 Get Involved! Pass a product stewardship resolution: Our website includes examples of local product stewardship resolutions from New York and the U.S., as well as a model resolution you can adapt for your own community. Visit: 31

32 Thank You to Our Partners for Their Support Platinum Partner For more information on becoming an NYPSC Member or Partner, visit 32

33 Thank You to Our Partners for Their Support Gold Partners 33

34 Thank You to Our Partners for Their Support Silver Partners 34

35 New York Product Stewardship Council Marjorie Torelli, Administrator 917-597-2119 Thank You! 35

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