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Matthew T. Hamonko MD, MPH, FACEP, FAWM, FAAEM

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1 Matthew T. Hamonko MD, MPH, FACEP, FAWM, FAAEM
Evaluation & Current Treatment Options for North American Poisonous Snake Envenomations Matthew T. Hamonko MD, MPH, FACEP, FAWM, FAAEM

2 Identification Coral Snake
“Red on yellow, kill a fellow; red on black, venom lack.” Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

3 Identification Coral Snake
“Red on yellow, kill a fellow; red on black, venom lack.” ONLY WORKS IN NORTH AMERICA, NORTH OF MEXICO CITY! Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

4 Identification: Pit Vipers
Triangular head Elliptical eyes Fangs Pit Single row of subcaudal plates Non-venomous snake Rounded head Round eyes No fangs No pits Double row of subcaudal plates *Pits are the only 100% consistent finding *subcaudal plates only useful in North America Marx, et. al. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice 5th ed. Mosby, 2002.

5 Identification N=265 (169 adults, 72 children)
Corbett, S.W., et. al., “Most lay People can Correctly identify Indigenous Venomous Snakes.” Amer Journal Emerg Med.,2005;23: N=265 (169 adults, 72 children) 4 non-venomous snakes, 2 venomous snakes Gopher snake, moutain king snake, common king snake, rosy boa, mojave rattlesnake, southern pacific rattlesnake Southern California street fair Random members of the public were able to differentiate venomous from non-venomous 81% of the time

6 Pit Vipers Present in all 48 contiguous states except Maine
Distribution Rattlesnakes- all of North America Copperheads- central and southeastern U.S. Water moccasins- southeastern U.S. in to Texas Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

7 Pit Vipers Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake can exceed 6.5 ft in length
Maximum pit viper speed = 3 mph “Crotaline snakes do not chase people” Can voluntarily decide how much venom to inject Envenomation in 75%-80% of bites 35% mild, 25% moderate, 10-15% severe Most elaborate venom delivery system of all snakes Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

8 Pit Vipers Hollow fangs Individually foldable Up to 20mm in length
Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

9 Pit Vipers Venom Roughly 100 chemical components
Protein (90%-95%) and non-protein based (5%-10%) Phospholipase A2 neurotoxins Metalloproteinases Other Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

10 Pit Vipers Venom Phospholipase A2 neurotoxins
Noncompetitively binds presynaptic calcium channels Inhibits acetylcholine release at NMJ Muscle inactivation Respiratory paralysis Damages muscle cell membranes Calcium influx CK release Myonecrosis, rhabdomyolysis Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

11 Pit Vipers Venom Metalloproteinase
Primary cause of local tissue destruction Activation of TNF-α Activates endogenous metalloproteinases Causes RBC leakage from vasculature causing ecchymosis Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

12 Pit Vipers Venom Thrombin like enzymes Disintegrins Bradykinins
Consumptive coagulopathy Disintegrins Inhibit platelet interaction with fibrinogen Bradykinins Hyaluronidase Decreased connective tissue viscosity Lysolecithin Damage mast cell membranes causing histamine release Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

13 Pit Vipers Signs and symptoms after Rattlesnake envenomation
Table 38-3   -- Signs and Symptoms of Rattlesnake Bites Pit Vipers Signs and symptoms after Rattlesnake envenomation Local: severe burning, swelling, bleeding, ecchymosis, fang marks, vesicles, bullae Systemic: nausea, vomit, generalized weakness, odd taste, tachypnea, tachycardia, pulmonary edema, hypo- or hypertension, shock, muscle fasciculations, parasthesias, numbness, focal muscle weakness, bleeding (Neuro, GI/GU, pulm, gingival) Estimated mortality for untreated bites: 2.6% Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007. Modified from Russell FE: Snake venom poisoning, New York, 1983, Scholium International.

14 Elapids Found in the Arizona, Texas and the Southeastern U.S.
Bites uncommon Less aggressive, unable to strike like crotalines Simple venom delivery apparatus fixed fangs, about 2mm in length Must chew on the victim to inject sufficient venom Envenomation in 40% of bites Venom Minimum proteolytic activity Contains some hyaluronidase, myotoxins and phospholipases Primary component: Neurotoxin Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007. Norris, R.L, et al, “Apparent Coral Snake Envenomation in a Patient Without Visible Fang Marks.” Amer Journ Emerg Med, 1989;7:

15 Elapids Venom Neurotoxin Low molecular weight protein
Non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocker Postsynaptic competitive binding of acetylcholine receptors at NMJ Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007. Norris, R.L, et al, “Apparent Coral Snake Envenomation in a Patient Without Visible Fang Marks.” Amer Journ Emerg Med, 1989;7:

16 Elapids Signs and Symptoms
Local: early, mild, transient pain, +/- fang marks (85%) Systemic (4-10 hours later sometimes delayed up to 13 hours): nausea, vomit, headache, abdominal pain, diaphoresis, pallor, parasthesias, numbness, altered mental status, cranial nerve dysfunction, focal motor weakness, respiratory paralysis Estimated mortality for untreated bite: 10% Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007. Norris, R.L, et al, “Apparent Coral Snake Envenomation in a Patient Without Visible Fang Marks.” Amer Journ Emerg Med, 1989;7:

17 Elapids 27 year old male Bitten on finger by coral snake
Norris, R.L, et al, “Apparent Coral Snake Envenomation in a Patient Without Visible Fang Marks.” Amer Journ Emerg Med, 1989;7: 27 year old male Bitten on finger by coral snake Complains of finger parasthesias at bite site and blurred vision No evidence of trauma on examination of the finger under magnification Normal vital signs, normal exam Given antivenin based on history and symptoms Total resolution of symptoms after antivenin infusion completed (4 hours after bite)

18 Evaluation Rapid detailed history Time of the bite
General description of the snake First aid measures used Coexisting medical conditions Drug and food allergies Allergies to horse or sheep products History of previous snake bites and subsequent therapy History of tetanus immunization (update if necessary) Gold, B.S., et. al., “Bites of Venomous Snakes.” NEJM, 2002;347:

19 Evaluation Physical exam ABC’s
Special attention to cardiovascular, pulmonary and neurologic systems Bite exam: Fang or tooth marks (snakes have regular teeth too), scratches, edema, erythema, ecchymoses Baseline circumferential measurement with repeat every minutes Evaluate for compartment syndrome Gold, B.S., et. al., “Bites of Venomous Snakes.” NEJM, 2002;347: Marx, et. al. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice 5th ed. Mosby, 2002.

20 Evaluation Laboratory studies CBC
PT, PTT, INR, fibrinogen, fibrin degradation products Chem UA CK Type and cross for 4 units CXR EKG ABG (respiratory compromise) Gold, B.S., et. al., “Bites of Venomous Snakes.” NEJM, 2002;347: Marx, et. al. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice 5th ed. Mosby, 2002.

21 Evaluation Laboratory results Coral Snakes
No likely laboratory abnormalities Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

22 Evaluation Laboratory results Pit Vipers
WBC elevation (neutrophil leukocytosis) Thrombocytopenia Hyperglycemia Elevated CK Elevated BUN and Crt Elevated LFT’s Elevated PT, PTT and INR Low fibrinogen, elevated fibrin degradation products, (+)D-Dimer UA:hematuria, proteinuria EKG: ischemia CXR: pulmonary vascular congestion, pulmonary edema Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

23 Treatment General management Refractory thrombocytopenia Anaphylaxis
Antibiotic prophylaxis and empiric treatment Antivenom administration Pressure dressings Surgical techniques Suctioning

24 Treatment Between 1000 and 600 BC Hindu physician: Sushruta
Medical book: Ayurveda Treatment of snake bites: tourniquet, incision, suction, wound cautery Wingert, W.A., “Rattlesnake Bites in Southern California and Rationale for Recommended Treatment.” The Western Journal of Medicine, 1988;148:37-44.

25 Treatment Early American method: Whiskey
1908, Archives of Internal Medicine article reported a significant number of deaths more likely to be caused by forced alcohol intake than the bite itself, often in children Dart, R.C., et al., “Efficacy, Safety, and Use of Snake Antivenoms in the United States.” Ann of Emerg Med, 2001;37: Burch, J.M., et al, “The Treatment of Crotalid Envenomation without Antivenin.” Journal of Trauma, 1988;28:35-43.

26 General Management Early intubation for pit viper bites to the face or neck 2 large bore IV lines Pulse ox and cardiac monitor IV crystalloid Albumin trial if refractory to 2 liters of crystalloid (or 40ml/kg in a child) Vasopressors if hypotension refractory to fluid resuscitation and antivenom infusion has been started Opioid analgesia (no NSAIDS, may exacerbate coagulopathy) Tetanus prophylaxis if indicated Wound cleaning Splinting of involved extremity Elevation of the extremity above the heart (if antivenom is indicated, start before elevating the limb) Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

27 Refractory Thrombocytopenia
Gold, B.S., et al., “Refractory Thrombocytopenia Despite Treatment for Rattlesnake Envenomation.” N Engl J Med, 2004;350: 38 year old male bitten on left hand by timber rattlesnake Swelling, ecchymosis, tenderness Normal vital signs Platelet count on admission: 157,000 Platelet count five hours later: 28,300 Received 46 vials of Crofab Platelet count 10 days later prior to discharge: 26,300 No incidence of spontaneous bleeding during his 10 day hospital stay Platelet count 3 weeks after envenomation: 245,000

28 Refractory Thrombocytopenia
Recommendation: Administer antivenom prior to administration of blood products (FFP, platelets, PRBC’s, cryo) Regardless of bleeding, platelet transfusion for levels below 20,000 Consumptive coagulopathy refractory to replacement of coagulation factors or other blood components while un-neutralized venom components are present Coagulopathy may resolve after antivenom alone Gold, B.S., et. al., “Bites of Venomous Snakes.” NEJM, 2002;347: Brooks, D.E., et. al. “Airway Compromise After First Rattlesnake Envenomation.” Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 2004; 15: Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

29 Anaphylaxis Brooks, D.E., et. al. “Airway Compromise After First Rattlesnake Envenomation.” Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 2004; 15: 26 year old male, bitten on the hand by a sidewinder rattlesnake (Crotalus cerastes) History of handling and eating rattlesnakes but no previous envenomations Initial BP 68/28, no rash or edema at wound site Severe Airway edema developed within 45 minutes of ED presentation Swelling of the entire right arm at 72 hours post envenomation Subsequent hematuria, renal failure, large bowel enterocutaneous fistulas, sepsis and malnutrition

30 Anaphylaxis 42 year old male bitten on the hand by a rattlesnake
Ryan, K.C., et. al. “Life-threatening Anaphylaxis Following Envenomation by two Different Species of Crotalidae.” Journal of Wilderness Medicine, 1994;5: 42 year old male bitten on the hand by a rattlesnake Previous history of envenomation by another species of rattlesnake 5 minutes post bite he present with dyspnea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, intensely pruritic, erythematous rash covering his upper extremities, anterior chest and abdomen 3 years later, bitten on the hand by another species of rattlesnake Once again presents with vomiting, dyspnea, diffuse erythematous rash as well as expiratory wheezing Symptoms responded well to SQ epinephrine and IV solumedrol Discharged the following day with no antivenin administered on either occasion

31 Anaphylaxis Primarily case reports Uncommon entity Type I IgE mediated
Type III immune complex mediated IgE and IgG shown to be produced after sensitization to venom One type of venom may cause sensitization to another Airborne, GI and cutaneous exposures may be involved Treat like any other anaphylactic reaction Brooks, D.E., et. al. “Airway Compromise After First Rattlesnake Envenomation.” Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 2004; 15: Ryan, K.C., et. al. “Life-threatening Anaphylaxis Following Envenomation by two Different Species of Crotalidae.” Journal of Wilderness Medicine, 1994;5:

32 Antibiotics? Prospective observational study N=56
LoVecchio, F., et. al., “Antibiotics After Rattlesnake Envenomation.” Journ of Emerg Med, 2002;23: Prospective observational study N=56 Inclusion criteria: presentation to hospital within 24 hours, completion of follow up at 7-10 day Exclusion criteria: antibiotics initiated before evaluation at research institution (+) infection defined as: report of infection by a physician, use of antibiotics within 10 days, report of purulent discharge by patient, positive wound culture 61% bites to upper extremity, 39% bites to lower extremity 70% had tender proximal lymph nodes No cases of documented infection Antibiotics given to 3 patients by their primary doctor Reasoning: prophylaxis, presumed standard of care, ecchymosis

33 Antibiotics? Recommendation:
Gold, B.S., et. al., “Bites of Venomous Snakes.” NEJM, 2002;347: Recommendation: “Wound infections are rare after pit viper bites; therefore, the prophylactic use of antibiotics is not recommended. Antibiotics should be administered if there is clinical and microbiologic evidence of wound infection.”

34 Antibiotics? Secondary infection pending cultures
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg PO BID +/- metronidazole or clindamycin (anaerobic) Pregnant woman and children Ceftriaxone 50mg/kg up to1 gram IV or IM then amoxicillin/clavulanate 40mg/kg PO divided TID Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

35 Antivenom To give or not to give? Coral snakes:
If a coral snake is identified: give it If There is evidence by history or exam that the snake delivered an effective bite: give it If there are systemic findings: give it If there are no systemic findings after a confirmed coral snake envenomation: give it If there are no local findings after a confirmed coral snake envenomation: give it Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

36 Antivenom To give or not to give? Pit vipers Grading systems
Decision rules

37 Antivenom Gold, B.S., et. al., “Bites of Venomous Snakes.” NEJM, 2002;347:

38 Antivenom Crofab ACP Mild 4-6 vials Moderate 4-6 vials Severe 6 vials
Mild 0 or 5 vials Moderate 10 vials Severe vials Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

39 Antivenom Wyeth’s (manufacturer) scale
0- no evidence of envenomation, fang wound may be present, minimal pain, <1 inch surrounding edema/erythema, no systemic manifestations during the 1st 12 hours, no lab changes I- minimal envenomation, fang wound usually present, moderate pain at wound site, 1-5 inch of surrounding erythema, no systemic involvement after 12 hours of observation, no lab changes Marx, et. al. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice 5th ed. Mosby, 2002.

40 Antivenom Wyeth’s (manufacturers) scale
II- moderate envenomation, more severe and widely distributed pain, edema spreading toward trunk, petechiae and ecchymosis limited to area of edema. Nausea, vomit, giddiness and mild temp elevation usually present III- severe envenomation, rapidly progressive, within 12 hours edema spreads up extremity and may involve trunk, petechiae and ecchymoses may be generalized. Systemic manifestations may include tachycardia, hypotension, subnormal temp Marx, et. al. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice 5th ed. Mosby, 2002.

41 Antivenom Wyeth’s (manufacturers) scale
IV- very severe envenomation, sudden pain, rapidly progressing swelling that may reach the trunk within a few hours, ecchymoses, bleb formation, necrosis. Systemic manifestations (often within 15 minutes) of weakness, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, numbness and tingling of the lips and face, muscle fasciculations, muscle cramps, pallor, sweating, cold/clammy skin, rapid/weak pulse, incontinence, convulsions, coma, death Marx, et. al. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice 5th ed. Mosby, 2002.

42 Antivenom Grade Amount administered (ACP) Preferred route O None I II
5 vials IV 1:10 dilution III 5-10 vials IV 10-20 vials Marx, et. al. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice 5th ed. Mosby, 2002.

43 Antivenom Copperhead snakes
Rosen’s: “Bites by copperheads usually cause a moderate amount of edema but do not usually require antivenin” Gold, et. al, “Bites of Venomous Snakes” NEJM : “Envenomations by copperheads are not considered to be as toxic as rattlesnake or cottonmouth bites and rarely require treatment; however, severe envenomations left untreated in children or elderly persons may result in death”

44 Antivenom Preparation
Informed consent ( all U.S. antivenoms are class C in pregnancy) No skin test (ineffective, may cause allergic reaction) Expand intravascular volume with crystalloid Pretreat with H1 and H2 antihistamines Consider prophylactic dose of SQ epinephrine in high risk patients Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

45 Antivenom Antivenom manufacturer venom composition cost
Crofab (all north american pit vipers) Savage Laboratories eastern/ western diamondback, mojave, cottonmouth Fab fragment (ovine) $2000 per 2 vial box Antivenom crotalidae polyvalent (all north american pit vipers) Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories Eastern/ western diamondback, tropical, fer-de-lance IgG (equine) $900 per vial Coral snake (eastern and texas coral snakes) Eastern coral snake $1300 per vial Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007. Brubacher, J.R., et al, “Efficacy of Wyeth Polyvalent Antivenin use in the Pretreatment of Copperhead Envenomation in mice.” Wilderness and Environ Med, 1999;10:

46 Antivenom Antivenom Serum sickness Acute reaction Crofab 3% 14.3% ACP
18-86% 23-56% Coral Snake 10% 35% *Atleast 3 anaphylaxis related deaths reported after ACP administration Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007. Dart, R.C., et al., “Efficacy, Safety, and Use of Snake Antivenoms in the United States.” Ann of Emerg Med, 2001;37:

47 Antivenom Crofab vs. ACP
Crofab less likely to cause acute reaction or serum sickness Recent data suggests Crofab may be more effective especially against mojave rattlesnake venom Crofab has a shorter half life and faster clearance rate leading to recurrence phenomena *less long term data on Crofab (Crofab introduced in 2000, ACP introduced in 1954) ACP IgG may maintain binding ability better than Crofab fragments Time for reconstitution: Crofab 40 minutes, ACP 90 minutes Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007. Dart, R.C., et al., “Efficacy, Safety, and Use of Snake Antivenoms in the United States.” Ann of Emerg Med, 2001;37: Seifert, S.A., et. al., “Recurrence Phenomena After Immunoglobulin Therapy for Snake Envenomations: Part 1. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Immunoglobulin Antivenoms and Related Antibodies.” Ann Emerg Med., 2001;37: Boyer, L.V., et al, “Recurrence Phenomena After Immunoglobulin Therapy for Snake Envenomation: Part 2. Guidelines for Clinical Management with Crotaline Fab Antivenom.” Ann of Emerg Med,2001;37:

48 Antivenom Administration Coral snake antivenom
Initial dose: 3-6 vials diluted in ml crystalloid in adults and or ml/kg in peds (same dose) IV infusion at slow rate (1 ml/min) to be completed over 2 hours with gradual increase in rate if no signs of allergic reaction occur Redosing: 3-5 more vials as needed (rarely more than 10 needed) *Questionable role for anticholinesterase administration (i.e. neostigmine) No reported deaths since antivenom went in to use Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

49 Antivenom Administration
Crofab (recommended within first 6 hours but case reports have documented efficacy after 9 hours) Initial dose: 4-6 reconstituted vials diluted in 250 ml of normal saline for adults or ml/kg for peds up to 250 ml (same dose) IV infusion at slow rate (1ml/min) to be completed over 1 hour with gradual increase in rate if no signs of allergic reaction occur Redosing: repeat initial dose if signs, symptoms or laboratory abnormalities do not improve or worsen Post stabilization: 2 vials Q6H times 3 (shown to prevent recurrence phenomena) Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007. Bebarta, V., et al, “Effectiveness of Delayed Use of Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (ovine) Antivenom.” Journ of Toxicology, 2004;42: Boyer, L.V., et al, “Recurrence Phenomena After Immunoglobulin Therapy for Snake Envenomation: Part 2. Guidelines for Clinical Management with Crotaline Fab Antivenom.” Ann of Emerg Med,2001;37:

50 Antivenom Administration ACP
Intial dose: 5-20 vials based on severity diluted in 1 liter of crystalloid for adults and ml/kg in peds (same dose) IV infusion at slow rate (1ml/min) to be completed over 1-2 hours with gradual increase in rate if no signs of allergic reaction occur Redosing: 5-10 vials every 30 minutes to 2 hours if signs, symptoms or laboratory abnormalities do not improve or worsen (typical total dose vials) Mortality rate reduced from 5-25% to 0.28% after antivenom went in to use Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

51 Antivenom Administration in adults
Dart, R.C., et al., “A Randomized Multicenter Trial of Crotaline Polyvalent Immune Fab (ovine) Antivenom for the Treatment for Crotaline Snakebite in the United States.” Arch Intern Med, 2001;161: 1st Randomized , controlled trial of Crofab in the U.S. Inclusion criteria: minimal or moderate envenomation, envenomation within past 6 hours, age 10 or older, worsening symptoms before Crofab administration Exclusion criteria: lack of symptoms progression, severe envenomation, copperhead bite, infusion of >1 vial ACP, h/o sheep product allergy, use of steroids or experimental meds within 4 weeks, pregnancy or lactation, previous enrollment, inability to provide consent, any disease interfering with examination N = 31 Randomized to receive either an initial dose then PRN treatments or an initial dose then scheduled treatments

52 Antivenom Administration in adults
Dart, R.C., et al., “A Randomized Multicenter Trial of Crotaline Polyvalent Immune Fab (ovine) Antivenom for the Treatment for Crotaline Snakebite in the United States.” Arch Intern Med, 2001;161: Results: mean severity scored decreased from 4.35 to 2.39 (p<0.001), schedule group required no PRN doses, 50% of PRN group required PRN doses, acute reactions in 6% of patients Conclusion: “Fab AV effectively terminated venom effects”

53 Antivenom Administration in adults
Lavonas, E.J, et al, “Initial Experience With Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (ovine) Antivenom in the Treatment of Copperhead Snakebite.” Ann of Emerg Med;43: Retrospective chart review N = 32 Outcome measures: progression of limb swelling, coagulopathy, hemodynamic status, adverse effects of Fab therapy, recurrence phenomena Results: 88% of patients had cessation of progression of tissue injury within 4 hour, recurrent swelling in 19%, one minor allergic reaction

54 Antivenom Administration in children
Pizon, A.F., et al, “Safety and Efficacy of Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab in Pedatric Crotaline Envenomation.” Acad Emerg Med, 2007;14: Retrospective analysis Children 13 years or younger treated with Crofab between N=24, mean age 7.3 5 had resolution of swelling, 4.2% had a possible acute allergic reaction, no deaths, no improvements in thrombocytopenia No patients required blood products, debridement or fasciotomy

55 Antivenom Administration in children
Offerman, S.R., et al., “Crotaline Fab Antivenom for the Treatment of Children with Rattlesnake Envenomation.” Pediatrics, 2002;110: Prospective and retrospective analysis of pediatric patients, 13 years old or younger treated with Crofab during 2001 N=12, mean age 6.9 years Severity scores stabilized or improvement in all patients within 24 hours No surgical intervention required, no permanent sequelae, no immediate or delayed hypersensitivity reactions occurred

56 Antivenom Administration in Children
LoVecchio, F., et. al., “Antibiotics After Rattlesnake Envenomation.” Journ of Emerg Med, 2002;23: 10 year retrospective chart review of chilren receiving ACP N = 50, children <13 years old 19 with immediate hypersensitivity reaction, no deaths

57 Antivenom Allergic Reactions Treatment: Stop antivenom infusion
Treat with antihistamines, steroids, epinephrine Consider restarting antivenom after reaction subsides Consider dilution (twofold) Consider slower rate Consider epinephrine drip (0.1µg/kg/min and titrated) Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

58 Pressure Dressings 1st study published in Lancet by Sutherland in Australia in 1979 Pressure dressings were applied after Elapid bites Theory: pressure dressings will impede lymphatic return to the central circulation and delay systemic toxicity Based on monkey trials and case reports, the method is considered to be effective after Elapid envenomation in Australia Studies have documented the ability of the pressure dressing to retard venom spread through tissue Due to its primarily local effect causing skin necrosis, the use of this technique after pit viper envenomation is questionable Currently recommendations are to keep the patient immobilized after placement of the dressing and to avoid removal of the dressing until definitive care and antivenom is available Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007. Norris, R.L., “Physicians and Lay People are Unable to Apply Pressure Immobilization Properly in a Simulated Snakebite Scenario.” Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 2005;16:16-21. Bush, S.P., et al, “Pressure Immobilization Delays Mortality and Increased Intracompartmental Pressure After Artificial Intramuscular Rattlesnake Envenomation in a Porcine Model.” Ann Emerg Med, 2004;44: German, B.T., et al, “Pressure Immobilization Bandages Delay Toxicity in a Porcine Model of Eastern Coral Snake (Micrurus fulvius fulvius) Envenomation.” Ann Emerg Med,2005;45:

59 Pressure Dressings Randomized unblinded controlled trial N = 10
German, B.T., et al, “Pressure Immobilization Bandages Delay Toxicity in a Porcine Model of Eastern Coral Snake (Micrurus fulvius fulvius) Envenomation.” Ann Emerg Med,2005;45: Randomized unblinded controlled trial N = 10 Leg Injected with 10 mg of eastern coral snake venom (lethal dose in humans 4-5 mg) Randomized to no treatment or compressive dressing Vital signs and quality of respiration measured Outcome measures: respiratory failure or survival to 8 hours, histologic change at envenomation site

60 Pressure Dressings German, B.T., et al, “Pressure Immobilization Bandages Delay Toxicity in a Porcine Model of Eastern Coral Snake (Micrurus fulvius fulvius) Envenomation.” Ann Emerg Med,2005;45: Results: no histologic changes seen at any envenomation sites, 4/5 pigs in treatment group survived to 8 hours as opposed to 0/5 pigs in the control group, mean time of survival in control group was 170±33 minutes, time of death of one treatment subject was 310 minutes Conclusion: Pressure immobilization should be considered after coral snake envenomation

61 Pressure Dressings German, B.T., et al, “Pressure Immobilization Bandages Delay Toxicity in a Porcine Model of Eastern Coral Snake (Micrurus fulvius fulvius) Envenomation.” Ann Emerg Med,2005;45:

62 Pressure Dressings Prospective randomized controlled study
Bush, S.P., et al, “Pressure Immobilization Delays Mortality and Increased Intracompartmental Pressure After Artificial Intramuscular Rattlesnake Envenomation in a Porcine Model.” Ann Emerg Med, 2004;44: Prospective randomized controlled study N = 20 ( 10 control, 10 treatment) Pigs injected in the leg with 20mg/kg of rattlesnake venom Outcome measures: time to death, leg circumference postmortem, intracompartmental pressure (before injection and after 2 hours)

63 Pressure Dressing Bush, S.P., et al, “Pressure Immobilization Delays Mortality and Increased Intracompartmental Pressure After Artificial Intramuscular Rattlesnake Envenomation in a Porcine Model.” Ann Emerg Med, 2004;44: Results: 100% mortality, median survival time greater in treatment group (36 minutes, 23% delay, P=0.0122), mean intracompartmental pressure was greater in the treatment group (43 mmHg, 95% CI 32 to 53) compared to the control group (24±5 mm Hg), mean circumference was greater in the control group (-4.8 cm, 95% CI -5.7 to -3.9) Conclusion: pressure immobilization cannot be recommended widely at this time for pit viper envenomation due to the increased risk of local tissue damage and significantly elevated compartmental pressures, therefore the risks and benefits of this treatment must be considered on a case by case bases

64 Pressure Dressings Australian pressure immobilization technique
Apply a broad pressure bandage over the bite site (now application at the most distal point of the bitten extremity recommended) Apply bandage as tightly as you would wrap a sprained ankle Extend the bandage as high as possible Apply a splint Bind splint as firmly to as much of the leg as possible Norris, R.L., “Physicians and Lay People are Unable to Apply Pressure Immobilization Properly in a Simulated Snakebite Scenario.” Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 2005;16:16-21.

65 Pressure Dressings Parameters for application based on a human radio-labeled mock venom model published in Australia in 1994 Achieve pressure under the wrap between 40 to 70 mmHg in the upper extremities and 55 to 70 mm Hg in the lower extremities Pressures outside these ranges enhanced venom spread Norris, R.L., “Physicians and Lay People are Unable to Apply Pressure Immobilization Properly in a Simulated Snakebite Scenario.” Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 2005;16:16-21.

66 Pressure Dressings 20 lay volunteers and 20 EM physicians
Norris, R.L., “Physicians and Lay People are Unable to Apply Pressure Immobilization Properly in a Simulated Snakebite Scenario.” Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 2005;16:16-21. 20 lay volunteers and 20 EM physicians Instructed in proper placement of Pressure Dressing Applied dressing five times Criteria for correct application: wrap beginning at bite site, entire extremity wrapped, splint or sling applied, pressures in appropriate range Pressures determined using pressure measuring device at simulated bite site EM physician: 13/100 applications were correct (17 at correct pressure) Lay Person: 5/100 applications were correct (14 at correct pressure) Conclusion: Appropriate pressure is the issue

67 Surgical Managment Incision/excision of bite site Fasciotomy
Digit dermotomy “There is no randomized controlled clinical study of surgical procedures versus appropriate use of antivenom for the treatment of snakebites in the United States” Hall, E.L. “Role of Surgical Intervention in the Management of Crotaline Snake Envenomation.” Ann Emerg Med.,2001;37:

68 Surgical Management Incision of the bite site No longer recommended
Initial recommendations based on animal studies Lacerated tendons, nerves, arteries and increased infection rates reported after incision attempts 20-30% dry bite rate, making incision unnecessary in roughly ¼ of cases Hall, E.L. “Role of Surgical Intervention in the Management of Crotaline Snake Envenomation.” Ann Emerg Med.,2001;37:

69 Surgical Managment Excision of bite site No longer recommended
Initial recommendations based on animal studies (dogs injected with radiolabeled venom) Human study: 54 patients who underwent “conservative” excision (“plug” of subcutaneous tissue excised down to the fascia + removal of all ecchymotic discolored tissue) had a 16% complication rate (i.e. osteomyelitis, loss of digit) Twice the complication rate of larger antivenom only trials Studies indicate difficulty in differentiating necrotic muscle fibers from viable fibers by visualization alone Hall, E.L. “Role of Surgical Intervention in the Management of Crotaline Snake Envenomation.” Ann Emerg Med.,2001;37:

70 Surgical Managment Fasciotomy
Recommended in the case of compartment syndrome refractory to antivenom with pressures consistently above mmHg The symptoms of the venom may mimic the symptoms of compartment syndrome The pressure MUST be measured High permanent functional loss after 12 hours at high pressure Hall, E.L. “Role of Surgical Intervention in the Management of Crotaline Snake Envenomation.” Ann Emerg Med.,2001;37:

71 Surgical Management Digit Dermotomy
Recommended in the case of an envenomated, tense, pale or cyanotic digit Procedure: longitudinal skin incision over the medial or lateral aspect of the digit extending from the web to the mid, distal phalanx Shallow incision Hemostat used to spread incision and avoid the neuromuscular bundle Healing by secondary intention Hall, E.L. “Role of Surgical Intervention in the Management of Crotaline Snake Envenomation.” Ann Emerg Med.,2001;37:

72 Venom Extraction First studies performed in Texas on dogs, published in 1927 Initial recommendations for incision and suction Later modified to include only suction Recent studies refute any form of suctioning Hall, E.L. “Role of Surgical Intervention in the Management of Crotaline Snake Envenomation.” Ann Emerg Med.,2001;37: Bush, S.P, et al, “Snakebite Suction Devices Don’t Remove Venom: They Just Suck.” Ann Emerg Med, 2004;43:

73 Venom Extraction Bush, S.P., et. al., “Effects of a Negative Pressure Venom Extraction Device (Extractor) on Local Tissue Injury after Artificial Rattlesnake Envenomation in a Porcine Model.” Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 2000;11: Prospective, randomized, controlled trial 10 pigs Injected with the same rattlesnake venom Leg circumference measured at 1,2,3,4,5,6,24,48,72 and 96 hours Extractor applied 3 minutes after injection and left in place for 30 minutes No significant difference in limb swelling when the suction was used when compared to controls 2 subjects had necrosis at the extractor site leading to tissue loss

74 Venom Extraction Alberts, M.B., et. al., “Suction for Venomous Snakebite: A study of Mock Venom Extraction in a Human Model.” Ann. Emerg Med., 2004;43: Prospective human trial Mock venom injected 1cm into the legs of 8 male volunteers using a 16 gauge, curved needle Sawyer Extractor applied after 3 minutes, left in place for 5 minutes, then repeated immediately for 10 minutes Radioactive counts measured and compared between the leg and the extracted blood Mean radioactivity found in the blood extracted was 0.04% of the envenomation load Post-extraction leg radioactivity count decreased by 2.0% A larger amount of radioactivity was measured in spontaneously oozing fluid than in the extracted fluid Conclusion: the extractor removed virtually no mock venom

75 Venom Extraction Rosen’s 5th ed. (2002) Tintinalli 6th ed. (2004)
“If the patient is seen within 15 minutes of the time of the bite, suction should be performed. The Sawyer Extractor is a suction device developed for snakebites” Tintinalli 6th ed. (2004) “First aid treatments such as suction and incision are dangerous and should not be used.” “The Sawyer Extractor (Sawyer Products) suction pump purportedly removes venom without incision; however, serious questions regarding its safety and efficacy have been raised.” Auerbach 5th ed. (2007) “At least three studies, done independently of each other and using different methodologies, arrived at the same conclusion-that the Extractor does not work for venomous snakebites and could make things worse”

76 Venom Extraction 7 year old male, 20 minutes after placement of a suction device for a copperhead bite Holstege, C.P., “Images in Emergency Medicine.” Ann Emerg Med., 2006;48:

77 Observation and Disposition
No envenomation evident & the snake was either nonvenomous or a pit viper 4-6 hour observation, follow up in 1-2 days Local pain & minimal edema & the snake was either nonvenomous or a pit viper 12 hour observation, discharge if pain and swelling improve and no systemic symptoms develop Moderate to severe envenomation by a pit viper ICU admission Coral snake, Mojave rattlesnake bite +/- symptoms Marx, et. al. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice 5th ed. Mosby, 2002.

78 Observation and Disposition
Swindle, G.M, et. al. “The Six Hour observation rule for Grade I Crotalid Envenomation: Is it Sufficient? Case Reports of Delayed Envenomation.” Journal of Wilderness Medicine, 1992; 3: Case Report 16 year old male bitten on left leg by a rattlesnake with initial pain at bite site Exam: two small wounds and a small contusion with tenderness but otherwise normal Observed for 6 hours No complaints or objective criteria at time of discharge to indicate envenomation (i.e. no swelling, normal labs, no systemic complaints) Returned 36 hours later with significant pain and swelling at bite site Patient states that his symptoms started <4 hours after discharge Successfully treated with antivenom

79 Observation and Disposition
Kitchens, C.S, et al, “Envenomation by the Eastern Coral Snake.” JAMA, 1987;258:1615 Case series of 39 victims of coral snake bites over a 12 year period No deaths reported Local swelling (40%), parasthesias (35%), nausea (30%) and vomiting (25%) were the most common findings Weakness in only 15% of cases and dyspnea in only 10% of cases Mean time to symptoms onset was 1 hour and 20 minutes with a range of 30 minutes to 13 hours

80 Observation and Disposition
Apparent dry bite by a pit viper Admit or observe for at least 8 hours Mild to moderate degree of envenomation by a pit viper Admission to regular hospital floor with close observation Severe envenomation by a pit viper with progressive findings despite antivenom, any degree of envenomation by a coral snake, anyone bitten in the head, neck or trunk by a pit viper ICU Admission Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007.

81 Summary There are various rules established to differentiate between venomous and nonvenomous snakes but the best rule is to avoid any questionable snake Pit vipers and coral snakes are the primary indigenous snakes in North America Coral snakes produce primarily nerve toxin whereas pit vipers produce both nerve and tissue toxins

82 Summary The patient history should include the events surrounding the envenomation, any history of allergies to horse or sheep products and any previous history of snake bites Exam should always include evaluation for compartment syndrome and frequent re-evaluation of the progression of swelling Laboratory evaluation should always include a coagulation profile

83 Summary Tetanus booster should be given if indicated
Post envenomation thrombocytopenia is often described and may not correct with blood product administration unless addition antivenom is given Anaphylaxis can occur secondary to the venom or the antivenom and should be treated accordingly Wound infections are uncommon and antibiotics should only be given if signs of infection are present

84 Summary Antivenoms are available for most coral snakes and all pit vipers indigenous to North America and all have documented effectiveness There are decision rules to aid the ED physician in determining severity of envenomation and amount of antivenom required The Pressure dressing method maybe effective in coral snake envenomation but may worsen outcomes in pit viper envenomations Fasciotomy and dermotomy are still acceptable surgical options for the treatment of snake envenomation

85 Summary Venom extraction is no longer recommended
All patients bitten by a coral snake or a mojave rattle snake require ICU admission Patients bitten by other pit vipers may either be admitted or observed for several hours dependent upon their clinical presentation

86 References Alberts, M.B., et. al., “Suction for Venomous Snakebite: A study of Mock Venom Extraction in a Human Model.” Ann. Emerg Med., 2004;43: Auerbach, P.S. Wilderness Medicine. Mosby, 2007. Bebarta, V., et al, “Effectiveness of Delayed Use of Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (ovine) Antivenom.” Journ of Toxicology, 2004;42: Boyer, L.V., et al, “Recurrence Phenomena After Immunoglobulin Therapy for Snake Envenomation: Part 2. Guidelines for Clinical Management with Crotaline Fab Antivenom.” Ann of Emerg Med,2001;37: Burch, J.M., et al, “The Treatment of Crotalid Envenomation without Antivenin.” Journal of Trauma, 1988;28:35-43. Bush, S.P., et. al., “Effects of a Negative Pressure Venom Extraction Device (Extractor) on Local Tissue Injury after Artificial Rattlesnake Envenomation in a Porcine Model.” Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 2000;11: Bush, S.P., et al, “Pressure Immobilization Delays Mortality and Increased Intracompartmental Pressure After Artificial Intramuscular Rattlesnake Envenomation in a Porcine Model.” Ann Emerg Med, 2004;44: Bush, S.P, et al, “Snakebite Suction Devies Don’t Remove Venom: They Just Suck.” Ann Emerg Med, 2004;43: Brooks, D.E., et. al. “Airway Compromise After First Rattlesnake Envenomation.” Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 2004; 15: Brubacher, J.R., et al, “Efficacy of Wyeth Polyvalent Antivenin use in the Pretreatment of Copperhead Envenomation in mice.” Wilderness and Environ Med, 1999;10: Corbett, S.W., et. al., “Most lay People can Correctly identify Indigenous Venomous Snakes.” Amer Journal Emerg Med.,2005;23: Dart, R.C., et al., “A Randomized Multicenter Trial of Crotaline Polyvalent Immune Fab (ovine) Antivenom for the Treatment for Crotaline Snakebite in the United States.” Arch Intern Med, 2001;161: Dart, R.C., et al., “Efficacy, Safety, and Use of Snake Antivenoms in the United States.” Ann of Emerg Med, 2001;37:

87 References Dart, R.C, Et al., “Validation of a severity Score for the Assessment of Crotalid Snakebite.” Ann Emerg Med, 1996;27: Davidson, T.M., “Sam Splint for Wrap and Immobilzation of Snakebite.” Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 2001;12: Gold, B.S., et. al., “Bites of Venomous Snakes.” NEJM, 2002;347: Gold, B.S., et al., “Refractory Thrombocytopenia Despite Treatment for Rattlesnake Envenomation.” N Engl J Med, 2004;350: German, B.T., et al, “Pressure Immobilization Bandages Delay Toxicity in a Porcine Model of Eastern Coral Snake (Micrurus fulvius fulvius) Envenomation.” Ann Emerg Med,2005;45: Hall, E.L. “Role of Surgical Intervention in the Management of Crotaline Snake Envenomation.” Ann Emerg Med.,2001;37: Holstege, C.P., “Images in Emergency Medicine.” Ann Emerg Med., 2006;48: Kitchens, C.S, et al, “Envenomation by the Eastern Coral Snake.” JAMA, 1987;258:1615 Lavonas, E.J, et al, “Initial Experience With Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (ovine) Antivenom in the Treatment of Copperhead Snakebite.” Ann of Emerg Med;43: LoVecchio, F., et. al., “Antibiotics After Rattlesnake Envenomation.” Journ of Emerg Med, 2002;23: LoVecchio, F., et. al. “Snakebite Envenomation in Children: a 10 year Retrospective Review.” Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 2001;12: Marx, et. al. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice 5th ed. Mosby, 2002. Norris, R.L, et al, “Apparent Coral Snake Envenomation in a Patient Without Visible Fang Marks.” Amer Journ Emerg Med, 1989;7: Norris, R.L., “Physicians and Lay People are Unable to Apply Pressure Immobilization Properly in a Simulated Snakebite Scenario.” Wilderness and Environmental Medicine, 2005;16:16-21.

88 References Offerman, S.R., et al., “Crotaline Fab Antivenom for the Treatment of Children with Rattlesnake Envenomation.” Pediatrics, 2002;110: Pizon, A.F., et al, “Safety and Efficacy of Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab in Pedatric Crotaline Envenomation.” Acad Emerg Med, 2007;14: Ruha, A. et al, “Initial Post marketing Experience With Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab for Treatment of Rattlesnake Envenomation.” Ann Emerg Med, 2002;39: Ryan, K.C., et. al. “Life-threatening Anaphylaxis Following Envenomation by two Different Species of Crotalidae.” Journal of Wilderness Medicine, 1994;5: Seifert, S.A., et. al., “Recurrence Phenomena After Immunoglobulin Therapy for Snake Envenomations: Part 1. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Immunoglobulin Antivenoms and Related Antibodies.” Ann Emerg Med., 2001;37: Stewart, M.E., et al., “First Aid Treatment of Poisonous Snakebite: Are Currently Recommended Procedurs Justified.” Ann Emerg Med, 1981;10: Swindle, G.M, et. al. “The Six Hour observation rule for Grade I Crotalid Envenomation: Is it Sufficient? Case Reports of Delayed Envenomation.” Journal of Wilderness Medicine, 1992; 3: Tintinalli. Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide. McGraw-Hill, 2004. Wingert, W.A., “Rattlesnake Bites in Southern California and Rationale for Recommended Treatment.” The Western Journal of Medicine, 1988;148:37-44.

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