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Healthy Living Patrick Boulet. Benefits of a healthy lifestyle.  Good health, both mental and physical, is crucial to a happy life style. This can be.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Living Patrick Boulet. Benefits of a healthy lifestyle.  Good health, both mental and physical, is crucial to a happy life style. This can be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Living Patrick Boulet

2 Benefits of a healthy lifestyle.  Good health, both mental and physical, is crucial to a happy life style. This can be achieved by maintaining a healthy diet, frequent stress management, and strong physical activity.

3 A Healthy diet  In accordance to Canada’s Food Guide, a male of the age of 18 should have:  8 servings of Fruits and vegetables.  7 servings of grain products.  3-4 servings of milk and alternatives.  3 servings of meat and alternatives. The best way to do this would be to spread all of these recommendations over three meals in any configuration provided that each meal incorporates all four food groups.

4 Stress management.  Stress can cause extreme strain on a person both mentally and physically. In order to prevent being affected by the stresses of day-to-day life, one could employ some very simple stress releasing activities.  Napping.  Often a simple break from thinking can help maintain strong focus and relieve the stress caused by confusion and exhaustion.  Reading/listening to music/daydreaming.  This break from routine and difficult tasks can relieve huge amounts stress, but its important not to let time get away from you.  Physical activity.  Nothing gets rid of stress like good old-fashion venting does. Wether it’s hitting the bag at the local gym, running through a park, or even just moving a big old stump around the yard, nothing beats this time-proven method of stress relief.

5 Physical Activity  Eating healthy and managing your stress isn’t quite enough for a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a physically fit is absolutely crucial to healthy living. Activities such as sports, running, swimming, and hiking maintain your body’s healthy operation, including things like:  A strong heart.  Good, unlaboured breathing.  A healthy, proud frame of mind and self image. All of these effects help produce a healthy lifestyle.

6 Quick Recap  Eating well and frequently is important for a good lifestyle. Ensuring that you eat all four food groups in the recommended amount will help your body maintain good functionality.  Stress manifests itself both mentaly and physicaly. Taking time every day for a break to enjoy the little things can keep stress away.  Physical activity is fundamental in life. Ensuring a reasonable amount of physical activity is preformed each day can keep your body strong and healthy.

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