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MATH 121 Spring 2015. correspondence your instructor: (Put your instructor’s name in subject line) Instructor will .

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Presentation on theme: "MATH 121 Spring 2015. correspondence your instructor: (Put your instructor’s name in subject line) Instructor will ."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATH 121 Spring 2015

2 Email correspondence Email your instructor: (Put your instructor’s name in subject line) Instructor will email you at your CRIMSON email address. Check this email account regularly! Your own CASIO fx-260 School version scientific calculator for use in class, on assignments, and on tests Non-graphing, non-programmable, non-cell phone Access Code for course software.

3  Your own scientific calculator ◦ For use in class, on assignments, and on tests ◦ For tests, ONLY the Casio fx-260 Solar School or the calculator available on the computer will be allowed. ◦ Using a different hand-held calculator on a test will be treated as academic misconduct.

4 Every student must have a MyLabsPlus access code. Comes packaged with the textbook or may be purchased separately. The code gives you access to an online textbook, video lectures, examples of assignments and many more useful tools to help you be successful in this course. There is a temporary access code that will be available to use for the first 21 days of school. If you are repeating Math 121 then you do not need to purchase a new access code. Just log into the software and Spring 2015 should be accessible. If you are having any problems, please get into the MTLC.

5 Course Grades Course Grades  Possible grades in this course are A, B, C, D, F, (+/-).  A grade of D or F will affect your GPA and you would need to retake the course.  The last day to withdraw from the course is Wednesday, March 25 th. There will be no withdrawals given after this date.

6  4 tests 40%  Final Exam 30%  Quizzes10%  Homework 9%  Study Plan10%  Class Meetings 1%  TOTAL 100% Students must earn a minimum of 70% by the end of the semester to successfully pass this course.

7  Regular class meetings will be every Tuesday and Thursday at the scheduled class time.  Class attendance will be recorded. ◦ Attention and participation (taking notes) required ◦ No cell phones or laptops out during class ◦ Must attend entire class

8  There will be homework assignments for each section and they will be graded. Homework assignments usually have around 15-20 questions.  Homework assignments can be worked until you have a 100. For every problem, you can select similar exercise and re- work that type of problem to get it correct. Everyone should have a 100 on every homework assignment. If you need help, come to the lab for assistance.  You can review homework anytime during the semester under the unofficial grade book in the software.  A minimum of 3 of your lowest homework grades will be automatically dropped at the end of the semester.

9 Quizzes  There will also be a quiz given after each section. Unlimited attempts are allowed on quizzes. The best score will be kept. Each quiz has approximately 10 questions.  You will be shown the correct answers on the quiz once it is graded.  You can only review the quiz immediately after it has been scored. So be sure to notice which questions you missed and why.  A minimum of 3 of your lowest quiz grades will be automatically dropped at the end of the semester.

10  The MML Study Plan is worth10% of your overall grade.  You can get access to the MML Study Plan by clicking on the “Study Plan” tab on the left side of the software.  The MML Study Plan will need to be completed by the end of the semester.

11  During the course of the semester your study plan will be updated after every quiz that you take. If you miss an important topic on a quiz, your study plan will show that you need to do extra work on those type of problems in order to improve in the course. So, please take every quiz seriously and do your very best!  Inside the study plan you will be able to work on the types of problems that you are having difficulty with. When you feel like you understand and have mastered these difficult areas you may take a short 3 problem quiz. If you are successful on the quiz, your study plan will then be updated showing this mastery.  The MML Study Plan will be individual and unique to just you!  This will be a great review tool before every test and the Final.

12 Math 121 test deadline days will be on Wednesdays, but you will choose what time to take the test on each deadline day. Test 1: Wednesday, February 4 th Test 2: Wednesday, February 25 th Test 3: Wednesday, March 25 th Test 4: Wednesday, April 25 th Comprehensive Final Exam: Monday, April 27 – Friday, May 1 (may choose day and time for Final Exam)

13  For Tests 1-4: registration begins at 8AM on 1/19 and ends at 5pm on 1/23  Final Exam: registration begins at 8am on 4/13 and ends at 5pm 4/20  This semester you will only register ONCE for all the tests. You need to look at your schedule, work, etc. and be certain that the test time you register for will work for all 4 tests!  Go to the MTLC website to register as in the past.  Failure to show up for a registered test time will result in a ZERO!

14  Missed homework or quiz deadline ◦ Score for incomplete HW or quiz = as completed at deadline ◦ Score for HW or quiz not started before deadline = 0 ◦ Will be considered in your 3 lowest drops at end.  Missed test ◦ If a test is missed for any reason, the zero score will be considered your lowest and will be replaced by the final exam score. There are no makeup tests. Please be aware that only one exam score will be replaced. ◦ Students who will miss any assignments due to official University business must make other arrangements beforehand.

15 The Math 121 Final Exam is REQUIRED. The Comprehensive Final Exam score may replace the lowest test score. Zero test grades due to academic misconduct will not be replaced.

16 Importance of Homework, Quizzes, Study Plan, & Attendance Average 80% or higher on ALL Passing rate94.2% Lower than 80% Passing rate 34.4%

17 Students can work in the software from home. Use the MyMathLab Browser Check in the software and install all necessary plug-ins (one time only). Homework and quizzes may be completed at home. Work ahead of deadlines to be safe. If you have any trouble, come to the MTLC right away to complete your assignments on time. Deadlines will not be extended because of home computer/internet issues. Tests must be completed in the MTLC.

18 Office of Disability Services 348-4285 Bring paperwork from ODS to your instructor and directly to the MTLC. Do this as soon as possible. Must be done each semester.

19  If you have any trouble with the software or finding your assignments, then you need to come by the MTLC during operating hours and let someone assist you.  Remember you cannot complete any assignments until you have entered your access code.

20 MTLC Information—B1 Tutwiler  Hours of Operation ◦ Monday – Thursday: 8:00am – 10:00pm ◦ Friday:8:00am – 4:45pm  Phone Number: 348 – 2592  Website:  EMAIL: Please put your instructor’s name in the subject box for email.

21 Common Rules for the MTLC The MTLC is a Math classroom. Be courteous and considerate of fellow students. Do not hesitate to ask questions if you need help. The instructors and tutors in the MTLC are there to help you!! Math work only. No food, drinks, tobacco products,cell phone use, loud music, profanity, or companions.

22 Center for Academic Success (Osband Hall) has many resources at your disposal: Go to Call 348-8854 with questions or problems

23  We are looking forward to your success in this course.  Work hard from the very beginning  Get help when you need it-do not wait  Please enjoy the semester!

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