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1 EVOLUTION MOBILE eMobile Building Platform Portable Mobile Applications.

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Presentation on theme: "1 EVOLUTION MOBILE eMobile Building Platform Portable Mobile Applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 EVOLUTION MOBILE eMobile Building Platform Portable Mobile Applications

2 2 Agenda What is Evolution?What is Evolution? Extending Evolution….eMobileExtending Evolution….eMobile Corona SDKCorona SDK BenefitsOf eMobileBenefitsOf eMobile eMobile Architecture - MVC & FrameworkeMobile Architecture - MVC & Framework DemoDemo

3 3 Evolution BravePoint's Application Evolution™ is a software development platform and methodology for companies who want to modernize their Progress® applications. Application Evolution allows you to deliver your applications in a browser, using rich Web 2.0 Ajax technology while reusing your existing server-side business logic. eMobile extends the platform eMobile extends the platform

4 4 Corona SDK The platform of choice for cross platform mobile app development. Over 200k developers worldwide developing mobile apps for all major platforms. Hybrid Approach - build once and deploy to many…..Android, iOS (Windows soon) ! 4

5 5 Lua LUA is a powerful, portable, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. LUA combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs. LUA is distributed in a small package and builds out-of-the-box in all platforms that have a standard C compiler. Runs on all flavors of Unix and Windows.distributed LUA IS FREE 5

6 6 Benefits of eMobile Use the same code-base and go cross-platform. Supports local storage An easy-to-learn language coupled with elegant APIs. Looks like ABL. Sidestep platform fragmentation – develop for iOS, Android, (Coming to Windows soon). 6

7 7 eMobile Architecture 7 MVC & Framework Corona

8 8 eMobile Architecture 8 Customer List RPC Request (GetCustomerOrderResults) Customer Info RPC Response APIs Local DB Edit Customer Info OnSave OnEdit RPC Request (writeData) JSON (DS) JSON (DS) RPC Engine

9 9 Model View Controller (MVC) Info Controller Info View Info View CustomerInfo Model CustomerInfo Model Here is the example of MVC in corona.

10 10 MVC Info Controller onEdit

11 11 MVC Info Controller InfoEdit View InfoEdit View

12 12 MVC Info Controller onSync CustomerInfo Model CustomerInfo Model RPC Server

13 13 MVC Info Controller Info View Info View CustomerInfo Model CustomerInfo Model

14 14 Benefits of MVC Productivity Maintainability Reusability Promote extensibility

15 15 eMobile Framework To Create a field object on the Info View is simple, just need to write one line of code using FieldView Framework.

16 16 eMobile Framework This a FieldView Class that using inplace action (inline editing). With our framework, the FieldView will auto-scroll the page for the keyboard as soon as the user touch on Phone field. By default, it is a text keyboard, however, you can also specify the input type to phone or number for the numeric keyboard.

17 17 eMobile Framework This a FieldView Class that using pick action. It’ll call the picker wheel as soon as the user touches the field. Also, the FieldView Class will automatically save the new value the local db after the user clicks Done. You just need to pass table, row, and column parameters.

18 18 eMobile Framework

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