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A Brief History of the Birth Control Movement in the United States 1837Charles Goodyear vulcanizes rubber 1848process patented to manufacture hollow rubber.

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Presentation on theme: "A Brief History of the Birth Control Movement in the United States 1837Charles Goodyear vulcanizes rubber 1848process patented to manufacture hollow rubber."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Brief History of the Birth Control Movement in the United States 1837Charles Goodyear vulcanizes rubber 1848process patented to manufacture hollow rubber articles Charles Goodyear

2 A Brief History of the Birth Control Movement in the United States 1860s“Purity Movement” develops in US New York Society for Suppression of Vice - President Anthony Comstock 1873Comstock Act passed by Congress

3 1883 Margaret Higgins (Sanger) born in Corning, NY 1900 Margaret marries William Sanger 1912-13Margaret Sanger involved in textile workers strikes

4 A Brief History of the Birth Control Movement in the United States 1914Margaret Sanger founds National Birth Control League -publishes The Woman Rebel, Family Limitation -charged with violation of Comstock Act -flees to Europe Ellis Sanger

5 1915  With financial help from Henry Havlock Ellis, Margaret Sanger continues to publish Family Limitation from abroad -10 million copies in circulation  Comstock poses as desperate husband to William Sanger  William mails him copy of Family Limitation  William arrested, refuses to give over information about Margaret

6 1916-1917  William goes to trial  NY Times publishes letters from Comstock  Comstock dies  Margaret returns to open the first birth control clinic in US  Clinic closed after 30 days  Margaret sues to re-open clinic

7 Margaret Sanger is shown with admiring supporters as she left Brooklyn Court of Special Sessions after her arraignment, January 4, 1917.

8 A Brief History of the Birth Control Movement in the United States 1918 Courts uphold closing of Sanger’s clinic, but recognize physicians’ right to prescribe contraceptives 1926 Sanger is a prime organizer of the first World Population Conference in Geneva

9 A Brief History of the Birth Control Movement in the United States - 1937  In U.S. v. One Package of Japanese Pessaries, court found that birth control could be no longer classified as obscene.  AMA recognizes birth control as a part of medical service

10 A Brief History of the Birth Control Movement in the United States 1942Margaret Sanger founds Birth Control Federation of America -later changes name to Planned Parenthood

11 A Brief History of the Birth Control Movement in the United States 1947 AMA American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology refuses to publish article on IUDs 1948 Planned Parenthood awards a small grant to Gregory Pincus, a research biologist to study the possible development of a birth control pill

12 A Brief History of the Birth Control Movement in the United States 1960s“The Pill” available in US 1965 In Griswold v. Connecticut Supreme Court invalidates state laws prohibiting physicians from providing contraception advice -upholds right to privacy Dr. G. Pincus

13 1970 Congress passes Title X Family Planning Program to ensure that the uninsured working poor women and teens who are not eligible for Medicaid have access to family planning and other reproductive health care services.

14 Health departments run most Title X- supported clinics Clinics with Title X funding (4,300) Table 12, p. 46

15 Public Funding for Family Planning (2010)

16 Public Funding for Family Planning 1980-2010 Medicaid Title X

17 Birth Control in the News March 23, 2010 - President Obama signed legislation to overhaul the nation’s health care system and guarantee access to medical insurance for tens of millions of Americans. Includes a mandate for employers to cover birth control. Opposed by Catholic Universities and Hospitals who employ many non-Catholics. Compromise proposed by Obama whereby insurance companies will pick up these costs. Is this an infringement of religious freedom?

18 February 16, 2012 congressional witnesses to discuss whether recent mandate that health insurance companies cover contraception hurt religious freedoms. A later panel contained 2 women


20 Women who consistently use contraception account for only 5% of unintended pregnancies

21 Unintended pregnancy is increasingly concentrated among poor & low-income women

22 Just say no

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