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Context-dependent Detection of Unusual Events in Videos by Geometric Analysis of Video Trajectories Longin Jan Latecki

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Presentation on theme: "Context-dependent Detection of Unusual Events in Videos by Geometric Analysis of Video Trajectories Longin Jan Latecki"— Presentation transcript:

1 Context-dependent Detection of Unusual Events in Videos by Geometric Analysis of Video Trajectories Longin Jan Latecki ( Computer and Information Sciences Temple University, Philadelphia Nilesh Ghubade and Xiangdong Wen (

2 Agenda  Introduction  Mapping of video to a trajectory  Relation: motion trajectory  video trajectory  Discrete curve evolution  Polygon simplification  Key frames  Unusual events in surveillance videos  Results

3 Main Tools  Mapping the video sequence to a polyline in a multi-dimensional space.  The automatic extraction of relevant frames from videos is based on polygon simplification by discrete curve evolution.

4 Mapping of video to a trajectory  Mapping of the image stream to a trajectory (polyline) in a feature space.  Representing each frame as: Bin0 ……… Bin n Frame 0 Frame N X-coord of the Bin’s centroid Bin’s Frequency Count Y-coord of the Bin’s centroid Bin n

5 Used in our experiments  Red-Green-Blue (rgb) Bins Each frame as a 24-bit color image (8 bit per color intensity): Each frame as a 24-bit color image (8 bit per color intensity): Bin 0 = color intensities from 0-31Bin 0 = color intensities from 0-31 Bin 1 = color intensities from 32-63Bin 1 = color intensities from 32-63 Bin 8 = color intensities from 224-255Bin 8 = color intensities from 224-255 Three attributes per bin: - Three attributes per bin: - Row of the bin’s centroidRow of the bin’s centroid Column of the bin’s centroidColumn of the bin’s centroid Frequency count of the bin.Frequency count of the bin. (8 bins per color level * 3 attributes/bin)*3 color levels = 72 feature (8 bins per color level * 3 attributes/bin)*3 color levels = 72 feature


7 Theoretical Results: Motion trajectory  Video trajectory Consider a video in which an object (a set of pixels) is moving on a uniform background. The object is visible in all frames and it is moving with a constant speed on a linear trajectory. Then the video trajectory in the feature space is a straight line. If n objects are moving with constant speeds on a linear trajectory, then the trajectory is a straight line in the feature space.

8 Consider a video in which an object (a set of pixels) is moving on a uniform background. Then the trajectory vectors are contained in the plane. If n objects are moving, then the dimension of the trajectory is at most 2n. If a new object suddenly appears in the movie, the dimension of the trajectory increases at least by 1 and at most by 3.

9 MovingDotMovieWithAdditionalDot.avi

10 Robust Rank Computation Using singular value decomposition, based on: C. Rao, A. Yilmaz, and M.Shah. View-Invariant Representation and Recognition of actions. Int. J. of Computer Vision 50, 2002. M. Seitz and C. R. Dyer. View-invariant analysis of cyclic motion. Int. J. of Computer Vision 16, 1997. We compute err in a window of 11 consecutive frames in our experiments.

11 MovingDotMovieWithAdditionalDot.avi

12 Interpolation of video trajectory MovingDotMovie_Clockwise.avi

13 MovingDotMovieWithAdditionalDot.avi

14 Polygon simplification Relevance RankingFrame Number 01 1100 995 9812 Frames with decreasing relevance

15 Discrete Curve Evolution P=P 0,..., P m P i+1 is obtained from P i by deleting the vertices of P i that have minimal relevance measure K(v, P i ) = K(u,v,w) = |d(u,v)+d(v,w)-d(u,w)| u v w u v w

16 Discrete Curve Evolution: Preservation of position, no blurring

17 Discrete Curve Evolution: robustness with respect to noise

18 Discrete Curve Evolution: extraction of linear segments

19 Key Frame Extraction

20 Key frames and rank Security1  Bins Matrix  Distance Matrix

21 err for seciurity1 video

22 M. S. Drew and J. Au:

23 Predictability of video parts: Local Curveness computation We divide the video polygonal curve P into parts T_i. For videos with 25 fps: T_i contains 25 frames. We apply discrete curve evolution to each T_i until three points remain: a, b, c. Curveness measure of T_i: C(T_i,P) = |d(a, b) + d(b, c) - d(a, c)| b is the most relevant frame in T_i and the first vertex of T_i+1

24 security7


26 err for seciurity7

27 2D projection by PCA of video trajectory for security7

28 Mov3



31 Mov3: Rustam waving his hand.  Bins Matrix Key frames = 1 378 52 142 253 235 148 31 155 167  Distance Matrix Key frames = 1 378 253 220 161 109 50 155 149 270

32 Hall_monitor


34 err for hall_monitor

35 Hall Monitor: 2 persons entering-exiting in a hall.  Bins Matrix Key frames = 1 300 35 240 221 215 265 241 278 280  Distance Matrix Key frames = 1 300 37 265 241 240 235 278 280 282

36 CameraAtLightSignal.avi

37 Multimodal Histogram Histogram of lena

38 Segmented Image Image after segmentation – we get a outline of her face, hat etc

39 Gray Scale Image - Multimodal Original Image of Lena

40 Thank you

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