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This presentation is done by IRC Common Home for Donor forum in Tiraspol May 23, 2013 Opinion and information in this presentation does not necessarily.

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Presentation on theme: "This presentation is done by IRC Common Home for Donor forum in Tiraspol May 23, 2013 Opinion and information in this presentation does not necessarily."— Presentation transcript:

1 This presentation is done by IRC Common Home for Donor forum in Tiraspol May 23, 2013 Opinion and information in this presentation does not necessarily express the official view of IRC Common Home and staff members, is done for demonstration purpose of event organized by OSCE in Tiraspol. Topic for Discussion: Peacebuilding by Transnistrian NGOs. Example of IRC Common Home. Spoke person: Dmitri Gavrilov, expert on Moldovan-Transnistrian NGO relations, founder of NGO IRC Common Home, Tiraspol. In this presentation not all NGOs are included because: - non every NGO was willing to share information for this topic - small Num. of NGO are dealing with peacebuilding activities on both sides of Dniester.

2 Peacebuilding activities b/w NGOs from Transnistria and Moldova

3 Overview of Current cooperation between TN and MD non-government organizations All big NGO’s has been created in 90’s and just a few this century. New NGO’s experience a HUGE competition with “old and strong” who do not like to share their profits and connections with Donors. At the moment there are almost no ongoing constant activities among NGO’s from Right and Left side except to for formal cooperation ordered by some donors. Moldovan NGO’s have lots of prejudices about professionalism of Transnistrian NGO’s.

4 Active cross-border events since 90s.. (sorry something might be missed on the list) From Transnistria to Moldova - World Window – active till mid 2000 - Mediator – only personal Expertise – now - New Age – only personal Expertise – now - IRC Common Home – organizing press- conferences in Chisinau and Tiraspol, actively working with Chisinau, Belti, Comrat and Cahul NGO’s; have strong partnership agreements; well known among donor community and Moldavian NGO sector in general. From Moldova to Transnistria - Center CONTACT – till 2010 with “old” Transnistrian NGOs - CREDO – till 2010 with grass-root leven NGOs and “old” - IDIS Viitorul – till now with IRC Common Home - APE – Transnistrian dialogues with “old” and strong NGO’s only. - OSCE – Model OSCE 2013 - Embassy of UK (summer/winter schools), Germany (Film fest), USA(grants till 2010, curently film fests). - UN agencies – close cooperation only with “old” NGO’s and local authorities.

5 Good practices across Dniester in Peacebuilding and reconciliation area. Transnistrian youth invited to participate in Summer / Winter schools organized on Right side of Dniester. Representatives of TN NGO’s participate in events taking place in Chisinau regularly.

6 Problems Prejudice from local administration about peacebuilding activities done by TN NGOs. Area is very much politicizes. Peacebulding is viewed by Donors and TN leadership artificially as political act not as civic engagement. Small Number of continued cooperation activities between NGOs from both sides of Dniester. Confidence building measures (UNDP) ask to have cross-border partners but do not stimulate creation of this partnerships. Non existing list of NGOs active in peacebuilding domain. No interest (from Donors) in innovative projects involving direct work with ordinary people on both sides. Technical issues with Bank transactions. NGOs make 2bl registration then face problems with TN authorities. Active wiliness of NGOs to cooperate before submission of Application for funding's and silence after the Deadline. Ignorance towards local reality in TN by donor organizations and partner NGOs from MD. NGOs driven by Donors priorities Big Transnistrian NGO’s do not have web sites and do not publish financial reports online (Except for IRC Common Home).

7 Recommendations for Donors working in Peacebuilding domain In Confidence building measures programs the MUST BE REAL partnerships created with strong visible continuation in every funded project. Donors are advised to consider the Transnistrian reality and specific for “young” NGO’s. May be there is no need to ask for innovation if the fear of facing challenges is still strong. Better to specify the level of innovation allowed before NGO submit application. Pay attention not only to “old and strong” NGOs but consider the potential of “young” NGO’s. Check the background of “young” NGOs, make sure they are not “clones” of “old and strong” NGOs. Visit funded NGO’s every 2 month, give advises and take care of problems. If project proposal is refused – explanation can be done properly not formally.

8 Recommendations for Transnistrian NGO’s active in Peacebuilding activities Make yourself visible to public and other NGO’s working in this domain. The price for 15 min press-conference is 200 DML (coffee- breaks cost more and have less impact) Make results of your work visible not only for Donors but other NGO’s, beneficiaries and local authorities. Build your own web site, page on Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki. Be Open for World. Request Donors to advise and share good practices Organize joint tours and activities out side of MD and TN for partner NGO’s. Involve Youth from both sides to avoid the image of unipolar organization. Develop dialogue with Business sector Get access to 5+2 format to lobby interest of civil society

9 Thank you for Attention and time! Ones more I would like to mention that IRC Common Home is NON- political, NON-partisan and NON-profit organization based in Tiraspol. Our target group is Youth and non-governmental organizations as well as initiative groups on both sides of river Dniester. The issue described above is targeting non-profit sector and does NOT reflect/ interfere or duplicate the political activities in similar domains. IRC Common Home does not have its own office and organizes activities in flat-based office in Tiraspol. We welcome all possible donations.

10 Find IRC Common Home Information about ongoing projects, financial reports and strategic plan can be found on our web site Youtube channel : to find our press-conferences and statements. Youtube channel Facebook page Address: str.Lenina 28/58, Tiraspol, MD-3300 Tel: +37353381967; +37368188352; +37377757005 E-mail:

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