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Total Admitted: 3660 In-State Students: 1854 Out-of-State Students: 1806 Female Students:1258 Male Students: 2402 White: 2879 International Students: 483.

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Presentation on theme: "Total Admitted: 3660 In-State Students: 1854 Out-of-State Students: 1806 Female Students:1258 Male Students: 2402 White: 2879 International Students: 483."— Presentation transcript:

1 Total Admitted: 3660 In-State Students: 1854 Out-of-State Students: 1806 Female Students:1258 Male Students: 2402 White: 2879 International Students: 483 African American: 71 Hispanic: 48 American Indian or Alaskan Native: 3 Other American: 41 Asian: 178 Gay/Lesbian: 2+

2 The Business school, originally called the School of Commerce & Finance, was established in 1920 with its first graduating class of 21 students in 1921. Last spring we graduated 883. Originally located in what is now Rawles Hall on 3rd Street, the Business School was moved to Woodburn Hall in the late 1930’s (which now houses the Political Science department). We moved to our current building in 1966.

3 There have been 8 Deans (Herman B Wells who passed away in the year 2000 at the age of 97), and our current Dean, Dan Dalton. In October, 1997, E.W. Kelley gave a gift which will total 23 million to be used solely for scholarships... hence the name, Kelley School of Business We have over 77,000 living alumni. Herman B Wells

4 Undergraduate Program Student Honor Code As students taking classes within the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, we believe the best academic environment is one that holds personal integrity and honesty in the highest regard. To foster such an atmosphere, the undergraduate students at the Kelley School of Business have established an Honor Code. In creating this honor code, students are willing to hold not only themselves but also their peers to this fundamental set of principles. This Code endorses values that all students should strive to live by: honesty, responsibility and ethical behavior.

5 Applications to the Kelley School of Business –Accepted twice a year. For Fall accepted from February 1 to April 1. For Spring accepted from September 1 to November 1. Applications are available on the If you have any problems submitting your applications, please call 855-8066 or e-mail for help. Students must complete 26 hours of college-level work and admission coursework in order to be eligible to apply for admission. All students who are applying to Business for the first time are eligible to apply under Option I guidelines. Students who are reapplying after being denied admission must apply under Option II guidelines.

6 Admission Committee Evaluations –The Admission Committee wants to see consistent 3.0 Semester GPAs and consistent course grades of B or better across Bus and NonBus courses. –Factors such as extracurricular activities, community service, work experience and optional letters of recommendation are also considered, but are of less importance than academic performance factors. –Please remember the Admissions Committee reviews each application looking for evidence of strong, consistent academic performance as detailed above. The Committee evaluates the following factors: Grade Trends or Patterns, Cumulative GPA, Application Semester GPA, Admission Course GPA.

7 I-Core Prerequisites: Minimum Grade of C Required Eng W131 Cmcl C121 Econ E201 Bus X204 Bus K201 Econ E202 Bus X220 Bus L201 Econ E370 Bus A100 Bus A201 Math M118 Bus A202 Bus X201 Math M119 All Prerequisites must be successfully completed prior to first day of classes. Prerequisites will be enforced at registration and periodically thereafter.

8 I-Core Authorization I-Core Authorization Applications open Feb. 15th and close Mar. 15th I-Core Authorization Applications can be found at Only those who have completed an I-Core Authorization Application by Mar. 15th will be able to register for Fall I-Core. Those who miss the deadline will register late and may end up on the waitlist or in the least desirable schedules. If you plan to take I-Core next Fall, you will need to successfully complete the 15 prerequisite courses and complete the I-Core Authorization Application by Mar. 15. Only students admitted by January 1, 2003 are eligible to take Summer I-Core. All prereq courses must be completed by August 18th for those taking Fall I- Core. Questions? E-mail them to:

9 General Guidelines and Suggestions We expect you to be responsible for knowing your degree requirements (this includes general education and business course work), KSB policies, etc. Information is available from two key sources: Kelley School of Business Bulletin KSB Student Handbook

10 General Guidelines and Suggestions (continued) It is recommended that you meet with an Academic Advisor EVERY SEMESTER! –Degree requirements and scheduling –KSB policies, prerequisites, general education requirements, etc. Minimum grades have been established as prerequisites for many business courses. Since policies change, do not rely on friends for information, but do consult your advisor every semester. Waitlist! Business Students should waitlist any BUS course they want which is closed at the time of registration. Every attempt will be made to satisfy all requests in which student waitlist “any available section”.

11 General Guidelines and Suggestions (continued) Degree seeking IUB business students must complete their 300/400 level business courses on the Bloomington campus. The last 30 credit hours must be taken at IUB. Read your E-mail regularly. The Kelley School corresponds with students via email to update information about requirements, filing for graduation, applying for scholarships.


13 Some Gentle Reminders The deadline for withdrawal from a full semester course with an automatic W on your transcript is March 12 You must apply for ICore. You must apply for graduation.

14 The Kelley School of Business sponsors the following international opportunities. -Mikkeli, Finland (summer) -Maastricht, Netherlands (spring and summer) -Copenhagen, Denmark ( fall, spring, and summer) -Reutlingen, Germany (fall) -Rouen, France (fall and spring) -Manchester, UK (spring) -Hong Kong (fall and spring) -Monterrey, Mexico (spring) - NEW! Barcelona and Seville, Spain (depending on ability)

15 Summer internships are available in Pforzheim and Nurnberg, Germany and in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The Kelley School of Business and ESB Reutlingen, Germany offer qualified students the opportunity to obtain two undergraduate degrees one from IU and one from Germany. Three years of college level German is required. ------------------------------------------- Earn an IU BS in Business and a Master in International Business with the Extended Degree Program at the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands. ------------------------------- For more information:

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