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Boston University College of Fine Arts Dean’s Advisory Board Meeting Thursday, March 4, 2010 New York City.

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1 Boston University College of Fine Arts Dean’s Advisory Board Meeting Thursday, March 4, 2010 New York City

2 Agenda  InCite Arts Festival  Capital Campaign Update  2010 Strategic Plan  New Engagement Opportunities  Advanced Internet Media Studies Program

3 InCite Arts Festival  March 5: Reunited / BU Alumni Exhibition  At Denise Bibro Fine Art  5 pm gallery talk/tour w/ profs, 6 pm reception  March 6: Mondeverdi Vespers / Boston Baroque  At Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, 8 pm  March 7: diventare / BU New Play Initiative  At New World Stages, 3 pm

4 InCite Arts Festival  March 7: Antigone / BU Opera Institute  At New World Stages, 7 pm  March 8: Design & Production Exhibition  At New World Stages, 2-6 pm  6 pm ceremony will honor three D&P alumni  March 8: Performance Showcase  At New World Stages, 3 pm and 7 pm  Post-show reception at Time Out Lounge, 8 pm

5 InCite Satellite Events  Cross-promotion with COM, MED, NYC Alums  March 4: “I Remember Better When I Paint”  Film screening hosted by BU Medical School illustrating positive impact of art on Alzheimer’s patients  At Tribeca Cinemas, 6 pm  March 5: School of Theology Seminary Singers  At Bethany United Methodist Church in Brooklyn, 7 pm

6 InCite Satellite Events  March 6: Private Tours of Metropolitan Opera  Back stage tours arranged and hosted by David Kneuss  Special opportunity offered to BU donors and arts patrons  March 10: The Redstones NYC  “Best of” student film festival  At Viacom screening room, 7 pm  March 12: Paul Taylor Dance Company  Annual BU Alumni Night cross-promotion

7 InCite Arts Festival  New for NYC 2010  Funding approved by central university; caveat InCite must serve alumni and development goals  Improved on-campus awareness  Creation of “Satellite Events”  Strategy to promote to NYC-area high schools

8 Capital Campaign Update  Closing in on Phase 1.1 goal of $7.5M  $1M pledge commitment finalized (third to campaign) and another practice studio named in December 2009  23 outstanding practice studio asks totaling $500,000  Continue two-tiered approach of building long-term base, but also fundraising aggressively to achieve immediate goal

9 Capital Campaign Update  CFA Annual Funds  Alumni officer loss in central staff restructure, but share new hire devoted to COM and CFA Annual Funds  $159,312 as of 1/31/10 vs. $137,318 as of 1/31/09  2010 Annual Fund Challenge Donor: NY Trustee Richard Cohen, hope to repeat last year’s success of Feltenstein Challenge

10 Capital Campaign Update  2009/10 University support unprecedented  Giving has increased 8.3 percent overall (up 12 percent from individual donors--alumni, parents, friends)  Received three $10M commitments in 2009 (prior to ’09, one $10M gift in history of BU)  Most peer institutions reporting decreases in donor contributions; BU community saying “we’re with you”

11 Capital Campaign Update  BU Endowment  Healthy, experiencing strong recovery  June 30, 2009, 21 percent drop to $930M  December 31, 2010, $1.02B – down only 13 percent from lowest point; again outpacing peer institutions  Donors are making incremental difference in the health and life of BU, adding new dollars rather than replacing those lost in economic downturn

12 2010 Strategic Plan  Foundation of 2006 Plan remains constant:  Provide safe, clean, sufficient and effective facilities  Dynamic, evolving curricula, covering new theories and technologies and non-Western approaches  Financial ability to offer competitive financial aid to students and salaries to faculty  Continued development of Schools’ collaboration w/ one another, as well as with BU and global art world beyond

13 2010 Strategic Plan  2010 Common threads:  Schools are in perpetual state of “strategic planning,” self-evaluation and goal-setting  Opportunity to engage faculty in the conversation and progress of the School  College plans due to central admin April 1, will inform goals for University-wide comprehensive campaign  What do we hope CFA will look like in 10 years?

14 2010 Strategic Plan  Questions we are exploring, based on new University priorities:  Who are our current competitors, and what are their strengths and weaknesses compared to ours?  How does the traditional undergraduate conservatory model fit w/ University vision of broad-based liberal arts education?

15 2010 Strategic Plan  Questions we are exploring, based on new University priorities:  How might we participate in a strategic and meaningful way in BU global initiatives (including helping CFA students to be better able to study abroad w/in context of demanding performance and studio requirements)?  How do we mentor our teachers and performers (who have outstanding professional reputations) within the context of the unique academic culture and create accepted faculty protocols for recognition and promotion?

16 2010 Strategic Plan  Questions we are exploring, based on new University priorities:  How can we best utilize our physical resources and maximize CFA facilities – now through completion of capital renovation plans?  How can central CFA resources – the Offices of Enrollment, External Relations, Finance/HR, and Development/Alumni Relations – best support School-based priorities and also advance the greater CFA-wide mission and goals?

17 New Engagement Opportunities  Formation of Academic Outreach Committee  Created in Fall 2010  Faculty across campus invited by CFA to participate in brainstorming and strategies for collaborative arts programming, promotion and outreach  Examples: A Question of Mercy / Medical School and Cosi Fan Tutte / CAS CORE and 12 Angry Men / SMG

18 New Engagement Opportunities  Celebrating CFA Faculty  Joe Gifford 90 th Birthday / Aurora Borealis  Joel Sheveloff / April 6 Symphony Hall pre-concert lecture  Phyllis Curtin / Susannah / April 15-18  Roman Totenberg / 100 th Birthday / Symphony Hall celebration/dedication in November 2010

19 New Engagement Opportunities  Connecting Students and Alumni  Grace Bumbry, Opera Institute Master Class  Kelly Kaduce, Opera Institute Master Class  Boston Young Alumni Panel, School of Theatre  New York Young Alumni Panel, School of Theatre

20 New Engagement Opportunities  Connecting Students and Alumni  New York Agency Tours, School of Visual Arts Frank Ginsberg - Avrett, Free, Ginsberg Gael Towey - Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia  Los Angeles Networking Trip, School of Theatre  2010/11 student government rep w/ focus on student-alumni professional development efforts

21 New Engagement Opportunities  Global Initiatives  John Walker establishing new painting program in China  Boaz Sharon pursuing collaborative opportunities with China and spring DMA student exchange  Artists from South Korea (SOM), Spain (SOM) and South Africa (SVA) invited by CFA faculty to perform/exhibit at CFA  Boston Stands with Haiti: BU-wide student-driven fundraiser, 35 musicians performing and SVA students donated their works for silent auction; CFA students proud of presence and participation

22 Advanced Internet Media Studies Brian Cohen Founder/President iFluence PR Company

23 Next meeting Tuesday, May 18, 10 am Virtual Conference Call ***final DAB meeting of 2009/10 academic year***

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