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Gator Guided Tour Presented by: Louis Cheung, Sebastian Ruiz, and Supachot Suriyachai.

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Presentation on theme: "Gator Guided Tour Presented by: Louis Cheung, Sebastian Ruiz, and Supachot Suriyachai."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gator Guided Tour Presented by: Louis Cheung, Sebastian Ruiz, and Supachot Suriyachai

2 Introduction  Primary Purpose: Aid new UF students in the navigation of UF campus during the UF Preview Tour.  Product features are divided into two categories: core features and additional features.

3 Introduction  Core Features Campus Map Building Information GPS UF Preview Tour Current Events  Additional Features User Specified Tours

4 Introduction  Major Constraints 1 month to complete development, testing, and further documentation Team has little experience with android platform

5 Data Design


7 Architectural and Component- Level Design  Three Control classes  LocationManager: stores all Location objects. Contains array of location objects, a pointers to images for buildings, and a pointer to current location  MapManager: represents and manages map, and contains info of a map  EventManager: management of database of events stored. Retrieves relevant events in specified buildings. methods: getEvents, setEvents, printEvents, alterEvents, removeEvent, sortEvents, findEvent

8 User Interface Design  ADT plug-in for Eclipse.  View package provides basic classes and widgets for layout and interaction.  MotionEvents and ScaleGestureDetector provide a methods for detecting and handling touch-screen gestures.  KeyEvent will be used to dispatch key and button events

9 User Interface Design  Ben Shneiderman’s “Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design” Strive for consistency. Offer informative feedback. ○ For frequent and minor actions, the response can be modest, while for infrequent and major actions, the response should be more substantial. Design dialog to yield closure. ○ Sequences of actions should be organized into groups with a beginning, middle, and end.

10 User Interface Design

11 Restrictions, Limitations, and Constraints  Two of these are restrictions that are imposed externally.  Reliance on published and finalized information from the University of Florida.  Information withheld by UF  Heavy reliance on Google Map API’s continued support on keeping these as open sources.  Our software and what it can achieve is constrained by the accuracy of the GPS hardware in the user's mobile device.

12 Testing Issues  The following methods are put to test: location(), search(), nextLocation(), withinRange(), getText(),getImg(), and research()  Location class  Upon query, the input for the manager class will provide the respective information.  Research class provides the ability to read in script files in order to initialize the manager class.  The location class contains the point of interests.  The research class also is depended on by the manager class

13 Questions? Sources:

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