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NexDimension Presents: KnowledgeSync “Turning Information Into Action” “Turning Information Into Action”

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1 nexDimension Presents: KnowledgeSync “Turning Information Into Action” “Turning Information Into Action”

2 Sending Alerts About Critical Application Data Sending Alerts About Critical Application Data Auto-Processing Incoming E-Mail Messages Auto-Processing Incoming E-Mail Messages Generating & Distributing Crystal Reports Generating & Distributing Crystal Reports KnowledgeSync delivers this data via e-mail, fax, pager, PDA, FTP, cell phone, and the web. KnowledgeSync KnowledgeSync monitors, delivers, and responds to 100% of an organization’s available data. This includes: Today’s “alert messaging” technologies address less than 15% of the available data within an organization.

3 »Alert remote salesreps who don’t sync on a timely basis »Notify clients or business partners about stock shortages or delivery delays »Automatically schedule salesrep activities based on database events or based on incoming e-mail messages »Update client history with incoming mail message content »Trigger the automatic generation and distribution of Crystal Reports based upon customer activities »Enable remote staff, clients, and business partners to request and receive reports via e-mail or the web KnowledgeSync Lets Clients...

4 Tour Menu Alert Messaging Benefits (click here) Please select the component of KnowledgeSync that you would like to see next: Report Distribution Demo (click here) E-Mail Response Demo (click here) Alert Messaging Demo (click here) Report Distribution Benefits (click here) E-Mail Response Benefits (click here) Exit Presentation

5 Alert Messaging KnowledgeSync monitors software applications for critical, time-sensitive business “events.” Once an event is detected, KnowledgeSync sends out alert messages to users, clients, and business partners via e-mail, fax, pager, PDA, cellular phone, and web browser. KnowledgeSync also updates the underlying applications with the details of the event. Go Back to Tour Menu

6 Go Back to Tour Menu

7 Benefit: Application Awareness Benefit: Application Awareness Alerts based on conditions in one application, or across multiple applications Alerts based on conditions in one application, or across multiple applications For Example: Alert the account manager to clients with pending sales opportunities who have not been contacted in over a week Alert the sales manager to clients with pending sales opportunities in a CRM application who are on credit hold in a financial application Go Back to Tour Menu

8 Benefit: One-to-One Marketing Benefit: One-to-One Marketing Notify staff and clients about incremental products or services they may be interested in Notify staff and clients about incremental products or services they may be interested in For Example: Alert existing clients in the financial industry who have purchased our Fixed Assets application that the new advanced depreciation module is now available for purchase Go Back to Tour Menu

9 Benefit: Exception Management Benefit: Exception Management Alert users and managers about erroneous, missing, or inconsistent data entry Alert users and managers about erroneous, missing, or inconsistent data entry For Example: Alert employees and/or management about invalid e-mail addresses, invalid phone numbers, missing notes about an upcoming appointment, or product pricing errors Go Back to Tour Menu

10 Benefit: Business Partner Alerts Benefit: Business Partner Alerts Notify business partners about client activities that may indicate potential problems or opportunities Notify business partners about client activities that may indicate potential problems or opportunities For Example: Alert a business partner if a client is failing to correctly enter data into their newly purchased application, or if the client is using an application module that they have yet to receive training on Go Back to Tour Menu

11 Benefit: Application Updates Benefit: Application Updates Automatically update CRM or financial applications with the details of a triggered event (including the dynamic creation of follow-up activities) Automatically update CRM or financial applications with the details of a triggered event (including the dynamic creation of follow-up activities) For Example: If a client has not been contacted in ‘x’ number of days, automatically send out an alert, record the alert to the client’s history (in the underlying CRM application), and dynamically schedule a follow-up call for that client (also in the CRM database) End of Alert Messaging Benefits; Click Here to Go Back to Tour Menu

12 2) In KnowledgeSync, these “conditions” are referred to as “queries.” Click on the “Query Definitions” branch to continue... Go Back to Tour Menu 1) KnowledgeSync can send alerts about critical, time-sensitive conditions in any front-office or back-office application. The list on the right shows sample events (alert scenarios). The first step when creating an event is to identify the conditions that have to occur to trigger the event.

13 Demo: Event Queries 2) Click on the query called “Orders; Shipped Later Than Required Date” to take a closer look at it... Go Back to Tour Menu 1) Queries can check for conditions of individual records (such as orders that were shipped late), or they can check for “aggregate” conditions (such as customers who ordered more than ‘x’ dollars last month).

14 Demo: Event Queries Go Back to Tour Menu 2) Click on any of the tabs to take a closer look at how a query is designed... 1) When designing a query, the first thing you specify is the query’s name and whether it can be used in an event.

15 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu KnowledgeSync automatically displays all of the tables from the corresponding application. You select which tables contain the information you wish to test for certain conditions.

16 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu If multiple tables are selected, KnowledgeSync’s “intelligent linking wizard” helps you link (or join) the tables together.

17 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu The “Columns” tab is where you select the fields of data that you might wish to include in an outgoing alert message when this query’s conditions are met.

18 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu Since a query can potentially retrieve multiple records, you have the ability to specify the order in which matching records will be displayed in an alert message.

19 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu The “Filters” tab is the most important part of a query. It is where you specify what conditions have to occur in order for the query to be “triggered.” KnowledgeSync filters can test the value in a field against: -- The value in another field -- A constant value -- The calculated value of two or more fields And any filter with a “Compare Value” of ‘?’ indicates that the value for this field will be specified on the event level (I.e., when this query is used within an event).

20 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu “Sub-Filters” work in the same manner as filters, but sub-filters are used only with queries that test for an aggregate value (such as “more than 6 late shipments”). Since this query does not test for any aggregate values, this filter is left blank.

21 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu The “SQL” tab lets you see what KnowledgeSync is doing behind the scenes in this query. Although it is not necessary to use this tab, more advanced users are allowed to directly edit this SQL statement, if they wish to do so.

22 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it 2) Click Here to continue and see how a query is used in an event. Go Back to Tour Menu 1) The “Preview” tab lets you test the results of your query. This is a very useful way of ensuring that your query retrieves only the records you want it to.

23 Go Back to Tour Menu 2) Click on the event called: “Orders; Freight Charges > 7% of Order Total for Last Week” 1) Queries are kept separate from events so that a single query can be used in multiple events. Once you have designed a query, you’re now ready to create an event using that query.

24 Demo: Event Queries Click on any of the tabs to take a closer look at how an event is designed... Go Back to Tour Menu The first part of designing an event is to give it a name and priority, and mark it as “Active.” When an event is triggered, KnowledgeSync can either send a single alert message out, or it can send repeated alert messages until the corresponding condition no longer exists.

25 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu 1) A KnowledgeSync event can be triggered either through the use of one (or more) queries, or through the use of a script. 2) If a query is used, any of the query’s filters that have a ‘?’ as a “Compare Value” now appear here, and require that specific trigger threshold values be keyed in.

26 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu When an event is triggered, in addition to sending out alert messages, KnowledgeSync can also automatically generate one or more Crystal Reports and attach these reports to the outgoing alert message.

27 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu The “Files” tab allows you to specify that one or more files will be attached to the outgoing alert message when this event is triggered.

28 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu Among KnowledgeSync’s message delivery options is the ability to copy files and/or reports to a specific location (based on each recipient’s preference).

29 Demo: Event Queries Click Here to display sample e-mail alert Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu Designing the outgoing alert message is a simple process of combining your own text with field values from the corresponding triggered records. Note that the use of “Begin Repeat” and “End Repeat” allow a single alert to include (or “roll up”) the details of multiple triggered records in a single message.

30 Click Here to Return to E-Mail tab Go Back to Tour Menu This one alert message was triggered by conditions in both a CRM application and in a financial system. The alert message contains data from both application databases.

31 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu KnowledgeSync includes its own faxing technology so there’s no need for a client to purchase any additional hardware or software to send fax alerts.

32 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu Just like faxing, KnowledgeSync includes its own paging technology, so there’s no incremental cost to clients if they wish to send alerts to a pager.

33 Demo: Event Queries Click Here to display sample WebCast Alert Screen Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu Webcasting is unique to KnowledgeSync; it allows you to post critical alert messages to a web browser for dynamic, easy access by users, business partners, or customers.

34 Demo: Event Queries Click Here to Return to WebCast tab Go Back to Tour Menu

35 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu When an event is triggered, KnowledgeSync can do more than just send an alert message. Using actions such as these, KnowledgeSync can add or update any records in any front-office or back-office application.

36 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu KnowledgeSync can notify any number of users, business partners, or customers. Subscribers (alert recipients) can be set up within KnowledgeSync, they can be imported into KnowledgeSync, or KnowledgeSync can simply “point to” an external database of subscriber data (such as an HR database).

37 Demo: Event Queries 2) Click here to continue and see how a “triggered event” appears in the KnowledgeSync Monitor Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu 1) Events are scheduled to run on a re-occurring basis. Events can be submitted as frequently as every minute or hour, and as infrequently as every day, once per week, the first day of the month, and so on.

38 2) End of Alert Messaging Demo; Click Here to Go Back to Tour Menu 1) The KnowledgeSync Event Monitor is the “dashboard” where you can see everything that’s happened: what events have been checked, what have been triggered, who’s been notified, via what means, and when.

39 Report Distribution KnowledgeSync automatically generates and distributes Crystal Reports on a scheduled, “data-triggered”, or on-request basis. Reports can be distributed via e-mail, fax, FTP, and web browser. Go Back to Tour Menu

40 Go Back to Tour Menu

41 Benefit: Scheduled Reports Benefit: Scheduled Reports Automatically generate and distribute specific Crystal Reports on a pre-defined schedule Automatically generate and distribute specific Crystal Reports on a pre-defined schedule For Example: Every Monday morning at 9:00 AM, generate and distribute the Sales Forecast Reports and Last Week’s Service Statistics Reports Go Back to Tour Menu

42 Benefit: Data-Triggered Reports Benefit: Data-Triggered Reports Automatically generate and distribute specific Crystal Reports based on the presence of specific data in one or more applications Automatically generate and distribute specific Crystal Reports based on the presence of specific data in one or more applications For Example: When more than ‘x’ training requests are logged into an application, automatically generate and distribute a Training Resource and Scheduling Availability Report Go Back to Tour Menu

43 Benefit: On-Request Reports Benefit: On-Request Reports Allow staff, clients, and business partners to automatically request and receive specific Crystal Reports via e-mail Allow staff, clients, and business partners to automatically request and receive specific Crystal Reports via e-mail For Example: A manager who is on the road sends a mail message requesting this week’s sales figures and training availability and automatically receives a return e- mail with the corresponding reports attached to the message End of Report Distribution Benefits; Click Here to Go Back to Tour Menu

44 2) Click on the “Training Course Availability Report” to continue... Go Back to Tour Menu 1) KnowledgeSync can generate and distribute Crystal Reports via e-mail, fax, FTP, and by linking the reports to a web page. The list on the right shows sample reports that KnowledgeSync can generate and distribute. The first step when creating a report distribution event is to define the report’s source file.

45 Go Back to Tour Menu 2) Click Here to see how this report can be attached to an event... 1) Integrating KnowledgeSync with Crystal Reports is simply a matter of “pointing” KnowledgeSync at the Crystal Reports you wish it to generate and distribute.

46 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it In this example, we’re looking at a report that gets generated if more than 20 people sign up for a CRM training course this month.

47 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it As you can see from these “Trigger Parameters,” one of the unique benefits of KnowledgeSync is its ability to generate Crystal Reports based on specific conditions of data in an underlying application.

48 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it KnowledgeSync has the ability to “pass” information about a triggered event into the corresponding Crystal Reports as report selection criteria.

49 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it In addition to generating and distributing reports, KnowledgeSync can also attach external files and include them with the corresponding reports.

50 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it For people who wish to receive reports and files via FTP, KnowledgeSync allows you to indicate that the related reports and files will be copied to each recipient’s desired location.

51 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it One of the most common ways for KnowledgeSync to distribute reports is via e-mail. KnowledgeSync can either attach reports to an e-mail message, or KnowledgeSync can simply use the mail message to inform the recipient of the availability (and location) of the resulting reports.

52 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it Supporting all of Crystal’s report output styles, KnowledgeSync allows text-based reports to be faxed to the appropriate recipients.

53 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it In this example, a pager message is used to alert the corresponding recipients about the availability of the report.

54 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it KnowledgeSync’s webcast technology is a great way to distribute reports, as the reports simply appear as URL links. (And it’s a lot more efficient to have 100 people accessing a single report via the web than to send 100 e-mail messages, each with an attached report.)

55 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it When a report distribution event is triggered, KnowledgeSync can execute a wide variety of “response actions,” including executing SQL statements, stored procedures, programs, and VB/VBA scripts.

56 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it Reports can be distributed via any combination of electronic mail, fax, FTP, or by posting the report to a web browser.

57 2) Click here to continue and see how a “distributed report” appears in the KnowledgeSync Monitor Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it 1) In addition to scheduling reports to run on a periodic basis, KnowledgeSync can generate reports based on conditions in application data, and KnowledgeSync can automatically generate (and distribute) reports based on incoming e-mail requests.

58 2) End of Report Distribution Demo; Click Here to Go Back to Tour Menu 1) The history of all distributed reports is shown in the KnowledgeSync Event Monitor. This includes what reports were generated, who received them, via what means, and when the reports were received.

59 E-Mail Response KnowledgeSync monitors select e-mail accounts for important incoming messages. Once an e-mail is identified, KnowledgeSync auto-responds to the sender of the message, and alerts the appropriate members of your staff via e-mail, fax, pager, PDA, cellular phone, and web browser. KnowledgeSync also updates the underlying client record (in a CRM or similar application) with the content of the incoming mail message. Go Back to Tour Menu

60 Go Back to Tour Menu

61 Benefit: Auto-Response Benefit: Auto-Response Automatically respond to e-mail based on the content of the incoming message Automatically respond to e-mail based on the content of the incoming message For Example: When a product question is e-mailed to your tech support department, automatically send a receipt confirmation and reply back to the sender of the original message Go Back to Tour Menu

62 Benefit: E-Mail Re-Directs Benefit: E-Mail Re-Directs Identify the person(s) who need to be informed about an incoming e-mail and the manner in which each person needs to be notified Identify the person(s) who need to be informed about an incoming e-mail and the manner in which each person needs to be notified For Example: When an e-mail comes in, scan the contents to determine who should be notified, and simultaneously scan an HR database to see whether the corresponding people are “in” our “out” of the office. Based on this info, notify each person via e-mail, fax, pager, PDA, cell phone, or the web. Go Back to Tour Menu

63 Benefit: Application Updates Benefit: Application Updates Take the contents of an incoming (or outgoing) message and record it to a client’s profile in an underlying application database Take the contents of an incoming (or outgoing) message and record it to a client’s profile in an underlying application database For Example: If a client e-mails a technical question, automatically add it as a history record to that client’s record in a CRM database, and also schedule a follow-up call for one week ahead to check on the client’s status End of E-Mail Response Benefits; Click Here to Go Back to Tour Menu

64 2) The first step in using the E-Mail Response System is to identify the conditions of the incoming mail. KnowledgeSync calls these conditions “queries.” Click on the “Query Definitions” branch to continue... Go Back to Tour Menu 1) KnowledgeSync can monitor incoming mail messages for critical, time-sensitive content. When such an e-mail is received, KnowledgeSync can respond to (and process) that e-mail in a number of ways.

65 2) Click on the query called “Mail Today Sent to ‘’” to take a closer look at it... Go Back to Tour Menu 1) We’ll look at a query that monitors mail messages that are sent to an organization’s support department.

66 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on any of the tabs to take a closer look at how an e-mail query is designed... The “Description” tab lets you specify the name and purpose of this query.

67 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it The way KnowledgeSync monitors e-mail is to take the incoming message and load it into a KnowledgeSync internal database. The “Inbox” table is the one that contains all the data from the incoming mail message.

68 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it Since KnowledgeSync’s e-mail response system uses only a single table, no links are required for e-mail queries.

69 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it KnowledgeSync automatically loads (or “parses”) data from the incoming mail message to fields in its internal mail message database. You have the ability to parse additional (site-specific) fields of data from incoming mail messages to user-definable fields within the KnowledgeSync mail message database.

70 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it In this example, incoming mail messages that meet this query’s criteria will be sorted in alphabetic order of the sender’s e-mail address.

71 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it This filter tells KnowledgeSync that it should retrieve only those mail messages that were received today, and only those messages that were sent to the “support” e-mail address. KnowledgeSync could just as easily check for mail from specific clients, or mail that contained certain content in the message subject or body.

72 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it As in a database event, the “Sub-Filters” tab is used only in aggregate conditions (such as ‘more than 10 mail messages sent to your support mailbox today’). Since this query is not checking for an aggregate condition, this tab is left blank.

73 Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it The SQL statement behind this query. (Just think about having to type all this in if it were not for the preceding 6 tabs!)

74 Click on a tab to move to it 2) Click Here to continue and see how an e-mail query is used in an event Go Back to Tour Menu 1) The query’s “Preview” mode lets you test to ensure that you’re retrieving the appropriate e-mail records.

75 Go Back to Tour Menu 2) Click on the event called: “Forward Support E-Mails to Tech Services Manager” 1) We’ll look at an event that notifies the tech support manager if any support questions are received via e-mail.

76 Demo: Event Queries Click on any of the tabs to take a closer look at how an e-mail event is designed... Go Back to Tour Menu Just like any other KnowledgeSync Event, an e-mail response event begins with a description and priority.

77 Demo: Event Queries Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu You specify the query that retrieves the appropriate incoming mail messages. Since this query is pre-designed to look at all mail sent to a specific address, there are no additional “trigger parameters” for this event.

78 Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu By combining KnowledgeSync’s e-mail response and report distribution components, we can instruct KnowledgeSync to automatically generate a report of past support calls for the client who has e-mailed in their support question. (This report will then be forwarded, along with the original e-mail, to the support manager.)

79 Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu In this example, KnowledgeSync is automatically attaching a “policies and procedures” document for handling e-mail support calls to the recipients of this event’s alert message.

80 Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu The “Copy” tab allows you to take any reports or files that are associated with this event and copy them to the recipients desired location.

81 Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu In this example, KnowledgeSync is taking details from the incoming e-mail message and is re-directing this data to the support manager.

82 Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu In addition to re-directing an incoming mail message, KnowledgeSync can also take the contents of an incoming mail message and re-direct it to an alternate device, such as a recipient’s fax.

83 Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu Incoming mail message data can be redirected to a pager for instant alerts.

84 Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu Posting incoming mail message data to a web page is one of the fastest and easiest ways to ensure that it gets distributed to the people who need to know about it.

85 Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu When a mail message is received, KnowledgeSync can use its “Action” capabilities to automatically add or update information in an underlying database with the data from the incoming message.

86 Click on a tab to move to it Go Back to Tour Menu The e-mail response system is also able to “connect” an incoming message to the corresponding record in an underlying database, allowing KnowledgeSync to alert the appropriate account manager or other responsible parties.

87 2) Click here to continue and see how a “triggered e-mail event” appears in the KnowledgeSync Monitor Go Back to Tour Menu Click on a tab to move to it 1) Since incoming e-mail can be very time-sensitive, KnowledgeSync lets you specify how often you wish it to check for the receipt of new messages – as often as every minute.

88 2) End of E-Mail Response Demo; Click Here to Go Back to Tour Menu 1) The history of all incoming mail messages is tracked in the KnowledgeSync Monitor. This includes what mail accounts are being monitored, what messages have been received, who’s been notified, via what means, and when.

89 nexDimension Thanks You for your interest in: Go Back to Tour Menu Click to Exit

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