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TRANSEARTH  A Java Program to visualize the Earth in 3D  Create Road networks  Optimize the routing of a very large number of customers for the collection.

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Presentation on theme: "TRANSEARTH  A Java Program to visualize the Earth in 3D  Create Road networks  Optimize the routing of a very large number of customers for the collection."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRANSEARTH  A Java Program to visualize the Earth in 3D  Create Road networks  Optimize the routing of a very large number of customers for the collection or delivery of goods

2 STRUCTURE OF THE TRANSEARTH SOFTWARE o TRANSEARTH comes from a more than twenty years effort to optimise collection and delivery of goods aiming at reducing transportation costs: TRANSEARTH 1 in Fortran, TRANSEARTH 2 in C then TRANSEARTH 3 in C++ and finally TRANSEARTH 4 entirely written in Java and composed of 300 classes. The software has recently been extended with Nasa Worldwind technology using Java OpenGL in order to create a 3D software much like Google Earth but adding the possibility of creating road networks using satellite maps and allowing fast optimizations for collection and delivery of goods with large truck fleets. o TRANSEARTH is integrated at different levels, due to the fact that it has made the maximum use of object oriented programming o Its structure is built on a flexible hierarchical tree structure which allows fast inter objects communication and is managed by a main class called which contains a list of objects: o (depot or factory for collection/distribution) which contains a list of objects : o (all vehicles’ features) which in turn contain a list of objects : o (time, weight of the tours,...etc...) which contains an ordered list of objects: o (customers with all their characteristics: weight, time to load or unload,...etc...). This hierarchical tree structure allows to go back to all levels: a customer points back to the tour to which it belongs; in the same way a tour points back to the truck containing it; the truck knows exactly to which depot it belongs, etc…

3 o TRANSEARTH is totally integrated in a functional manner, this means that any one action gives access to all the operations features and for speed reason, all heavy computations are performed in RAM: agglutination, insertion and post optimizations for 1000 customers can be performed within one minute. The toolbar modification tolls allows on line modification of the road network (road addition, deletion, modification) and also the possibility to add, modify and delete the customers features using a satellite image background, that is a virtual digital table. The toolbar routing tools allows performing all the optimizations, visualising on real time and evaluating all intermediate solutions at a depot’s, a truck’s or a tour’s level as well as obtaining the graphs of various screens. It also allows saving an intermediate or a complete optimization. In this manner, all modifications applied to the road network or the customers characteristics are immediately taken into account by the computer program which calculates once again the whole solution in real time. o TRANSEARTH is also integrated « horizontally », that means that it can suit multiple jobs. In this manner, any function used in distribution, but which could be useful in collection, can be transferred to another version of the computer program. The conditional compilation using final variables in the class allows the software to work as a factory generating multiple versions for both distribution or collection of goods and within these two categories all types of internal working that is simple or multi tours per truck, with simple or multi depots, with type and/or time constraints, multiple format entries and multiple output, from text, to csv to xml or kml to communicate with Google Earth or Maps, android devices,…etc... 3

4 Samples: Network Creation and Optimized Tours 3 D Pyrénées France West 3D Pyrénées Optimized Tours France South West Stanford Road Network Stanford Tours

5 TRANSEARTH to solve the transportation costs  All in one plain old java program one finally gets the possibility to fly the Earth in three dimensions, use the satellite images to create road networks or extends vendors networks up to 1/1000000 degree precision and last but not least optimize the collection or distribution of goods worldwide for a very large number of customers (several thousands) in record time (of the order of minutes).  This technology is already used in France and abroad in the agro industry, garbage collection and tobacco distribution (30000 customers).  The Stanford University network was custom made using the software and the Nasa 3 D satellite images (streaming over the internet) and required only one day of work for the creation of 900 road links using a 1/1000000 degree precision (roughly 10 cm precision).  TRANSEARTH can be demonstrated on regular laptops right in front of you. Roland LE BAIL Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité Paris, M.S. and Ph. D. Stanford University contact: or mobile phone (33) 609783978 fix phone (33)297526407 Roland LE BAIL 154 rue du Pô 122 Avenue des Champs Elysées B.P. 76 75008 PARIS 56342 CARNACFRANCE FRANCE

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