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Innovative concepts and ideas to help with Arabic language lessons

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2 Innovative concepts and ideas to help with Arabic language lessons
MAKING ARABIC FUN IN THE CLASSROOM Innovative concepts and ideas to help with Arabic language lessons

3 singing made-up songs treasure hunts fishing expeditions outdoor games
home-made jigsaw puzzles playing detective drama and play acting outdoor games

4 Our most effective Learning Tools
Games… Our most effective Learning Tools

5 The Challenges of Learning Arabic in the classroom Special emphasis: Non Arabic speaking expatriates

6 Wjhuyjh juyhgty Wjhuyjh juyhgty ?
This is exactly how I felt when it came to arabic. Completely lost! And yet…I had to support and teach my child the language! Frienu hujikoi parenetuoi majuirtypoi Gootueloei fouythouyhj kkpoihkhh koill koooti grooonbu kayote kahuuti


8 With 15 million non-arabic speaking expatriates in the Middle East facing the same challenge, I was not alone This was not just MY problem This is OUR problem

9 Introducing …

10 “Something Fishy about Arabic!”

11 Target Group Primary Target Audience - Non Arabic Speaking Children
Aged 3- 6 Secondary Target Audience - Arabic Speaking Children


13 MODULE 1 MODULE 2 MODULE 3 Look, Listen and Learn Revise and Review
MODULE 2 MODULE 3 Look, Listen and Learn Revise and Review Retention and Testing

14 Get your school hooked to learning arabic the fun way!





19 How to get your school hooked!
Contact us for a demo session with your arabic department E: T:

20 And now… Let’s go FISHING!

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