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Social Influence In The Adoption Process and Usage of Innovation: Gender Differences Sacide Güzin MAZMAN Yasemin KOÇAK USLUEL Vildan ÇEVİK Hacettepe University,

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1 Social Influence In The Adoption Process and Usage of Innovation: Gender Differences Sacide Güzin MAZMAN Yasemin KOÇAK USLUEL Vildan ÇEVİK Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology TURKIYE

2 Introduction There have been different theories and models about factors that influence the process of adoption and usage of an innovation, and also being informed about an innovation in a social system.

3 Introduction “Social influence” is taking place as an influential construct in the majority of diffusion, acceptance and adoption theories and models in different names.  Social factors  Subjective norms  Social norms  Image  Social Influence

4 Therotical Framework

5 Theories which included social influence Construct in theory TRATAM2TPBC-TAM- TPBDITMPCU UTAUT Subjective norm  Social factor  Image   Therotical Framework

6 Purpose of Study Determine in what ways elementary education prospective teachers are being informed about innovations Explain the role of social influence in the usage process of a technological innovation in terms of genders

7 In this study, adapting from UTAUT and TRA; Social influence is defined as the perceived external pressure that individuals feel in the process of being informed about innovation and decide to use it; and to the degree in which an individual perceives that important others believe he or she should use the new system. Therotical Framework

8 Methodology Gender Female234%78 Male66%22 Total300%100 Department Elementary Mathematics Education94%31,3 Primary School Education89%29,7 Elementary Science Education45%15 Early Childhood Education72%24 Total300%100 Study Group

9 Methodology A questionnare  Demographic features  Ways of being informed about innovation  The role of social influence in the usage process of technologic innovations Data

10 Result 1 ss Mass Media (radio, TV, newspaper, magazine) 4.070.73 Friends conversations3.800.74 Internet3.540.94 Consulting to people who are important for you3.470.83 Association and club membership2.191.03 Opinions of subject expert2.110.84 The ways of being informed about innovation How Do You Most Frequently Being Informed About Innovations  Because "mass media" is easily accessible for students, it is the most frequently used.  As students waste their most of times with their friends, influence of opinions and views of their valuable friends can be the reason of being "friends conversation" in second place.

11 Result 1 ss Mass Media (radio, TV, newspaper, magazine) 4.070,73 Friends conversations3.800,74 Internet3.540.94 Consulting to people who are important for you3.470.83 Association and club membership2.191.03 Opinions of subject expert2.110.84 The ways of being informed about innovation How Do You Most Frequently Being Informed About Innovations  However "internet" is seen as an important information resource in nowadays, it is limited access comparing with mass media could have caused for taking place after mass media and friends conversations.  As students consults to their friends, family, colleagues and neighborhoods, the means of option of "consulting to people who are important for you" is close to internet’s means and takes in the fourth place.

12 Result 1 ss Mass Media (radio, TV, newspaper, magazine) 4.070,73 Friends conversations3.800,74 Internet3.540,94 Consulting to people who are important for you3.470,83 Association and club membership2.191.03 Opinions of subject expert2.110.84 The ways of being informed about innovation How Do You Most Frequently Being Informed About Innovations  Because "association and club membership" and "opinions of subject expert" could be seen as formal structures and students usually prefer informal structures, these two options are used by students with minimal means.

13 Result 2 Comparing social influence in terms of gender Results of Social Influence in Terms of Gender in Usage Process of an Innovation Nss Personal Female2344.661.87 Male665.231.99 Total3004.791.90 Social Female2344.741.23 Male665.211.50 Total3004.841.30 Social influence is more influential on people’s decisions for adoption and usage of an innovation than personal decisons.

14 Result 2 Comparing social influence in terms of gender t- test Results of Social Influence in Terms of Gender in Usage Process of an Innovation Nss Personnel Female2344.661.87 Male665.231.99 Total3004.791.90 Social Female2344.741.23 Male665.211.50 Total3004.841.30 Personal decisions is more dominant for males than social influence.

15 Result 2 Comparing social influence in terms of gender t- test Results of Social Influence in Terms of Gender in Usage Process of an Innovation Nss Personnel Female2344.661.87 Male665.231.99 Total3004.791.90 Social Female2344.741.23 Male665.211.50 Total3004.841.30 Social influnce is more dominant for females than personal decisions.

16 Conclusion  Individuals could decide to use an innovation if their social environment also use it.  Espically in collaborative learning environments, students who observe success, interest and efforts of their friends, could tend to behave similiarly.  Instructional organizations and educators could eliminate gender differences divide effects by preparing collaborative learning environments in which students could learn from eachother and teach to eachother.

17 Conclusion  Because students are most frequently being informed about innovation by mass media, friends conversations and internet, it can be suggested that the media must be aware of its’ social responsibility and present actual programs, articles, magazines or introduction pages towards technological innovations.

18 Thank You…

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