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Page 1 Building Global Partnerships by Marge Maxwell, Ph.D. Western Kentucky University

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1 Page 1 Building Global Partnerships by Marge Maxwell, Ph.D. Western Kentucky University

2 Page 2 Teaching the dynamics of globalization to education students is an important aspect of teaching for social justice and for the development of critical awareness, thinking, and sensitivity. Yet teaching this topic is also fraught with tensions, particularly since studying issues of suffering, exploitation, and injustice from a global perspective can be overwhelming. (Hytten & Silvia, 2008).

3 Page 3 Graduate educational technology course Short 3-week winter term?!! Two Blog discussions Global Partnering Project

4 Page 4 Two Project Options 1.Select a country, make contact with a teacher (your class can communicate and partner with the class) or an organization in that country (collaborate on some issue about that country).

5 Page 5 2.Select a global issue (such as world hunger, poverty, health, environmental, arms control, fair trade, endangered animals, etc.) and partner with an international organization promoting that issue. Most of the international organizations provide ways to partner with them and get involved.

6 Page 6 1.Develop a mashup website with an attractive homepage, three other pages for the other three technology projects, and a resources page with APA references and information links. 2.At least three technology projects must be embedded (not linked) on the website

7 Page 7 If you choose a country, technology projects could include examples like a remix of music from their country, multimedia projects collaboratively developed by your class and a class in the chosen country such as graphs of data collected by both classes, collaborative digital story, collaborative documents such as writing or research, or other technology projects.

8 Page 8 If you choose a global issue to support, technology projects could include examples like technology products to promote the issue and/or the organization. Some teachers and their classes hold fundraisers and send money to the organization; some join the organization and create commercials or digital stories about their cause.

9 Page 9 One or more of your three technology projects must clearly be developed in collaboration with your international partner. At least one of the technology projects must represent higher-level thinking in the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (Analyze, Evaluate or Create level).

10 Page 10 Some Sources to Find Global Classroom Pen-pals: Start Your Own Global Project ePals Global Community Pen Pal and Email-Pal Opportunities The Kids on the Web: Pen Pals Multicultural Education Internet Resource Guide Amazing Kids! Pen Pals US Diplomacy Center: e-Pals Our World, Our Stories

11 Page 11 Find ideas and tools for your Technology Products for your Website Mashup here: Effective Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom Best 100 Web 2.0 Tools Discovery Education: Web 2.0 Tools Kathy Schrock: Ed Tools and Web 2.0 Tools Web 2.0 for the Classroom Teacher Cool Tools for Schools Flat Classroom Projects Going Global Curriculum 21: Global Partnerships

12 Page 12 International Data Websites Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center Gapminder

13 Page 13 Sustainability

14 Page 14 Human Trafficking

15 Page 15 Teacher in Bowling Green partners with a teacher in Seoul, Korea

16 Page 16 Global Poverty

17 Page 17 Global Warming

18 Page 18 Obesity

19 Page 19 I learned that partnering with an international organization is not as difficult as I initially thought it would be. Students learned new technologies Provided impetus to create global project with their students Overwhelmed with the project in the beginning, then shifted to awe and amazement at topic information

20 Page 20 Do not offer this course in a 3-week term again! Allow students to share global resources Have students share their mashup websites with each other, comment and make suggestions to each other Encourage students to share their websites with other teachers at their school Allow students to work on the Global Partnering Project in pairs

21 Page 21 Building Global Partnerships by Marge Maxwell, Ph.D. Hytten, K. & Silvia B. (2008). Teaching Globalization Issues to Education Students: What’s the Point? Equity & Excellence in Education, 41(2), 168-181.

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