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Domestic Violence Campaign Malta Case Study Claudette Abela Baldacchino Vice-President Local Councils’ Association Malta.

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Presentation on theme: "Domestic Violence Campaign Malta Case Study Claudette Abela Baldacchino Vice-President Local Councils’ Association Malta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Domestic Violence Campaign Malta Case Study Claudette Abela Baldacchino Vice-President Local Councils’ Association Malta

2 Malta Case Study  Malta = 68 Local Councils  Malta = 3 members in Council of Europe Congress  Malta = 400,000 population

3 Malta Case Study  LCA entered into an agreement for the installation of bus stops (02 nd March 2001)  LCA discussed how to contribute to the Council of Europe Campaign  Decision was made with Commission Against Domestic Violence  To make a Bus-Stop Poster Campaign

4 Malta Case Study  The Campaign was launched on 7 th January 2008  Free advertising space from Face Displays Limited

5 Malta Case Study Launch of the Campaign C. Abela Baldacchino Michael Cohen Minister D. Cristina Dr. M. Naudi

6 Malta Case Study Media Cutting In-Nazzjon 8 th January 2008

7 Malta Case Study Media Cutting The Independent 9 th January 2008

8 Malta Case Study  The LCA also took part in a WALKATHON to raise funds for a shelter of domestic violence. This was a sponsored public walk organised by a small private enterprise.  LCA collected €4600 as DONATION  Participants were COUNCILLORS from various Local Councils

9 Malta Case Study Media Event to present Donations to GHABEX, domestic violence shelter

10 Malta Case Study  Local councils have also distributed to their localities C of E campaign leaflets from their premises, passed on to them by the Commission on Domestic Violence  They also distributed bookmarks on the White Ribbon campaign organised by the Commission on Domestic Violence and the Foundation for Social Welfare Services

11 MALTA CASE STUDY  the social workers working on Domestic Violence cases had commented that the Bus Shelter Campaign had an impact, in that, the victims who came to seek help from the service during the Campaign stated that they could identify themselves with the poster and that this was the final impetus for seeking help.

12 MALTA CASE STUDY  Jan 2007 Jan 2008 % change Feb 2007 Feb 2008 % change Referrals5246- 12%4648+ 4% New cases 2137+ 76%2830+ 7%

13 MALTA CASE STUDY  According to the statistics there was a slight increase from last year.  However one cannot be 100% sure that they are directly correlated to each other.  Having said that the increase is still there.

14 Malta Case Study  Domestic Violence Service This social work service was set up in 1994 to intervene with adult service users who suffer abuse. The social workers assist service users to develop a safety plan and adopt coping skills that are necessary within domestic violence situations.

15 Malta Case Study  Ghabex - Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence This service was set up in 2000 to provide an emergency shelter to women and their children. Its main aim is to provide women and their children with a safe place away from direct personal harm.

16 Malta Case Study  Malta is no exception  Domestic violence exists  Local Councils have a role to play  Local Councils to work with national institutions  LCA to continue to create awareness and campaign against domestic violence

17 Malta Case Study THANK YOU

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