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Published byKerry Jones Modified over 9 years ago
700: Foundations of Leadership
The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Agenda Day One Welcome and Introductions The Characteristics of Effective Leadership Confidence in Leadership: A Perspective from Americans Strengths Based Leadership The Leader: Role Model of Social Work Values and Practice The Open Systems Model 2
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Agenda (continued) Day Two Applying the Organizational Effectiveness Framework: General Guidelines for Promoting Change Opportunities for Change and Improvement Applying the Organizational Effectiveness Framework: Using the Assessment Tools and Templates Summary and Evaluations 3
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Learning Objectives Participants will be able to: Identify the characteristics of effective leadership; Apply a strengths based approach to a leadership role; Apply the Organizational Effectiveness Framework; Identify Social Work Values and Practice Skills in leading organizations; and Apply the steps of DAPIM™. 4
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center 5
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Managing and Leading ManagersLeaders Managers typically obtain influence based on status and power Leaders obtain influence based on follower choice Managers set goals that accomplish a practical purpose and are generally quantifiable Leaders set goals that inspire the commitment of others Managers rely on rules and proceduresLeaders rely on people 6
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Managing and Leading (continued) ManagersLeaders Managers hold others accountableLeaders hold themselves accountable Managers focus on short-term resultsLeaders focus on long-term results Managers create order and stabilityLeaders create “learning environments” Managers work within organizational boundaries Leaders cross organizational boundaries 7
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center What Americans Want Most from Their Leaders is… Honesty and Integrity. U.S. News & World Report &Center for Public Leadership, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (October 2005) 8
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Communication Ninety-three percent (93%) of those surveyed regard ability to communicate as being extremely (47%) or very (45%) important in being a good leader. U.S. News & World Report &Center for Public Leadership, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (October 2005) 9
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center 10 Leaders’ honesty, integrity, and ethics in their professional lives; Leaders’ honesty, integrity, and ethics in their personal lives; Leaders’ knowledge, skills, and abilities; and Leaders’ ability to inspire followers’ loyalty and enthusiasm. U.S. News & World Report &Center for Public Leadership, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (October 2005) Which Factor Below is the Most Important to You in Having Confidence in Your Leaders?
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center 11 44% of Americans thought that a leader’s honesty, integrity, and ethics in his/her professional life was the most important factor to inspire confidence in a leader vs: 26% who cite honesty, integrity and ethics in a leader’s personal life as most important. U.S. News & World Report &Center for Public Leadership, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (October 2005) Factors Influencing Confidence in Leaders
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Americans Feel the Country Would Be Better Off with More Women in Leadership… 64% percent of respondents agreed to the following statement: The country would be better off if there were more women in leadership positions (36% disagreed). U.S. News & World Report &Center for Public Leadership, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (October 2005) 12
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Men and Women Tend to Think Differently on the Issue While both genders see more female leadership as a positive, men feel this way more than women. Men believe the country will be better off with more women as leaders by a 69% to 31% margin, while women believe this to be the case by a 61% to 39% margin. U.S. News & World Report &Center for Public Leadership, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (October 2005) 13
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Why Do People Follow the Leader? The leader provides for four basic needs: Trust Compassion Stability Hope (Rath and Conchie, 2009) 14
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center How Can I Better Meet My Followers’ Needs? A leader can meet their followers’ needs by deliberately using The strengths of others; and/or His/her own strengths to enhance skills they lack. 15
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Others’ Strengths Who are the individuals in your agency that exhibit strengths that you lack? Might these individuals be untapped resources? Can you team with them utilize these individuals’ strengths? How would I do that? 16
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Using My Strengths to Meet Others’ Needs My Strengths 1. 2. 3. 4. Staff’s Needs Trust Compassion Stability Hope 17
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center An Important Question If your staff were here today and we asked them how you (the leaders) expected them to engage their clients, what do you think they would say? 18
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center The Parallel Process “…there are parallels between the dynamics of supervision and any other helping relationship. Therefore, the skills that are important in direct practices with clients or patients are also important to the supervisory relationship.” (Shulman, 2010). “It is …very clear that client issues cannot be resolved by helping systems that repeat the same problems” (Mehr, 1995). Our systems frequently recapitulate the very experiences that have proven to be so toxic for the people we are supposed to treat. (Bloom, 2006). 19
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center The Parallel Process in Child Welfare Administrators and Managers Supervisors Caseworkers Children, Youth, and Families 20
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Vision, Mission, and Values Vision: a statement that describes how the future will look when an organization’s desires and aspirations are realized. Mission: a statement of what the agency does to help contribute to making the vision come true. Values: ethical ideals that drive the scope, shape, and approach to working with children, youth and families. © 2011 American Public Human Services Association 21
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Organizations are systems when they structure their cooperative efforts to achieve consistently high quality results. YOUR JOB as managers and leaders is to see that it happens! 22
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center 23
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Eight Essential Components 1.Strategy 2.Outcomes 3.Outputs 4.Performance Actions 5.Performance Capacities 6.Inputs 7.Internal Feedback 8.External Feedback (American Public Human Services Association, 2011) 24
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Outcomes What results do you hope to achieve? The difference it makes in the lives of children, youth, and families. 25
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Outputs Benchmarks or indicators intended to measure an outcome. 26
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Performance Actions Policies, processes, services, tasks, meetings, communication plans, and the activities accomplished by individuals that ensure that the desired results are met. 27
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Performance Capacity An agency’s capacity to convert inputs (people, equipment, finances) into performance that results in the desired outputs and outcomes. © 2011 American Public Human Services Association 28
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Performance Capacity (continued) Some examples are: Workforce capacity- Combined knowledge, skills, and abilities Functional capacity- Use of training, fiscal, human resources, information technology, office management, quality assurance, and policy development Trust 29
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Inputs Resources such as people, finances, equipment, supplies, attitudes, perspectives, and values needed to do the things that need done in order to get the results. What is it that you need in order to do the activities that get the results? 30
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Internal Feedback/Measures of Success Members of the organization assess progress against stated success measures This is a key role for unit supervisors and managers... What is it that members of the organization should measure? How do supervisors report their findings? 31
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center External Feedback/Measures of Success Measuring progress against accountability measures established by the external community. If you fail to set realistic expectations, the external community might form their own impression of what should be accomplished. Who are the external stakeholders? What are their expectations? How will you be accountable? 32
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Your Job…. Assess the presence and level of each component of the Open System Establish what needs to change in order for that component to operate at the optimal level Make the changes part of your strategic plan. 33
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center In Closing For Today And To Prepare For Day 2 What is one problem you would like to solve in your agency that is a barrier to success? 34
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Welcome to Day 2! Application 35
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Agenda Day One Welcome and Introductions The Characteristics of Effective Leadership Confidence in Leadership: A Perspective from Americans Strengths Based Leadership The Leader: Role Model of Social Work Values and Practice The Open Systems Model 36
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Agenda (continued) Day Two Applying the Organizational Effectiveness Framework: General Guidelines for Promoting Change Opportunities for Change and Improvement Applying the Organizational Effectiveness Framework: Using the Assessment Tools and Templates Summary and Evaluations 37
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Assessing Agency Climate What might be happening within the organization if you assess confusion among your staff, key stakeholders, and community? 38
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center If the Agency Climate is One of Confusion Your change plan might be lacking a clear Vision. 39
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Assessing Agency Climate What might be happening within the organization if you assess anxiety among your staff, key stakeholders, and community? 40
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center If the Agency Climate is One of Anxiety Your change plan might be lacking clarity on how new knowledge and Skills will be developed in your staff. 41
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Assessing Agency Climate What might be happening within the organization if you assess slow or gradual change among your staff, key stakeholders, and community? 42
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center If the Agency Climate is One of Slow/Gradual Change Your change plan might be lacking: Incentives for the staff, stakeholders, and community 43
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Assessing Agency Climate What might be happening within the organization if you assess frustration among your staff, key stakeholders, and community? 44
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center If The Agency Climate Is One Of Frustration Your change plan might be lacking clarity on how resources will be obtained. 45
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Assessing Agency Climate What might be happening within the organization if you assess false starts among your staff, key stakeholders, and community? 46
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center If the Agency Experiences False Starts Your change plan might be lacking a: clear Action Plan. 47
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Managing Complex Change Lack of…Leads to… VisionConfusion SkillAnxiety IncentivesGradual Change ResourcesFrustration Action PlanningFalse Starts 48
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center The Goals of this Section To expose leaders and managers to the tools used by the Administration of Children, Youth and Families to measure progress in child welfare. To expose leaders and managers to Pennsylvania’s proposed model for continuous quality improvement. To help you think about how to gather information and use it to inform planning within your organization. 49
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center An Opportunity for Improvement The Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) Authorized through amendments to Social Security Act in 1994; further shaped by Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997 Periodic reviews of state child welfare systems, to achieve 3 goals: Ensure conformity with federal child welfare requirements; Determine what is actually happening to children and families as they are engaged in child welfare services; and Assist states in helping children and families achieve positive outcomes. ( Emphasis on quality vs. compliance 50
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center CFSR Process 51 Statewide Self Assessment Onsite Review Program Improvement PlanImplementation and Monitoring Improved Outcomes
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center The CFSR Measures: Safety Permanency Well-being Systemic factors that impact outcomes 52
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center PA’s Approach to Improvement Via the Program Improvement Plan Shared process Focus on outcomes Making connections 53
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Continuous Quality Improvement: A Framework for Leading and Sustaining Change Building Blocks 54
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) The ongoing process by which an agency makes decisions and evaluates its progress. The National Resource Center for Organizational Improvement and Casey Family Programs 55
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center The Purpose of CQI is to: Consistently gather information from a variety of sources that can help to Evaluate the quality of services delivered; Inform decision making related to program and agency improvements; and Assist in the development of a plan for improvement. 56
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Quality Service Review (QSR) : One Piece of the Puzzle The Pennsylvania specific review tool developed by those working in the field of child welfare to reflect core values. The QSR Serves as practice standards; Establishes benchmarks; Defines quality; Provides feedback on current state; and Provides a vehicle for ongoing monitoring. 57
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Organizational Effectiveness (OE): The Vehicle to CQI OE is a systemic and systematic approach to continuously improving an organization’s performance, performance capacity, and client outcomes. © 2011 American Public Human Services Association 58
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Systematic and Systemic Approaches SYSTEMICSYSTEMATIC Takes into account the entire organization A Step-by-Step approach 59
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Define what that thing is in operational terms… Assess its current and desired state… Plan both rapid and long-term improvements… Implement those plans in detail, and… Monitor plan progress and impact for accountability and ongoing adjustment. © 2011 American Public Human Services Association What Does DAPIM™ Mean? 60
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Define What will success look like? How will you, staff, clients, and other stakeholders know you are successful? 61
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Assess Involves group input, brainstorming and dialogue to determine: Findings: Strengths and Gaps. 62
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Building the Bridges to Planning Bridging assessment and planning work involves group input, brainstorming and dialogue to determine: Priority Needs Root Causes; and General Remedies. 63
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center 3 Types of Improvement Recommendations Commitments Team Activities 64
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Planning Capacity Planning Communication Planning Written CQI Plan 65
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center 66
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Implementation Work teams begin their work; and Action plans are used regularly. 67
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Based on Monitoring… Is the Desired Future State still applicable or should it change? ….and the cycle begins again! 68
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Application of DAPIM™ 69 DEFINEASSESSPLAN IMPLEMENT MONITOR
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Define Using the problem you identified at the end of Day 1…. If the problem were solved, what would you see in your agency? How would you define success? Desired Future State 70
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Assess What are the strengths in your organization that will help you reach your Desired Future State? What are the gaps/barriers that keep you from reaching your goal? 71
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Bridge to Planning: Prioritizing What are the three biggest barriers to success from your list? 72
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Bridge to Planning: Root Cause Analysis Look at the gaps you have identified. Gaps are symptoms to underlying issues…. Why do the gaps exist? What is happening in the organization? 73
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Bridge to Planning: Remedy Identification What commitments can you make? Are there recommendations that you identified? Are there team activities that may be helpful in your organization? 74
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center How Long will it Take? Quick wins (30 days); Mid-term improvements (6 months); and Long-term improvements (6-24 months). 75
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Planning: Documenting the CQI Plan Identify the goal (using language stated in terms of the opposite of the root cause). 76
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Planning: Communication Planning Who needs to know about the CQI Plan? What is it that each person/group needs to know? 77
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Implementation Action Plans Who? What? When? How will it be measured? Communication management Charters Team Activities 78
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Monitoring: How Can the Success of Your Plan Be Measured? Implementation Reviews Measure accomplishments vs. plan milestones and commitments. Lessons Learned Reviews Critical conversations that address new and emerging questions and findings; drive further innovations. Impact Reviews Measure actual vs. expected impact on organizational capacity and client outcomes. 79
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center Thoughts about Next Steps? 80
700: Foundations of Leadership The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center For Technical Assistance, Contact Your Practice Improvement Specialist. 81
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