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Collecting and Compiling Data G/T Research Program Collecting and Compiling Data G/T Research Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Collecting and Compiling Data G/T Research Program Collecting and Compiling Data G/T Research Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collecting and Compiling Data G/T Research Program Collecting and Compiling Data G/T Research Program

2 Data Collection Part of your research experience is collecting data. This data collection process contributes to the “original research” piece of your final paper and product. There are various methods and tools that you may use to collect your data.

3 Data Collection Methods Surveys – Questionnaires – Interviews Observation (recorded in data collection notebook) Experiments (recorded in data collection notebook) Analysis of Previously Recorded Data or Documents (recorded in data collection notebook) Data collection contributes to the “original research” piece of your final paper and product.

4 Language Distinction SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Includes sample design, data collection, instrument, and analysis One type of survey instrument METHOD TOOL

5 Language Distinction “A survey is the process of describing some aspect of a population based on a sample; whereas, a questionnaire is simply the instrument [tool] used too accomplish this mean. To expand on this, a survey is an overall methodological choice to study and/or answer specific questions about a population. A survey encompasses various elements: sample design, data collection methodology, data collection instrument, analytic techniques, etc. A questionnaire is one form of data collection instrument.”

6 OPTION #1: QUESTIONNAIRES Questionnaire may be conducted electronically or on paper. If possible, avoid sending to other schools. Base the survey in your own school or a club, team, or group in which you participate, either in school or in the community. WHO MIGHT USE THIS TOOL: Students who are looking to determine the opinions of a large group of people to support or refute an idea related to their research may consider this tool. Students who are looking for specific statistical information that relates to their own local population ( ie. relating your topic to your school) may consider this tool. REQUIREMENTS: Student must collect at least 50 respondents.

7 Questionnaire Considerations Purpose of a survey for your project – Include results in the research paper – Identify a viable product for your mentor – Audience: students, teachers, professionals – Permission: my approval, principal approval, mentor approval, internship site, etc.

8 Questionnaire Policies All surveys must be approved by me and the principal (If conducted at another school, you must obtain that principal’s permission as well.) Common Problems… ◦ Not abiding by school system protocols pertaining to surveys:  Not during instructional time  Not about personal behaviors pertaining to drugs, sex, etc.  Protecting anonymity of students

9 Survey Methods: Interviews “ Interviews are best used when you want to learn detailed information from a few specific people. Interviews are also particularly useful if you want to interview experts about their opinions.” s2/driscoll--introduction-to-primary- research.pdf

10 TRANSCRIBED INTERVIEWS All transcriptions must follow the same format instructed for the previous interview assignment. WHO MIGHT USE THIS TOOL: Students involved with observation and have access to human resources may consider this tool. Students whose research would benefit from interviewing experts/professionals in the field of study may consider this tool.

11 OPTION #2: TRANSCRIBED INTERVIEWS REQUIREMENTS: A minimum of FIVE properly transcribed interviews must be submitted. Each interview must be with a different individual. All interviews should be conducted with either professionals knowledgeable in the field or specific individuals with direct knowledge related to your research.

12 Observations Frequency – counting of individuals, actions, events, or objects Descriptive- open-ended, detailed notes on sights, sounds, and activities

13 Data Collection Notebook In addition to questionnaires and interviews, there are other ways to collect original research. You can keep a log of observations in a “Data Collection” notebook. Data collection entries should… be dated and include observations and/or record experiments and results. See “requirements” on assignment sheet for further details.

14 Option #3 DATA COLLECTION NOTEBOOK Marble notebook/70 page spiral notebook filled with dated, recorded observations, experiment descriptions, and/or plans/processes related to your creative endeavor. (blog and/or scan documents if including in electronic portfolio) WHO MIGHT USE THIS TOOL? Students involved in something related to art, music, dance, theater, etc. may consider this tool. Students working in labs, conducting experiments may consider this tool.

15 OPTION #3: DATA COLLECTION NOTEBOOK REQUIREMENTS: Observe a group or individual, have a minimum of 5 observations of the person or individual, with detailed notes regarding exactly what happened. Each observation should open with a focus question and notes should relate to that question. In art, music, dance, theater etc., data collection must be dated with a minimum of 10 entries spanning 10 weeks of data collection. Include observations, sketches, rough drafts of ideas, etc.

16 Option #4 Data Collection Notebook for Experiments Conducting an experiment?—scientific, social, behavioral, etc.—the data collection notebook should serve as a lab notebook. Include all procedures, methods, data, reflections, etc.

17 OPTION #5: Existing Data Analysis OPTION #5: Existing Data Analysis WHO MIGHT USE THIS TOOL: Students who are doing science research where an authentic research experiment is not possible may consider this tool. REQUIREMENTS: Evaluate at least FOUR research studies from peer reviewed journals that focus on your topic. Summarize the studies. Discuss how they related to your research questions, areas of overlap between them, and areas where they differ. What are the implications of the results and how does this review help you answer your research question?

18 Option #5 Existing Data Analysis If choosing this method, you will evaluate at least FOUR peer reviewed research studies that focus on your topic. You will… Summarize each study Discuss how each relates to your research question. Discuss areas of overlap and differences b/t them. Discuss the implications of the results and how the study helps you answer your research question.

19 Option #5 Existing Data Analysis Document Analysis Observe and analyze 10 print and non-print primary sources (i.e. photos, government documents, diaries, business records, art, clothing, household objects) Provide objective description of document or artifact Consider timeliness, completeness, bias Show how they are related to each other and your research question

20 Data Collection/Analysis Requirements All students must complete original data collection for the final paper. This assignment will be turned in separately from the synthesis paper (literature review) and will be due in March (3 rd marking quarter).

21 More details and samples of data collection assignment Use GAFE for access archprogram/

22 Next Seminar Dec. 11 Qtr 2 Timesheet —40 hours Cluster Presentation Reflection - 2 days after presentation 12-4 - Time & place for In-House presentation (GAFE) 12-11 – 4 Annotated Bibs. AND Journal 12-18 – 4 Annotated Bibs. – Data Collection Instrument Review (Part 1 Data Collection Assignment) – Mahara Collaboration assignment 12-18 &19 - Conference w/Mr. Eckert about data collection method

23 Open Agenda SLC Exec Committee Baltimore Science Fair possibilities? Share experiences…

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