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2/1/2006M. G. Werts Lesson Planning Pre-Primer How to write a “drop dead” lesson plan.

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Presentation on theme: "2/1/2006M. G. Werts Lesson Planning Pre-Primer How to write a “drop dead” lesson plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 2/1/2006M. G. Werts Lesson Planning Pre-Primer How to write a “drop dead” lesson plan

2 2/1/2006M. G. Werts What is a “drop-dead” lesson plan? A document that allows a substitute to step over your dead body and continue the lesson achieving the same excellent results you would have achieved

3 2/1/2006M. G. Werts A drop dead plan includes… Written documentation of what you are going to do up to and including a script of the lesson Complete thoughts Plan B (and C, D, E and F in some cases)

4 2/1/2006M. G. Werts Basics Lessons should be planned with all students in mind from the beginning. Lessons should be planned for individuals no matter how many are in the group Lessons are not in vacuums. You must know what the student knows before you write a plan.

5 2/1/2006M. G. Werts Accommodations and/or modifications may be necessary for individual students Planned accommodations and/or modifications should be written into the lesson plans

6 2/1/2006M. G. Werts Lesson plans should include all the adults or other resources that are available Use the diversity of students in your classroom as strength rather than a burden.

7 2/1/2006M. G. Werts These should be self evident Lessons should be appropriate for the students in the group Lessons must be age appropriate Lessons must be functional Lessons must be developmentally appropriate

8 2/1/2006M. G. Werts Lessons and activities A lesson is an opportunity to present instruction on skills or knowledge that have been declared as important. Objectives on the IEP State Standards Student interest area Other???

9 2/1/2006M. G. Werts Activities are part of a lesson and may have a variety of purposes: motivation, experience, elaboration of information, practice in the skill, integration of the skill into other domains, or generalization of the skill or knowledge.

10 2/1/2006M. G. Werts Lesson plan format 1. Grade and level of the lesson 2. Standard Course of Study Objective(s) 3. Relevant IEP goals 4. Length of lesson time 5. What went before and what will come after this lesson 6. Subjective objective

11 2/1/2006M. G. Werts Lesson plan format (continued) 7. Materials needed 8. Focus/ Review 9. Teacher input 10. Guided practice 11. Independent practice 12. Closure

12 2/1/2006M. G. Werts Lesson plan format (continued) 13. Assessment 14. Analysis 15. Interpretation 16. Citation

13 2/1/2006M. G. Werts 1. Grade and level of the lesson “This lesson is based on a fifth grade Standard Course of study objective, modified for students working on a third grade level in an inclusive fifth grade language arts class.”

14 2/1/2006M. G. Werts 2. Standard Course of Study Objective(s) Pull these from the DPI web site FOURTH GRADE NORTH CAROLINA: GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY Competency goal 1. The learner will apply the five themes of geography to North Carolina and its people. Objective 1.01 Locate, in absolute and relative terms, major landforms, bodies of water and natural resources in North Carolina.

15 2/1/2006M. G. Werts 3. Relevant IEP goals From the individual IEPs There is a distinct possibility that these will be different for each student. Yes. You will write the goal or goals for EACH student in each plan. Reality check: Are there IEP goals that go with the lesson?

16 2/1/2006M. G. Werts 4. Length of lesson time How long will you spend with this lesson? How much time do you have, and How much can you afford to spend on this? How much time can you afford to remediate this if the student does not master this now? What should it reasonably take to teach this concept?

17 2/1/2006M. G. Werts 5. What went before and what will come after this lesson e.g., Yesterday we reviewed the three parts of a paragraph (i.e., topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence) and created a graphic organizer that students will use in today’s lesson as the basis for writing a paragraph. Tomorrow students will work with a partner to edit their paragraph using five questions.

18 2/1/2006M. G. Werts 6. Objective (more on this later) State what you intend for students do/learn as a result of this lesson and the criterion for success Be specific e.g., “(Name) will write a paragraph that includes a topic sentence, three supporting details, and a summary or concluding sentence, using the graphic organizer that they completed yesterday. To pass this assignment the student(s) must include a topic sentence, at least two supporting details and a concluding sentence.”

19 2/1/2006M. G. Werts 7. Materials needed A complete list of what the teacher needs to provide Paper Chalk Etc… A list of the back up things the teacher must think about providing Bulbs for the projectors Safety pins Etc…

20 2/1/2006M. G. Werts 8. Focus and Review List content/skills/concepts you will review. If this is an initial lesson, state how you will focus their attention on this topic, activate their prior knowledge/experience motivate them to learn about this topic.

21 2/1/2006M. G. Werts 9. Teacher Input Specify what you plan to teach/facilitate that will promote student learning. What will you say What will you show What will you do

22 2/1/2006M. G. Werts 10. Guided Practice Specify how you plan to help students refine, clarify what it is you have just taught. What will you do to maximize the chance of practice How much guidance will they need

23 2/1/2006M. G. Werts 11. Independent Practice Specify what activities you plan to give students opportunities to use the skill/concept/learning presented in this lesson. Include how much of class time will be spent and/or how much out-of-school time.

24 2/1/2006M. G. Werts 12. Closure Specify how you plan to end the lesson, providing a review/ summary of the key points. How will you allow the students to come to some closure How will you gather data on what they do mention and do not mention

25 2/1/2006M. G. Werts 13. Assessment What assessment procedure will you use to evaluate whether students met the lesson objective? You might use informal procedures, such as error analysis, teacher-made quiz, systematic observation. Include the assessment instrument you will use.

26 2/1/2006M. G. Werts 14. Analysis What did you learn about the students’ performance based on the assessment data you collected?

27 2/1/2006M. G. Werts What will you do next based on your analysis of the assessment data (e.g., reteach using X approach, move to the next new learning, provided additional practice using X)? 15. Interpretation

28 2/1/2006M. G. Werts 16. Citation Include the reference for a research article that reports the effectiveness of the intervention. Article must report data Research participants should be similar to the student you are teaching

29 2/1/2006M. G. Werts More on writing objectives…

30 2/1/2006M. G. Werts Objective components: CNBC

31 2/1/2006M. G. Werts CNBC Conditions under which the skill will be performed Where How With whom With accommodations, modifications Anything else

32 2/1/2006M. G. Werts CNBC Name: Who will be learning Use a name Lessons plans in special education are INDIVIDUAL!

33 2/1/2006M. G. Werts CNBCCNBC Behavior: What will be learned (what skill will be acquired?) Observable Overt Measurable

34 2/1/2006M. G. Werts CNBC Criterion for the student How much How well By when

35 2/1/2006M. G. Werts Extra teacher stuff materials you need students who may be extra help or enrichment logistics, strategies to use if the lesson bombs where to find the extra light bulbs for the equipment what to do if your "friend" teacher has borrowed the equipment from the class behavioral support plans

36 2/1/2006M. G. Werts Summary Lesson plans consist of “tell ‘ems” 1. Tell ‘em what you are going to do 2. Tell ‘em what you want them to know 3. Tell’ em what you did

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