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RIMMF, or, Cataloguing without MARC Céline Carty, University of Cambridge Linked Data: what cataloguers need to know #cigld CIG Event, 25 November 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "RIMMF, or, Cataloguing without MARC Céline Carty, University of Cambridge Linked Data: what cataloguers need to know #cigld CIG Event, 25 November 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 RIMMF, or, Cataloguing without MARC Céline Carty, University of Cambridge Linked Data: what cataloguers need to know #cigld CIG Event, 25 November 2013

2 RIMMF = RDA In Many Metadata Formats

3 RIMMF is… …a visualization tool for cataloguers, to help them to get used to thinking of RDA, instead of thinking AACR/MARC …a cataloguing training tool, to help teach RDA, and so FRBR, thinking

4 RIMMF is not… …a real cataloguing tool (you can’t use the records in your library management system)





9 Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item descriptions are all separate but linked Persons, corporate bodies, subject and other entities also separate but linked

10 Download RIMMF:

11 See also… … current non-MARC input systems … next gen systems with non-MARC options … the future!

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