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Created by Tech Prep of the Rio Grande Valley, Inc. September 2001 Tech Prep of the Rio Grande Valley, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Created by Tech Prep of the Rio Grande Valley, Inc. September 2001 Tech Prep of the Rio Grande Valley, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by Tech Prep of the Rio Grande Valley, Inc. September 2001 Tech Prep of the Rio Grande Valley, Inc.

2 Presentation Objectives  Provide information about Tech Prep of the Rio Grande Valley, Inc.  Structure, mission, goals  Important facts all stakeholders must know  Share information about initiatives that work  Manufacturing Technologies Laboratory  School-to-Careers  Tech Prep

3 Tech Prep of the Rio Grande Valley, Inc.  A Texas nonprofit and federal 501(c)(3) corporation established in early ’90s  Mission: to form working partnerships that leverage regional resources to provide reality-based learning for achieving a higher level of competence in the Valley’s workforce

4 Stakeholders Working Together Tech Prep RGV is a collaborative of:  31 independent school districts  7 colleges and universities  Region One Education Service Center  Workforce/Economic Development Boards  Other private and public partners Funding through federal Perkins Tech Prep funds (THECB), School-to-Careers funds (TWC), and other sources

5 Tech Prep of the Rio Grande Valley, Inc.  Form working partnerships that leverage regional resources  Workforce boards  CBIRD and CBIRD-TRAC  Other partners  Provide reality-based learning  Increase academic competence Goals in written corporate strategic plan:

6 Truths About Employment Trends  5 million Americans are unemployed.  72 million Americans cannot read well enough to complete a job application.  There are no good jobs left for people who do not have a marketable package of academic and technical skills!

7 Truths About Changing Workforce Needs

8 Truths About Student Priorities In a typical high school...  One-third are preparing to go to college  Two-thirds Lack focus Take the easiest courses Are disinterested in class-work Are underachieving Are least prepared for college or work

9 Truths About Transition to Career  50% find jobs by ‘chance’ not by choice  64% that go to work would like to consider other career options  First job retention average is less than 1 year  90% need problem solving, critical thinking, team work and communication skills.

10 Truths About Transition to Post-Secondary A 1998 National Education Goals Panel survey in Texas found that:  Of 1,000 high school students, 86% graduate  Of 860, only 50% go to 4-year college  Of 430, only 20% graduate  Only 86 of Texas high school students (8.6%) achieve a college-level education

11 Truths About Issues We Face in the Rio Grande Valley  High dropout rates  High unemployment rates  Shortage of educated role models- – 47% of RGV residents have high-school diplomas (72% for state) – 12% RGV residents have some college training (20% state/national averages)

12 Three Initiatives That Work Manufacturing Technologies Laboratory School-to-Careers Tech Prep

13 Manufacturing Technologies Laboratory (MTL)  Promotes pursuit of higher-level math and science course work  Students program computerized robots, lathes, and milling machines using the x-y-z coordinate system  Over 17,000 students served by three-week, subscription-based program

14 School-to-Careers  Career development  Staff development  Work-based learning  Parent outreach  Support systems  Marketing to employers, educators, parents, and community leaders  Recruiting employers, educators, students, parents, and community partners

15 Career Development

16 Staff Development  Workshops and Conferences  Employer-Endorsed Curriculum  Support Team (S-TEAM) Network  Counselors’ Network

17 Support Team Network  Local campus- based interdisciplinary teams who are bringing about positive changes by encouraging high academic standards with real-life applications  Started with Tech Prep funds, expanded with School-to-Careers funds

18 Counselors’ Network  Counselors from public schools, colleges, and other organizations  Annual meetings and targeted staff development  Annual Awards of Counseling Excellence  Perkins funds through Weatherford College

19 Workshops and Conferences  One-day events (e.g., Texas Friendly Ambassador, Labor Market Trends)  Conferences (e.g., 2001 Tech Prep/School- to-Careers Regional Conference; CBIRD 1 st International Technology Conference)  In-service training on local campuses Coming events:

20 Employer-Endorsed Curriculum: Careers in Action  Work-based curriculum for K-8 students  Employer-endorsed: developed through teacher/counselor internships  TEKS, TAAS, and personal skills taught with real-life application activities  Each lesson includes field trip or classroom speaker within the specific career area

21 Careers in Action Kinder- Personal and Protective Services 1st grade- Business and Marketing 2nd grade-Agriculture and Science Technology 3rd grade- Art, Communications and Media 4th grade- Health Science Technology 5th grade- Industrial and Engineering Technology 6th grade- Art, Communication and Media 7th grade- Health Science Technology 8th grade- Industrial and Engineering Technology

22 Work-Based Learning  Activities giving students opportunities to …  Experience “the real world of work”  Learn how academic and work-related skills studied in class are used in the workplace

23 Work-Based Learning  Career awareness  Career exploration  Career preparation

24 Career Awareness  Field Trips  Career Fairs  Career Days/Guest Speakers

25 Career Exploration  Job Shadowing  Job Rotations

26 Career Preparation  Internships  Mentoring  Cooperative Education  Apprenticeships

27 Parent Outreach Information given to both parents and students to help them plan for the future!  Importance of Academics  Importance of Work-Based Learning  Labor Market Information  Tech Prep Articulation Information

28 Tech Prep  Career major system  Six-year curriculum spanning grades 9-14, based on Texas’ Recommended High School Program  “Banked” college credits for high school courses, many transferring throughout Texas  Counselor training, academic integration, access for all students  “Heart” of School-to-Careers system

29 Tech Prep Texas Scholars  Tech Prep curriculum (State Recommended or Distinguished Achievement Plan) in high school  Career and technology electives, with one or more college-level, articulated courses  Student declares intent  Tech Prep courses qualify as DAP measures  Eligible for cash scholarships Student Recognition Program Developed Locally, with TBEC Input

30 Rio Grande Valley Tech Prep Statistics Dropout Rates 1999-2000

31 TAAS Results Grade 10 -12

32 Rio Grande Valley Tech Prep Statistics 1999-2000 Percent Pursuing Higher Education,

33 Benefits of Involvement  Education reform  Curriculum integration  Better-focused students  Improved student performance  Community involvement and investment  Improved labor pool

34 Tech Prep of the Rio Grande Valley, Inc. Patricia G. (Pat) Bubb, Executive Director Martha Gutierrez, Work-Based Specialist Todd Holland, Parent Outreach Specialist

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