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Food Supply Chain: Purchasing, Logistics & More Professor Mellie Pullman ISQA 458/558 Fall 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Food Supply Chain: Purchasing, Logistics & More Professor Mellie Pullman ISQA 458/558 Fall 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Supply Chain: Purchasing, Logistics & More Professor Mellie Pullman ISQA 458/558 Fall 2012

2 Today’s Activities Introduction Syllabus & Important Dates What is Food Supply Chain Management? Unfine Richardson Case Discussion Photographs & Index Cards

3 You can call me: Mellie OR Dr. / Professor Pullman Office hours: Tuesday 4:00-5:00 PM Or by request

4 Course Format Allowed 10 minutes break per hour of teaching 5:40-7:10-ish Break: 15 minutes 7:30-9:00-ish

5 My Background Education ◦ BS &MS (Mechanical Engineering) ◦ MBA & Ph.D. (Operations Management & Marketing) Work Experience: Food related ◦ Personal Chef ◦ Restaurant Management & Catering ◦ Brew-master and Microbrewery Start-up Consultant ◦ Consulting (hospitality & food companies) Academic research ◦ Sustainable food supply chain issues ◦ Chefs & the Innovation Process ◦ Models for local food production & distribution (Grass-fed beef, Coops, Organic flour)

6 Consulting & Community Service ◦ Cirque Du Soleil ◦ Hotels & Airports ◦ Ski resorts ◦ Mountaineering Products ◦ Nestle ◦ International Telecom ◦ Non-profits  Portland Food Policy & Purchasing Councils  Food Alliance  Upstream Health

7 Other fun facts… Teaching 20 years at schools around the US and Europe Writing & publishing articles & books Traveling, rock climbing, skiing, cooking and researching food producers, wineries, breweries, and restaurants.

8 What about you? Please spend a few minutes filling out this index card with: ◦ Your preferred first name (& last name) ◦ Contact email ◦ Where are you from? ◦ Fun Facts about you If you have never had a class from me, I will need to take a photo of you during the break.

9 The Classroom Mix Lectures Case Discussions Breakout Discussion Groups Guest Speakers Field Trips

10 Intellectual Contributions ActivitiesIndividual Quizzes (3 of 4)30 % Individual Class Attendance and Participation 10 % Individual Assignments -Value-added Food Product -Ocado Exercise & write-up -Tour paper 30 % Team Presentation10 % Team Paper20 % Total100 %

11 Assignments & Quizzes 3 Assignments ◦ Trace a fresh food item ◦ Ocado Internet Grocery (time!) ◦ Field Trip & write-up. Due 3 of 4 Quizzes ◦ Oct 9 ◦ Oct 16 ◦ Nov 6 ◦ Nov 13 Questions are provided in the syllabus. Each case requires answering the Questions and providing a recommendation. Limited to 2 pages not Including supporting exhibits. Write-ups due at beginning of class.

12 Food Company Tours Organically Grown Company (Oct. 23) Possibly another on that night ◦ Note: Reading prior to tour and tour write- up due the following week. Hopworks Urban Brewery (Nov 27) ◦ Note: Readings (on-line) prior to tour.

13 Tour Paper Prior to the tour, please prepare a least one question to ask the host about the company and/or industry After the tour, you will write a summary of the experience ◦ Company organized around product or function (estimate of SKUs) ◦ type of inventory system ◦ location issues (why there?) ◦ transportation strategies ◦ use of IS to keep supply chain running efficiently and effectively ◦ sustainability concerns. ◦ Looking for deeper thought or reflections!!! Two pages is sufficient.

14 Participation & Attendance Participation is key! ◦ You learn in proportion to what you put into this class. ◦ Lots of opportunities to get involved ◦ Additional points for current articles (“shy clause”) Class attendance is expected. ◦ attendance will be reflected in your participation grade. ◦ If you anticipate missing a class, I would appreciate if you would let me know about the situation in advance.

15 Class Etiquette Laptop use in class is strongly discouraged, Cell phones/Blackberries/etc. should be turned off for class periods, Please be respectful of your classmates, professor, and speakers/tour hosts by listening when they are talking and not creating side conversations. If you chose to be on the laptop or miss part of class; this will affect your participation grade.

16 Textbook Text: Food Supply Chain Management: Economic, Social and Environmental Perspectives (Pullman, M. and Z. Wu, 2011: Routledge ISBN-10: 0415885884 ) Available through Amazon $60-$72 paperback or PSU Bookstore

17 Required Materials Course packet available at ◦ Clean Copy, 1704 SW Broadway Other Readings on the Mellie Pullman course site (under PSU/ SBA /Supply Chain Management) ◦ Reaping What You Sow? ◦ Out in the Sort (John McPhee in New Yorker, April 18, 2005) ◦ Ocado: An Alternative Way to Bridge the Last Mile in Grocery Home Delivery ◦ Ocado spreadsheets: Windows.xls and Nowindow.xls ◦ Portland Roasting Company ◦ Burgerville ◦ Moving Food Along the Value Chain: Innovations in Regional Food Distribution (USDA, 2012) Other readings include websites and material handed out in class.

18 Team Presentation and Research Project Form a 3 person before the end of class next week (see syllabus) We will discuss the project next week. Team Presentations (15 minutes + Q&A) ◦ Oct 30 or Nov 20 Team Final Research Paper (due Dec 4)

19 What I will provide Class Handouts of lecture slides (also provided on course site). Overview of what is expected that day and next class period Additional readings Email support Office hours and additional help as required.

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