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Formulating the Research Design In this topic we have discussed about various research strategies, for example; Action Research which focuses on close.

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Presentation on theme: "Formulating the Research Design In this topic we have discussed about various research strategies, for example; Action Research which focuses on close."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formulating the Research Design In this topic we have discussed about various research strategies, for example; Action Research which focuses on close collaboration between researcher and practitioner. Grounded Theory which focuses on Collection of data starts without the formation of an initial theoretical framework. Ethnographic research helps in interpreting the social world the research subjects lives in and their own way of interpreting it.

2 Formulating the Research Design Also we have discussed briefly about naturalism which means that researcher will be researching the phenomenon within the context in which it occurs. Time Horizon is another important aspect which we have discussed for example; cross section or longitudinal. Credibility of research findings is another important aspect which must consider the following; Reliability; Validity; Generalisability; Logic hurdles and false assumptions

3 Research Design Ethics The research design should not subject the Research population to embarrassment Harm them and/or Lead to other material disadvantages

4 Theoretical Framework & Hypothesis Development Lecture 10 th

5 Theoretical Framework and Hypothesis Development Observation broad area Preliminary data gathering Problem definition Theoretical framework Generation Of hypothesis Scientific research design Data collection Analysis and interpretation Deduction hypothesis Report writing Report presentation Managerial decision making

6 Theoretical Framework: What and Why? Basis of entire research. Helps in building and identifying logical sense of the relationship among the several factors that are important to the problem. Integrating logical beliefs with published research.

7 Theoretical Framework: What and Why? It helps in developing a scientific basis for investigating the research problem. Helps in testing certain relationships to improve our understanding of the situation. Testable hypothesis can be developed

8 Theoretical Framework: What and Why? First identify the problem and then, identify the variables that contribute to it. Literature survey provides a solid foundation for developing a theoretical/conceptual framework. The theoretical framework elaborates the relationships among the variables, explain the theory underlying these relations and describes the nature and direction of the relationships.

9 Theoretical Framework: What and Why? Clarity, identification and labeling (relevance) the variables of study The important relationships among the variables must be defined. Give clear explanation of the existing relationships of different variables.

10 Theoretical Framework: What and Why? Get the direction of the relationships on the basis of previous research findings. (Literature Review ) The arguments could be drawn from the previous research findings. (Literature Review )

11 Variables There are changeable values of any thing. (e.g. exam score) Types of variables: Dependent Independent Moderate Intervening

12 Dependent variables It is the variable of primary interest. It is the main variable. Researcher gives importance to understand and describe the dependant variable. Finding those variables which influence it. Quantifying and measuring the dependent variable and the influence of other variables (e.g checking loyalty of employees).

13 Independent variable It is that variable which influences the dependent variable. Moderating Variable It is that variables which modifies the original relationship between the independent and the dependent variables.

14 Moderating Variables Independent Dependent variable variable oderating variable Quality Of productsCustomer satisfaction Training

15 Intervening variable It is the impact on the dependent variable caused by the independent variables influence the same. Independent Variable Intervening Variable Dependent variable Quality of products Awareness Customer satisfaction

16 Definition: Hypothesis It is an statement logically formed an opinion on the basis of relationships between two or more variables. An opinion is made on the basis of theoretical network. For example; Customer oriented companies can make more business than production oriented companies.

17 Hypothesis Development Once identify the important variables then establish the relationships among them through logical reasoning in the theoretical framework. Test the relationships validity. Get some reliable information about the existing relationship. Get some test results and ideas to solve the problem.

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