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Legal aspects of the marine environment protection and oil transportation: example of the Baltic Sea.

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Presentation on theme: "Legal aspects of the marine environment protection and oil transportation: example of the Baltic Sea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legal aspects of the marine environment protection and oil transportation: example of the Baltic Sea

2 Ecological risks of the maritime oil transportation World tanker fleet appr. 7000 vessels Cargo capacity – 76 000 -175 000 tons Transportation of oil by tankers and accidents result in the dumping of 600 000 - 1 750 000 tons of oil into the ocean per year; Oil spills and oil wastes are extremely damaging for marine landscape and ocean’s inhabitants.

3 Baltic Sea: An average of 2,000 ships are at sea each day ▫including 200 tankers carrying oil or other potentially harmful products. ▫It is estimated that oil transportation may increase by 40% by 2017. The expansion and construction of oil terminals on the shores of the Gulf of Finland and regional economic growth may lead to even higher increases in shipping.

4 Baltic sea

5 Ecological risks of maritime oil transportation in the Baltic Sea: types of accidents

6 Causes of accidents:

7 International law and prevention of oil pollution from ships Global level: ▫United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 10/12/1982 – “umbrella convention” ▫International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969; ▫International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971; ▫International Convention for the prevention of pollution from Ships (MARPOL)

8 Particular Sensitive Sea Area The Baltic Sea area: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden (2005) ▫ Traffic separation schemes (new and amendments to existing); ▫ Deepwater route; ▫ Areas to be avoided in addition to existing routing, reporting and pilotage systems plus MARPOL Special Area

9 International law and prevention of oil pollution from ships Regional level: ▫Convention on the Protection of the Maritime Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (Helsinki Convention 1992); ▫HELCOM Recommendations EU-legislature

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