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The Rock Made Me Do It! Quick SCORM and an Online Geology Course Presented by: Dr. Raymond Gildner Department of Geosciences Samantha S. Birk Instructional.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rock Made Me Do It! Quick SCORM and an Online Geology Course Presented by: Dr. Raymond Gildner Department of Geosciences Samantha S. Birk Instructional."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rock Made Me Do It! Quick SCORM and an Online Geology Course Presented by: Dr. Raymond Gildner Department of Geosciences Samantha S. Birk Instructional Designer Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne

2 2 Challenge of an online geology course Geology is a very “physical” physical science course Hands-on laboratories are often an essential part of the learning experience  You learn about rocks by looking at rocks  Practice, practice, practice How do you put rocks in their hands, when it is an online course?  An online mineral identification lab

3 3

4 4

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6 6 Practice, practice, practice One is good, more are better The mineral identification exercise was designed with adaptability in mind  Content and functionality separated For a new mineral, just change  The images  The properties and answer key  Each a separate file from the page functions

7 7 Making it useful The LMS - Blackboard Vista, in our case (formerly WebCT) Assessment? “What’s this ‘SCORM module’ thingy do?”

8 8 SCORM Sharable Content Object Reference Model

9 9 SCORM Sharable Content Object Reference Model A standard maintained by the Advanced Distance Learning Consortium (ADL)

10 10 SCORM Anything that an be presented on the web has the potential to be SCORM compliant Flash.swf.wav file.jpg media.DHTML.js function.HTML fragment.XML

11 11 SCORM Sharable Content Object

12 12 Sharable Content Object SCORM

13 13 ? ? ?

14 14 SCORM Reference Model An agreed-upon method that enables computers to share information between the SCO and tools (e.g. grade book, tracking, etc.) THIS MAKES SCOs PORTABLE

15 15 SCORM

16 16 Browser and LMS communication The LMS needs to know it is a SCO (done during the upload process) The LMS needs to know which SCO it is, and what files are included (done through a manifest file) The LMS needs to call for the correct functions to create the link between the content and the database (done through API and JavaScript file) Reload—

17 17 Why use SCORM? Interactivity Engagement Active learning Assessment Tracking Rich Learning Environment

18 18 Limitations Learning Management System (LMS) standard tools Programming expertise Campus resources

19 19 Adobe Acrobat Connect Professional Adobe Acrobat Presenter StudyMate by Respondus Impatica for PowerPoint etc.

20 20 ImpaticaAdobe Connect Multiple choice - Adobe ConnectMatching - Adobe Connect

21 21 Faculty input Richer engagement with the content Student demonstration of knowledge application Break-up (or away from) the “push” learning model Deliver more creative assessments; more flexibility in grading Seamless integration into a learning context Make it EASY

22 22

23 23

24 24 We’re off to see the Wizard… Developed by Dr. Ray Gildner and Samantha S Birk

25 25 All screens shown at 800x600 resolution

26 26 Click Browse…

27 27 Select image from standard dialog…

28 28

29 29 Select the number of terms and enter them…

30 30 Select the number of terms and enter them…

31 31 Select the number of definitions and enter them…

32 32 You can have zero definitions

33 33 Arrange the order of terms and definitions…

34 34 Link the correct term to its definition

35 35 Select the number of boxes on image…

36 36 And drag them into their positions

37 37 Link the boxes to the terms

38 38 Customize the wording on the quiz

39 39 Make it a self test, OR…

40 40 Make it a graded quiz with simple grading, OR…

41 41 Make it a graded quiz with custom grading

42 42 Copy the code, and…

43 43 Save it as a text file named thisMatch.js You are done with the Wizard

44 44 Put everything together with the PnCSCORM Starter files

45 45 Package into a SCO using Reload Editor

46 46 Test using Reload Editor, upload to LMS

47 47 - Reload Metadata and Content Packing Editor -- - Advanced Distributed Learning(ADL) ( ) Samantha S. Birk Instructional Designer Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd. Kettler Hall, Room 234 Fort Wayne, IN 46805 (260) 481-6368 email: Raymond F. Gildner Visiting Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne 2101 East Coliseum Boulevard Science Building, Room 230A Fort Wayne, IN 46805 (260) 481-0249 Email: Developers Contacts Resources

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