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PCNN is a powerful new media voice for connecting companies to capital by broadcasting news and stories about raising capital.

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Presentation on theme: "PCNN is a powerful new media voice for connecting companies to capital by broadcasting news and stories about raising capital."— Presentation transcript:

1 PCNN is a powerful new media voice for connecting companies to capital by broadcasting news and stories about raising capital.

2 PCNN Is Powerful Because The News and Programming Is Available On Demand To Viewers Around the World on Five Digital Platforms: PCNN Is Powerful Because The News and Programming Is Available On Demand To Viewers Around the World on Five Digital Platforms: Connected television Mobile smart phones TabletsLaptops Internet and Traditional Talk Radio

3 In other words, PCNN is powerful because it connects the new internet distribution technology to handheld and traditional computers. The content is free because PCNN revenues are based upon ads and sponsorships.

4 The news and programming content of PCNN can be delivered live, or the content can be archived for later viewing Anytime, Anywhere. The News content can be distributed to 50 million television sets in the United States. The programming is available to over 225 million Android and iOS cell phones in the United States. Programming available on 50 million tablets in the United States increasing to over 200 million by 2017.

5 PCNN has Very Attractive Viewer Demographics Private company executives and marketing staff involved in raising capital. Accredited and institutional investors who are searching for deals. Professional business intermediaries who are searching for new clients.

6 The news and programming content is based upon a Metro Geographical Marketing Strategy The News programs are about the technological economic strengths of the metro regional economy. The News is about technological innovation and commercialization in local firms. The News is about individual companies and CEOs in each region.

7 The Video Broadcast Technology Is Embedded With Seamless, Automatic Ad Insertion Software Both live and archived content continue to generate ad insertion revenue. Pre-roll ads are also seamlessly inserted in live and archived content. Live programs have traditional ads and sponsorships, in addition to the ad insertion revenue.

8 The Internet Distribution Technology Is Supplemented by Live Business Social Networking Events PCNN conducts quarterly Regional Capital Exchange events, where company CEOs make presentations about their company and their use of capital. PCNN hosts Social media marketing events. The goal is to provide viewers with a highly interactive viewing experience in order to promote maximum idea exchange.

9 Private Companies Use PCNN To Promote Their Capital Raise CEOs appear as guests on shows to describe their company and use of capital. Companies prepare live and archived webinars about their company. Companies prepare 5 minute advertorials to explain their offering. Companies are free to connect their content to all varieties of accredited investor crowdfunding.

10 Private Companies Gain Access To Extensive Crowdfunding Marketing Services because PCNN offers extensive internet and traditional public relations for private companies. PCNN offers extensive internet and traditional public relations for private companies. Outside marketing firms are also looking for new company clients on PCNN.

11 The PCNN Broadcast Technology Is Supported by An Interactive Website. PCNN is powerful because it combines the new broadcast technology with a very interactive website: The PCNN website is connected to many outside websites, including the private companies own website to provide maximum search engine and social media marketing from the news content distribution.

12 Sources of Capital and Business Professionals Use The Website To Promote Their Services They can buy Banner display ads. They can buy and manage their own Professional service profile page ads. They can appear as Featured guests on news programs to describe their services.

13 PCNN Would Love To Help You Promote Your Company. 1. You can be a guest on one of our news shows to describe your company. 2. You can be an advertiser on our shows or website. 3. You can be a presenting company at one of our regional capital exchange events. 4. You can use our crowdfunding services to help your company raise capital.

14 Thomas Vass, CEO 919 975 4856 Tvass (at) privatecapitalmarket. Com We are located in Wilmington, North Carolina

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