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Chapter 46: Bowel Elimination

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1 Chapter 46: Bowel Elimination
Bonnie M. Wivell, MS, RN, CNS

2 Scientific Knowledge Base
Mouth Digestion begins with mastication; saliva dilutes and softens food Esophagus Peristalsis moves food bolus into the stomach Stomach Stores food & liquid; mixes food, liquid and digestive juices; moves food into small intestines Small intestine Duodenum, jejunum, and ileum Large intestine The primary organ of bowel elimination Anus Expels feces and flatus from the rectum STOMACH: produces and secretes HCL, mucus, the enzyme pepsin, and the intrinsic factor SMALL INTESTINES: Duodenum is approx inches long and continues to process the chyme Jejunum is approx. 8 feet long and absorbs carbs and proteins Ileum is approx. 12 feet long and absorbs water, fats, and bile salts LARGE INTESTINES: Cecum, colon, and rectum Ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid colon Bicarb is secreted in exchange for Chloride The colon excretes about 4-9 mEq of K daily Serous alterations in function can cause severe electrolyte disturbances RECTUM: bacteria convert fecal matter into its final form VALSALVA MANUEVER: Voluntary contraction of abd. Muscles while maintaining forced expiration against a closed airway. Clients with cardiovascular disease, glaucoma, increased intracranial pressure, or new surgical wounds are at risk of cardiac irregularities and elevated blood pressure hence they need to avoid straining. 2

3 Factors Affecting Bowel Elimination
Age Infants: small stomach capacity; less secretion of digestive enzymes; rapid peristalsis; lack neuromuscular development so cannot control bowels Older adults: arteriosclerosis which causes decreased mesenteric blood flow, decreasing absorption in small intestine; decrease in peristalsis; loose muscle tone in perineal floor and anal sphincter thus are at risk for incontinence; slowing nerve impulses in the anal region make older adults less aware of need to defecate leading to irregular BMs and risk of constipation

4 Factors Affecting Bowel Elimination
Diet: fiber such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegies help flush the fats and waste products from the body with more efficiency; decreased fiber → increased risk of polyps; be aware of food intolerances Fluid intake: 6-8 glasses of noncaffeinated fluid daily; liquifies intestinal contents easing passage through colon Physical activity: promotes peristalsis Psychological factors: stress increases peristalsis resulting in diarrhea and gaseous distention; ulcerative colitis; IBS; gastric and duodenal ulcers; crohn’s disease Personal habits: fear of defecating away from home Position during defecation: squatting is the normal position

5 Factors Affecting Bowel Elimination
Pain: hemorrhoids, rectal surgery, rectal fistulas and abd. surgery Pregnancy: increased pressure; slowing peristalsis in third trimester Surgery and Anesthesia: lows or stops peristalsis; paralytic ileus = direct manipulation of the bowel and lasts hours Medications: laxatives and cathartics; laxative overuse can decrease muscle tone and can cause diarrhea which can result in dehydration and electrolyte imbalance; see Table 46-2 Diagnostic tests: bowel prep; barium

6 Common Bowel Elimination Problems
Constipation Causes: improper diet, reduced fluid intake, lack of exercise, and certain meds A significant health hazard Impaction Causes: unrelieved constipation Debilitated, confused, and unconscious more at risk Continuous ooze of diarrhea is a suspect sign Diarrhea Causes: antibiotics via any route; enteral nutrition; food allergies or intolerance; surgeries or diagnostic testing of the lower GI tract; C. difficile; communicable food-borne pathogens NURSING INTERVENTIONS FOR IMPACTION DIGITAL EXAMINATION OF THE RECTUM NOTIFY PHYSICIAN MAY POSSIBLY NEED TO MANUALLY REMOVE STOOL SEVERE IMPACTION MAY REQUIRE SURGERY DIARRHEA: Usually a symptom of some underlying disease or disorder characterized by frequent, unformed stools Complications: Dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, skin excoriation, potential for infection Nursing interventions: assess for underlying cause, assess for dehydration (skin turgor, dry mucus membranes), evaluate labs, administer IV fluids and meds as ordered, assist pt. with remaining clean and dry

7 Common Bowel Elimination Problems
Incontinence Causes: physical conditions that impair anal sphincter function or control Flatulence Causes: certain foods; decreased intestinal motility Can become severe enough to cause abd distention and severe sharp pain Hemorrhoids = dilated, engorged veins; internal or external Causes: straining with defecation; pregnancy; heart failure; chronic liver disease

8 Bowel Diversions Ostomies: Certain disease /conditions prevent normal passage of stool; temporary or permanent artificial opening in the abd wall; location determines consistency of stool Loop colostomy: Usually done emergently; temporary; usually involves transverse colon; two openings through one stoma – stool and mucus; external supporting device usually removed in 7-10 days End colostomy: one stoma formed from the proximal end of the bowel and distal portion of the GI tract removed or sewn closed (Hartman’s pouch); common in colorectal cancer and rectum is usually removed; temporary in surgery for diverticulitis Double-barrel colostomy: bowel is surgically severed and two ends brought out onto the abd; proximal stoma functions and distal stoma is nonfunctioning


10 Loop Colostomy

11 Double-Barrel Colostomy

12 Double-Barrel Colostomy


14 End Colostomy


16 Bowel Diversions Cont’d.
Alternative procedures Ileoanal pouch: colon removed for tx of ulcerative colits or familial polyps; pouch is formed from distal end of small intestines and attached to anus; pouch acts as rectum so pt. is continent; has temporary ileostomy while healing Kock continent ileostomy: consists of a reservoir constructed from small bowel and nipple valve which keeps contents of reservoir inside body; permits entry of external catheter to drain pouch Macedo-Malone Antegrade Continence Enema (MACE); for improving continence in pts with neuropathic or structural abnormalities of the anal sphincter

17 Ileoanal Pouch Anastomosis

18 Kock Continent Ileostomy

19 Care of the Patient With a Bowel Diversion
“Bagging” the ostomy Assessing stoma and skin Assessing stool output New stoma vs. Old stoma Patient education and counseling

20 Psychological Considerations
Body image changes Face a variety of anxieties and concerns Must learn how to manage stoma Cope with conflicts of self-esteem and body image Can be concealed with clothing but pt. aware of its presence Difficulty with intimacy/sexual relations Foul odors, leakage, spills and inability to control or regulate passage of gas and stool is embarrassing Ostomy support: United Ostomy Association National Foundation for Ileitis and Colitis



23 Nursing Process and Bowel Elimination
Assessment Nursing history (see Box 46-2) Usual elimination pattern Usual stool characteristics Routines to promote normal elimination Use of artificial aids Presence/status of bowel diversions Changes in appetite Diet history Daily fluid intake History of surgery or illnesses of GI tract Medication history Emotional state History of exercise Pain or discomfort Social history Mobility and dexterity

24 Nursing Process and Bowel Elimination
Physical assessment of the abdomen Mouth: poor dentition, dentures, mouth sores Abdomen: inspect, auscultate, palpate, percuss Rectum: inspect Inspection of fecal characteristics Review of relevant test results Fecal specimens: cannot mix feces with urine or water Stool for occult blood (FOBT or guiac) see Box 46-3 Fecal fat requires 3-5 days of collection Ova & Parasites (O&P) Labs: bilirubin, ALK, Amylase, CEA Diagnostic Exams: KUB, endoscopy, colonoscopy, barium enema, barium swallow, US, MRI, CT scan (may require pre-procedure preparation) Hypoactive sounds = less than 5 sounds per minute Hyperactive = 35 or more sounds per minutes KUB = Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder

25 Nursing Diagnosis Bowel incontinence Constipation
Risk for constipation Perceived constipation Diarrhea Toileting self-care deficit Body image, disturbed

26 Planning Goals and outcomes Setting Priorities
Client sets regular defecation habits Client is able to list proper fluid and food intake needed to achieve bowel elimination Client implements a regular exercise program Client reports daily passage of soft, formed brown stool Client doesn’t report any discomfort associated with defecation Setting Priorities Collaborative Care - WOCN Priorities: coping with new dx of cancer and its tx precede the client’s need to independently manage bowel diversion Coping with the changes in body image often becomes a high priority

27 Implementation Health Promotion: establish routine Acute Care
Promotion of normal defecation Sitting position Position on bedpan – see pg. 1196 Privacy Acute Care Meds Cathartics and laxatives Antidiarrheal agents Enemas

28 Types of Enemas Cleansing enemas Oil Retention
Tap water Normal saline Hypertonic solutions Soapsuds Oil Retention Carminative – Mag, gylcerin and water; relieves gaseous distention Medicated enemas – Kayexalate

29 Implementation Cont’d.
Enema administration “Enemas till clear” See pages Digital removal of stool – last resort Can cause irritation to the mucosa, bleeding and stimulation of vagus nerve Inserting and maintaining a nasogastric tube


31 NG Tubes Levine or salem sump tubes are most common for stomach decompression or lavage See pages for insertion procedure Connected to intermittent suction (LIS) Air vent should NEVER be clamped, connected to suction or used for irrigation Not a sterile technique Care of pt. with NG Comfort Frequent mouth care/gargling Maintain patency of tube Turn client frequently to allow for adequate emptying

32 Continuing and Restorative Care
Care of ostomies Irriating a colostomy Pouching ostomies (see pages ) Nutritional considerations with ostomies Bowel training Proper fluid and food intake Regular exercise Hemorrhoids Skin integrity Care of ostomies and pouching ostomies requires special equipment. Please check with your health care facility for specific equipment as well as polices and procedures. You should also seek the assistance of the health care facility ostomy/wound care nurse. The bowel training program will be individualized to the specific needs of the client. The skin needs to be maintained. The use of mild soap and warm water with a soft towel will help you when cleaning the area. A barrier may also be applied. 32

33 Evaluation The effectiveness of care depends on how successful the client is in achieving goals and outcomes Optimally the client will be able to have regular, pain-free defecation of soft-formed stools It is necessary to ask questions so establishing a therapeutic relationship is VERY important Nursing interventions may be altered if necessary 33

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