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Prince Edward Island Municipal Orientation ‘2007 Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon February 17, 2007 Session Leader – Don.

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Presentation on theme: "Prince Edward Island Municipal Orientation ‘2007 Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon February 17, 2007 Session Leader – Don."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prince Edward Island Municipal Orientation ‘2007 Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon February 17, 2007 Session Leader – Don Smeltzer

2 The Agenda Introduction and Overview Local Government – Some of the Basics Group Exercises Local Government: The Team in Action Roles and Responsibilities – Who does What Needs Wrap Up Questions

3 What Do You See?

4 Young or Old?

5 How Many Squares?

6 Important to Remember Each of us can look at the same thing and see something different!

7 BNA Act Distribution of powers is given to Federal and Provincial Governments

8 In the Scheme of Things Municipal governments are creatures of the provinces and may be dissolved, enlarged, made smaller and/or have powers given to or taken away – at the whim of the responsible provincial government.

9 Municipal Government Powers The power that a municipality has to govern is given to it by the province in which the municipality is located.

10 Municipalities Act In PEI, the Municipalities Act prescribes the powers given to towns, villages and communities and prescribes the regulations under which a council may be elected and what authority is given.

11 Cities Incorporated under: Charlottetown Area Municipalities Act City of Summerside Act

12 Levels of Authority Provincial Government __________________ Municipal Governments ______ Councils ____________ Administrations

13 Conflict of Interest Municipalities Act PEI Section 23: No member of Council shall, subject to section 17, derive any profit or financial advantage from his (or her) position as a member of Council and, where a member of Council has any pecuniary interest in or is affected by any matter before the Council, he (or she) shall declare his (or her) interest therein and shall abstain from the voting and discussion thereon. 1983, c33, s24.

14 Conflict of Interest It is also important for each member of Council to review section 123 of the Canadian Criminal Code. This section relates to what is considered the “…bribing or unlawful influence of municipal officials…” defined as a member of municipal council or a person who holds an office under a municipal government;

15 Situation One You are a councillor in a medium size PEI municipality. Just before leaving home to attend a regular Council meeting, you receive a phone call from a resident complaining that a municipal employee has been using equipment of the municipality for personal use. The resident wants you to raise this at tonight’s Council meeting. How do you respond?

16 Situation Two Just elected, you campaigned on the need for honesty and open government. Re-zoning of a property from R-2 to a C-1 to allow for construction of a commercial enterprise is on the agenda. The owner of the property is a well known business person who worked on your campaign. Only a few know that the business made a financial contribution to your campaign effort. The business person was recognized by the municipality several years ago as “Entrepreneur of the Year.” You are supportive of the re-zoning; it will create additional, badly needed jobs in the community but there has been opposition from some residents Outcome of the vote is uncertain and your support is considered crucial. What position do you take?

17 Situation Three You are in charge of personnel and shortly will be interviewing applicants for a new public works position. The son-in-law of a Council member has applied. The Councillor is a member of the Public Works Committee and, while you make decisions on this level of employee, the practice has been to review applications for full-time positions with the Public Works Committee, before finalizing your choice. How should this situation be handled?

18 Situation Four The municipality has been negotiating privately with an off-island business to locate in the community’s Industrial Park. Agreement has just been reached. The Mayor has scheduled an official announcement for Monday. All Council members have been advised of the latest development. Councillor Murray ran for office on the need to attract business to the municipality. In a radio interview this morning he has identified the business name and spoke about the number of jobs that will be created. How might the Mayor be feeling about this interview?

19 Video Program Local Government: The Team in Action

20 Roles and Responsibilities – Council/Council Members establishing overall direction; approving annual budgets; providing leadership;

21 Roles and Responsibilities – Council/Council Members establishing priorities/setting tax rates; providing residents with an appropriate mix and level of services; approving policies;

22 Roles and Responsibilities – Council Members adopting bylaws, resolutions and plans; maintaining good public relations and transparency of operations; avoiding conflicts of interest;

23 Roles and Responsibilities – Council/Council Members providing competitive salaries and benefits supporting skill upgrading and professional development; operating within legislated legal limits;

24 Roles and Responsibilities – Council/Council Members governing for the present and future; evaluating as well as providing support and encouragement to the Chief Administrative Officer;

25 Roles and Responsibilities – Council/Council Members promoting a system of governance where professional ethics, trust, honesty, openness and the desire for excellence is encouraged.

26 Roles and Responsibilities – CAO/Senior Staff providing quality information and advice to Council; administering approved policies and bylaws of Council; managing the day-to-day operation of the municipality;

27 Roles and Responsibilities – CAO/Senior Staff informing Council and its committees of options, alternatives and implications; managing the budgeting process; overseeing the municipality’s legal obligations;

28 Roles and Responsibilities – CAO/Senior Staff informing Council and its committees of options, alternatives and implications; managing and evaluating personnel; listening and being a mentor and role model; praising, correcting, rewarding;

29 Roles and Responsibilities – CAO/Senior Staff ensuring that ongoing staff development takes place; evaluating policies and programs; maintaining an open mind and having a commitment to ongoing professional development;

30 Roles and Responsibilities – CAO/Senior Staff preparing draft policies and budgets; responding to public enquiries; advising on policies; keeping up-to-date and informed of developments affecting municipal operations;

31 Roles and Responsibilities – CAO/Senior Staff networking with colleagues; maintaining an operating environment where professional ethics, trust, honesty, openness and the desire for excellence is encouraged;

32 Needs of Council/Councillors public input and public support; political and management leadership; joint ownership of decisions; clear role statements and guidelines;

33 Needs of Council/Councillors common, shared goals and objectives; sense of achievement and satisfaction; recognition for the good that is being done; appropriate compensation ;

34 Needs of Council/Councillors accurate, honest information; Courtesy and respect; other needs?????

35 Needs of Employees detailed job descriptions; authority to perform the assigned responsibilities; feedback on performance; support when mistakes are made;

36 Needs of Employees healthy working conditions including adequate staff and technical resources to do the job well; fair, competitive salaries and benefits; support and encouragement; free time to charge their batteries;

37 Needs of Employees other needs?????

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