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Filtek Industries Product Offering Presentation Superior Filtration Solutions.

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1 Filtek Industries Product Offering Presentation Superior Filtration Solutions

2 The challenges faced by Mobile Operators worldwide to reduce Operational Expenditure is well documented. This is especially so in certain African operations where cell site power via Diesel Generators is a huge additional expense. Despite several alternatives and new innovations, Diesel Generators (DG’s) still offer the lowest cost per KW hour generated. The downside of course with DG’s is maintenance costs, longevity, fuel consumption and delivery thereof etc.

3 Filtek offers a tried, tested and proven solution whereby savings in excess of 60% on annual DG maintenance costs are realised. This is achieved by extending service intervals on DG’s from the current 250hrs to 1,000hrs. Oil as such does NOT breakdown at 250hrs but rather becomes contaminated to a degree where engine wear becomes a concern. The 30micron OEM spin-on filter is no longer able to effectively cope with contaminates and an oil change is recommended. Superior Filtration Solutions

4 “Phenomenal results can therefore be achieved in both Capex savings (prolonged engine life) and Opex savings (reduced maintenance costs ) if one where able to keep engine oil cleaner for longer”. Superior Filtration Solutions

5 The Filtek Solution comprises:- 1.Oil canister connected in by-pass mode to the generator. 2.Fuel Canister connected in-line (either before or after the fuel pump) 3.1mircon filter elements (same for both oil and fuel) 4.Optional – auto-oil dispenser to maintain oil sump levels on older DG’s Superior Filtration Solutions

6 Oil Filter (OC-1000) The filter does NOT replace the current OEM oil filter but rather compliments it (by-pass mode) Superior Filtration Solutions ‘contaminated’ engine oil @ high pressure) ‘clean’ engine oil returned to sump @low pressure

7 Oil Filter (cont.) Superior Filtration Solutions 1) Element gauge - provides an external view or indictor on the condition of the element. (Measures the difference in pressure between input and output). 2) Pressure limiter - the input has a very small orifice so as as not to affect engine pressure in anyway or void engine warranty 3) Pressure regulator - limits the internal canister pressure to 3bar. Any excess will be ‘bypassed’. 4) Mounting bracket – includes mounting screws.

8 Fuel Filter Superior Filtration Solutions Fuel from bulk or day tank with water trap ‘clean’ fuel to engine (installed before or after fuel pump)

9 Filter Elements Superior Filtration Solutions Filtration accuracy <1micron (NAS class 9 -12) Common for both Oil and Fuel Cellulose fibre composition (no dyes or reagent used) Removes free and emulsified water Plastic bag provided for easy disposal of old element Suitable for most fluids such as hydraulic fluid, cooking oil, transformer oil etc Does not impact on additives or viscosity

10 Filtek Auto-Oil Dispenser (FAD) Superior Filtration Solutions Experience has shown that when certain older generators (>6,000hrs) are retrofitted with a Filtek system they MAY shut-down due to a low pressure alarm before 1,000hrs is reached. The FAD will automatically continue to top-up the generator sump to ensure correct levels are maintained for the full period. The FAD reservoir capacity can be 1, 2 or 3 litres. 10% of sump capacity or 1litre is standard Generally not required on NEW generators but is fitted by several entities Sump level Reservoir

11 Why can the normal OEM filter not run for 1,000hrs? Superior Filtration Solutions OEM spin on Oil filters rarely filter particulate/contaminants below 30 micron. The standard gap between a new piston ring and the cylinder wall (sleeve) is around 5micron These particles of carbon and metal chaffing between 5-30micron are primarily responsible for causing engine wear. After 250 run hours the volume /density of these contaminants is considered high and the only way to remove them is an oil change. Gap +/- 5micron

12 Understanding a micron (1,000 th of a mm) Superior Filtration Solutions Human hair – 70 to 90micron Pollen - 40micron Dust particle – 4micron Smoke particle 2.5micron ONE Micron or 0.001mm

13 Technical product questions? Superior Filtration Solutions

14 How are the Oil savings achieved/calculated? Superior Filtration Solutions Assumptions: 1. Cost of a 250hr service for a 17-27KVA DG is $100-00 2. The average duty cycle of all generators is 90% which will equal 365days x 24hrs = 8,760 * 90% = 7,884 run hours PER ANNUM 3.Generator service interval @ 250hrs, 7884/250 = 31.54 services PA 4.Average sump capacity is 10 litres 5.$100 x 31 = $3,100-00 total annual service cost per Generator 6.Example for 100 sites.(used to simplify savings illustration) 100 x 31 = 3,100 total services per annum Total oil consumed 3,100 x 10L = 31,000 litres per annum 3,100 x $100-00 = $310,000-00 total service cost per annum

15 Superior Filtration Solutions Oil system (@ price break 1) 1.Filtek Oil Canister (OC-1000) $108-00 2.Filtek Replacement Element (RE-1000) $ 43-00 3.Filtek Installation Kit (INT-008) $ 52-00 4.Installation cost average* $ 30-00 Total U$D (ex-works) $233-00 Fuel system (@ price break 1) 1.Filtek Fuel Canister (FC-1000) $ 86-00 2.Filtek Replacement Element (RE-1000) $ 43-00 3.Filtek Installation Kit (INT-009) $ 29-00 4.Installation cost average* $ 20-00 Total U$D (ex-works) $178-00 * Note: installations generally performed by generator supplier (for new units) or by the contractor responsible for generator maintenance (existing retrofits)

16 Filtek fitted (maintenance savings) Superior Filtration Solutions 1)Generator service intervals decrease from 31 (@250hrs) to 7 (@1,000 hrs) per annum 2)Cost per generator in the first year (Incl Capex cost of canisters) $100 +$233 = $333-00 (Standard service + Filtek installed ) $100 + $43 (element only) = $143.00 x 6 (balance for yr) = $858-00 $333 + $858 = $1,191-00 total per Generator PA 100 * $1,191 = $119,100.00 total cost per annum Savings of $190,900.00 PA or 57% 3)Cost per generator for subsequent years (canisters already fitted) Subsequent years will require a replacement element only $143 x 7 x 100= $100.1000 total cost per annum Savings of $209,900.00 PA or 64%

17 Superior Filtration Solutions Filtek fitted (fuel savings) Extensive field trials via the use of high accuracy flow rate meters have proven a fuel saving of between 7 – 13% Due to increased efficiency as a result of cleaner combustion The ‘norm’ seems to be the older the generator the greater the saving Blocked injectors are no longer a factor Assumptions: 1.Ave consumption (flow rate) is 4 litres per hour (17-27KVA) 2.Ave cost for a litre of diesel fuel delivered is $1.35 3.100 sites x 7,884hrs x 4 litres x $1.35 cost is $4.257 Million per annum (total fuel cost) Filtek Capex cost 100 x 7 x $43 = $30,100.00 A 7% fuel saving on the above less Filtek Capex costs is $267,915.00 total fuel saving per annum

18 Superior Filtration Solutions Summary 1.Extends service intervals from 250 to 1,000hrs on diesel generators. 2.Fitment will result in >60% savings on annual generator maintenance costs 3.Return on investment in under 3 months. System hardware purchase can be secured from Opex savings (budget) 4.Prolonged engine life resulting in huge Capex savings 5.Does NOT void OEM warranty 6.Significant Fuel savings can be achieved 7.Drop Box options available. One stop kit for a complete service 8.Savings can be shared with contractors to ensure services are completed at the correct intervals 9.75% less waste oil disposed into the environment

19 Superior Filtration Solutions Commitment to all our customers With our system fitted, Filtek Industries will prove (via independent third party oil analysis) that generator oil at 1,000 hours will be of a higher quality or standard than at 250 hours without.

20 Superior Filtration Solutions Way Forward If so desired, Filtek could provide: 1.A trial within your region 2.Full technical support including installation manuals etc Client to provide: 1.Dedicated technical staff member for the project 2.Flow rate meters if a fuel saving trial is required THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME WWW.FILTEK.CO

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