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Jessica San Juan Microbiology

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1 Jessica San Juan Microbiology
ACNE! Jessica San Juan Microbiology

2 Acne Vulgaris Acne is a skin condition characterized by whiteheads, blackheads, and inflamed red pimples or "zits." Microorganism is Propionibacterium acnes ~ Disease is called ACNE. Acne is follicle-associated lesions from isloated pimples to widespread acne.

3 Misconceptions Chocolate, Nuts and other foods do not cause Acne

4 Causes Sebaceous Glands
Blockage of pores= sebum and dead cells trapped get clogged at the pores. Overproduction of sebum through hormones (especially in males)

5 Causes continued… Acne tends to run in familes
Triggered by: greasy or oily cosmetic products. Certain drugs like steroids, testosterone, and estrogen High levels of Humidity and sweating

6 Causative agent Bacteria is anaerobic aerotolerant, and gram positive.
It releases enzymes, most important lipase

7 Signs and Syptoms Blackheads (plugged with dark sebum)
Crusting of skin Cysts Inflamation around the skin Puss Scarring on skin Whiteheads (pore closed~comedo)

8 Prevention or treatment
No effective prevention Only effective are topical agents that enhance the sloughing of skin cells Antibiotics Estrogen contraceptives (females) Accutane (side effect depression)

9 Link to video of HUGE pimple

10 References Microbiology – A systems Approach-Cowan & Talaro 2006

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