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 HMEC 2009HMEC 2009 Vittal Venkataraman Kumar Dave.

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1  HMEC 2009HMEC 2009 Vittal Venkataraman Kumar Dave

2  The NEED A book that explains procedure (Antyeshti Samskar) to cremate the body of the deceased person in accordance with Hindu tradition in the United States or at other places outside of Bharat.

3  Scope - As Proposed in HMEC 2007 Prepare brief documentation on various Vedic samskars based on the need of Hindu Community in the United States. This documentation should also be available in electronic form for ready and easy reference. 1. Document Pre-birth Samskar Covering advice and guidance to expecting mothers from Hindu perspective. 2. Document Antyeshti Samskar Prepare a procedure for Antyeshti rites for the benefit of Hindus in America. SCOPE

4  Information GATHERING Through emails, conference calls, and personal meetings TEAM HMEC gathered relevant information from various resources; texts, scholars and priests in USA. Team received blessings of Swami Dayananda ji for the project.

5  CONTENTS Anteyshti Samskar –The Basic Steps –Explanation of Rites and their significance Antyeshti Observance in the USA – Challenges –Fewer family members available for assistance –Limited knowledge and Guidance –Difference in traditions across India –Limited resources and necessity of early cremation Preparation (Social and Legal) –Death Certificate, Preservation of Body and Cost

6  CONTENTS Prior to Cremation Activities –Washing the Body –Placing the Body on the Casket –AlankAram of the Dead Body Cremation –Detailed procedures for cremation of deceased father, mother and others –Mantras with swara notations provided –Detailed and easy to follow instructions and pictures provided. –List of materials required for rites explained in detail

7  CONTENTS Sanchayana SamskAr: (Immersion of Ashes) –Immersion in the USA –Immersion in India Burial/Cremation of Body of Deceased Child –Child less than 24 months old –Child more than 24 months old Cremation of Body of Woman who was Pregnant Godaan or Donation to Cow Sanctuary –List of Cow sanctuaries with contact information Description of Rites till the 13 th Day

8  Book is Complete !!! Books are available for sale at this Conference. Books can be purchased from Website http://www.vhp-america.org By Phone Tel: 732-744-0851 By email: Cost $12

9  Publication TEAM Kumar Dave, Hindu Temple of Central Indiana, IN Pandit G. Krishnamachar, Ashburn, VA Vittal Venkataraman, Durga Temple, VA Bhargav Desai, Mangal Mandir, MD Rajani Shah, President, VHPA Chapter, FL Abhaya Asthana, Gen Secretary, VHPA Pt.Suresh Joshi, Hindu Jain Temple,Monroeville,PA Sanjay Mehta, Hindu Jain Temple, Monroeville, PA Pandita Indrani, Trinidad

10  Questions and Comments ? Kumar Dave: Vittal Venkataraman:

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