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The Video Solution Addressing difficult challenges for the small publisher through video.

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1 The Video Solution Addressing difficult challenges for the small publisher through video.

2 About Joy of 18 years on the net 42 million page views in 2014 328K Facebook Fans 86 million YouTube views 534K YouTube Subscribers 57% international traffic, 72% on YouTube 100% of revenue from advertising through ad networks We do everything, content, photography, video production etc. 2 people, my wife Stephanie and I. In Jan 2015 we won 4 Taste Awards in Hollywood. Best Single Topic Series, Best Home Chef in a Series, Best Instructional Web Series and Best Food Program Web.

3 Joy of Baking on YouTube YouTube ChannelJoy of BakingEpicuriousMartha Stewart Food Network YouTube Views 86,278K15,850K25,791K45,175K Subscribers 534,75739,879129,384179,353 Views Per Month 2483K754K187K1016K Start Date Jan 2011Oct 2007Aug 2006Nov 2006 Uploads 35464816303654 Source: 6/17/2015

4 Long Tail Publishing is Getting Difficult Google Algorithm Uncertainties (Panda/Penguin) CPMs Content Farms Content Scrapers Competition Revenue 20042011 Video Mobile 2015

5 Benefits of Video Difficult for large sites to compete with due to cost of production and talent. Significantly raises the bar on what is expected by end users as users become addicted to actually seeing a demo. Traffic from embedded video counts towards ranking on YouTube creating a unique opportunity for Long Tail Publishers. High CPMs for prerolls. Scrapers can’t claim the content as their own and if they embed, you earn the revenue. Works well on mobile and is a way to monetize your mobile site. A whole new revenue stream that complements your site. YouTube drives new traffic to your site allowing you to be less dependent on search. Improved search position with embedded videos.

6 Why YouTube? Free hosting Good CPMs. YouTube takes 45% compared to 33% on Adsense. Second largest search engine. It’s a large social media platform in itself. Website embeds count towards ranking on YouTube. YouTube seems to have finally realized the small content creator is their bread and butter.

7 Video Replaced Main Picture Pre Video Post Video

8 Embedded Video Improves Search Position We almost always see a significant improvement in search position after a video is embedded. Google likes to promote video, especially YouTube? Video reduces bounce rate. Video increases time on page. Embedding a video with a high ranking on YouTube may add a bonus to the page?

9 Difficult for Large Sites to Compete Quality video is much harder to produce then simple text/photo based content. Video can be costly to produce for sites that must contract out their video content. Talent must know the subject well. Eliminates user generated content competition. Companies that already produce video for TV can’t (or won’t) do it on the cheap. To a small publisher video revenue is good, but it’s not enough for a large company due to overhead.

10 In-Stream CPM is Excellent and Rising Pre rolls currently pay 5 to 10X that of display. Videos over 10 minutes can have a commercial break allowing for a mid roll. Users seem to be used to pre rolls and we’ve never heard a complaint. Post rolls are also possible if the user sticks around.

11 Commercial Breaks in Timeline Ads Ad

12 YouTube Creates a Whole New Revenue Stream Video revenue can offset declining CPMs in display. Dollars are moving from display to video. Had we not implemented video 4 years ago we’d be in a whole lot of hurt right now! Video will soon represent the majority of our revenue.

13 Embedded Video Views Count on YouTube to Improve Position If you can drive lots of views through your site you will move up on YouTube. Your site’s embedded video traffic can jump start you ahead of YouTube only competitors. Joy of Baking Daily YouTube Views Desktop Embeds Mobile Site Recommended Video YouTube Search

14 YouTube Drives New Traffic to your Site Many new users found us on YouTube through recommended videos and YouTube search. To get the recipe they have to come to our site and this should work for other types of content. Including a link in the first line of the description on YouTube displays the link and drives traffic to your site. Annotations and cards can be used to link to your associated website from within the video. Traffic that you can send back to your site can be monetized through existing methods. A Win Win! Video embedded on other sites still promotes our sites URL and visitor still has to come to our site to get the recipe.

15 YouTube Drives New Traffic to Your Site Link to Site Content Recommended Videos URL in Video Annotation

16 Video Content Scrapers Help You We get the ad revenue from the embedded video. They promote our site through the video itself which can’t be altered and through the description. YouTube is good at taking down channels that re-upload.

17 Video Raises the Bar of User Expectation If a picture is worth a 1000 words, a video is worth a 1000 pictures. You can’t beat seeing a demo for anything DIY. Users don’t read anymore. We have heard over and over from our users, once they’ve experienced a video demonstration they can’t go back. Many users bake along with their phone or ipad. Cookbook publishers have been openly hostile to us because video is such a game changer. Very few baking books were sold in fall of 2014 in my view because of video. The audience wants to see it demonstrated now and the recipe is not enough.

18 Video Helps Solve the Mobile Dilemma Publishers Face We have to go mobile, but revenue is reduced radically by doing so. Video revenue doesn’t have to be reduced on mobile as YouTube runs pre-rolls on mobile. We encourage visitors to our mobile site to watch a video allowing better monetization. Our printer friendly pages all have a QR code linking to the video on your phone.

19 High Quality Video on a Long Tail Publisher Budget The trick is to develop video that approaches the quality of broadcast TV, but at a low cost. Raises the bar of expectation of end user, adding a barrier to entry. The price point of video rivaling network TV in 1080P HD has dropped to where it is affordable. The video quality of the latest Nikon and Canon DSLR cameras is amazing. The large sensor and high quality optics in DSLRs give a motion picture quality look.

20 Two Cameras Take Video To Another Level Gives a more professional look and separates your video from the majority of YouTube. Allows the presenter to engage more personally with the audience and still have extreme close-ups. We shoot 2 cameras with 1 person (me).

21 Creative Tips Speak to the viewer as if it is one on one. Viewers will watch longer videos. Think globally (video cpms are pretty good overseas) The YouTube audience is different than the web audience, its not so much about search volume but that is growing. Engage with the audience through comments and social media to find interest trends.

22 Provide Content that is Unique

23 Conclusions Long tail publishers have a unique opportunity to get jump started on YouTube Video helps drive new traffic to your site Video complements static content Ad budgets are shifting to video and CPMs are good even overseas Video isn’t scrapeable Small publishers can compete with big sites with video

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