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IBoomerang 103.  PowerDialer  Contact Management Tool.

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Presentation on theme: "IBoomerang 103.  PowerDialer  Contact Management Tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 iBoomerang 103

2  PowerDialer  Contact Management Tool


4  iBoomerang Power Dialer ™ Tool connects you to your leads instantly! › Instantly calls the lead, giving you the first shot at pitching the sale. › Provides you with the lead’s submitted information, saving you time by allowing you to get straight to the point. › Customized calling campaigns – upload your leads from an excel spreadsheet › PowerDialer calendar will make sure you never miss an appointment or follow up call

5 NEW pricing with the iBoomerang Power Dialer ™ NEW PRICING Unlimited transfers and campaigns

6  How it works: › Receive lead from vendor › PowerDialer calls you › Press 1 to connect with prospect › Speak with prospect, set disposition or press ( * ) to leave voicemail. › PowerDialer will do one of the following depending on disposition:  Call back unreached prospect at pre-set intervals  Call you back at personally scheduled date and time to re-connect with reached prospect  Cancel future call backs with prospect

7 Login the PowerDialer™ by going to your iBoomerang back office and clicking on the PowerDialer™ box.


9 The PowerDialer™ interface. The menu bar will always display at the top of the PowerDialer™ page. Use this menu to navigate to your leads, calendar, view/change settings, and adjust billing options.

10 Setting up your schedule Edit default schedule to your personal convenience. Adjust Timezone accordingly

11 Control the number of call backs on a lead that has not made a live connection.

12 Add and manage additional users. Add a new user and configure lead distribution among all users.


14 Edit your information by clicking edit information.




18 View account summary and update to an automatic rebill option.


20 The PowerDialer™ interface. All real time leads will come into the leads page

21 Add a lead on the fly! Click to call! Update Notes quicker!

22 The PowerDialer™ interface. The main area of the PowerDialer™ allows you to view and easily search all leads in the PowerDialer™ system.

23 The PowerDialer™ interface. The Start Transfer button will be located at the top right. The status is Paused because the PowerDialer™ is not calling any incoming leads. Click Start to call from the Uncalled Leads queue.

24 Use the Refresh Button to update call status. When a live transfer appears click anywhere in the lead source area to view the lead details.

25 Be sure to click the Stop Transfer button while connecting a live transfer. This will add all other leads into a queue while you are on the phone with your live transfer.

26 View lead details while being connected on a live transfer.

27 Set an appointment with this prospect.

28 Your Follow Up’s will copy over to your calendar

29 Select the Disposition of the connection.

30 Enter notes about this connection.

31 Review previous calls with this lead.

32 Upload files for leads and customers

33 Add leads to your hotlist


35 Hotlist icon will be added to your lead on the leads page






41 Upload your own leads


43 Map the fields

44 Import Results




48  Start every morning with our click to call dialer on every appointment!  New Power Dialer dashboard makes online marketing with your iBoomerang tools easy to use

49  First to contact  Proven link between response time and lead conversion  Automatic follow-up calls  Takes an average of 5 attempts to connect with lead  PD sets up to 8 automatic call-backs  In-depth lead tracking  View entire lead history

50  Reduce wasted time with Power Dialer ™ › Click-to-call  Less time dialing, more time selling › Automatic Voicemail  Add hours to your workweek while marketing to unreached leads with pre-recorded voicemails. › Automatic Recorded Sessions on every call

51 NEW pricing with the iBoomerang Power Dialer ™ NEW PRICING

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