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Role of the public sector and conditions for private sector involvement in ISP? How can private sector involvement be achieved? Improved management in public sector enterprises What does better enterprise management mean for different levels of government?

2 Session-1: Role of the public sector and conditions for private sector involvement in ISP?
Define the role of the state Give reasons for private sector development Suggest different ways of involving the private sector Give examples and an exercise

3 The role of the public sector
Establishing a foundation of law Maintaining a non distortionary policy environment, including macroeconomic stability Investing in basic social services and infrastructure Protecting the vulnerable Protecting the environment

4 Reasons for private sector involvement
Limited efficiency of govern. organization Financial reasons: loss-making leading to government budget deficits Lack of quality or products are too expensive Lack of regular supply Political interference in public sector enterp.

5 Conditions for successful private sector involvement in ISP
National level: enabling policy environment meso level sectorial policies encouraging private sector involvement micro level transparent and accountable firm

6 Conditions for project finance
A supportive policy environment A sound and stable economic base A business environment in which: - business dealings are transparent - contracts are respected - a framework exists for resolving conflicts A legal and judicial framework conducive to private contractual activity

7 Barriers to private sector involvement in ISP
Lack of policy and regulatory framework Weak domestic capital markets High transaction and bidding costs

8 Example 1 Public water supply
Indicators of good public service provision Indicators of government failure Factors explaining failure of water utilities Factors explaining the success of water companies What is the situation in your country?

9 Case 1 Innovation promotion for SME is private sector developm.
Innovation is crucial to keep competitive edge Innovation requires technology transfer and building local technological capability Need for macro policies Activities at the meso level Enterprise level initiatives

10 Exercise 1 Reasons for poor electricity supply in your country
What are the reasons for rationing or irregular supply? What can be said about the price? How much subsidies are provided? What could be done to solve the situation? Why/how could private sector involvement contribute to the solution? Under what conditions and in what form?

11 Summary Session-1 We described core roles of the public sector
Discussed an example of public water supply with private sector support Considered basic conditions for private sector involvement Examined conditions for project finance Looked at certain barriers to private sector involvement Made a case for supporting innovation of SME Examined possible reasons poor electricity supply

12 Session-2: How can private sector participation in ISP be achieved?
Private sector participation and privatization Ways to involve the private sector Exercise: advantages/disadvantages privatization

13 Ways to involve the private sector in ISP
Outsourcing or subcontracting (maintenance) Lease and operate contracts (BOT) Provide a concession (water supply) Private sector finance (housing & infrastructure)

14 Ways to involve private sector (cont.)
Service contracts (solid waste collection) A management contract (to run a bus company) Socio-economic development funds (employment) A PPP for urban renovation (Agetip) A PPcP for waste collection (waste collection) Privatization (telecommunication company)

15 Lessons from experiences with socio-economic development funds
Private sector involvement has substantial direct and indirect employment effects; To reach labour intensive enterprises jobs need to be cut up in smaller portions Small projects should also be welcomed Appraisal of projects need to be transparent Entrepreneurs need money after finishing Tendering procedures have to be simplified

16 Different financial instruments for private sector involvement in ISP
Loans Direct foreign investments Buying bonds Portfolio investment Project finance

17 Strong points of the public sector and the private sector in PPPs
Idealistic striving for general good Pay attention to legal security & lawfulness Used to weighing of interests Political responsibility Private sector Provides continuity and profitability Willing to take challenges Efficient Large degree of freedom in organizational structure

18 An example of public services through a PPcPartnership
An agreement between the municipality and a local non-governmental organization Young people collect waste in certain neighborhoods for a fee They use donkey carts as an appropriate technology for this purpose This is called a Public-Private-Community partnership PPcP and exists in Bamako Mali

19 How to choose between the different options
Past experience with private sector Nature of project or activity Seriousness of the issue Legal framework Degree of development of local capital market

20 Exercise: advantages disadvantages of privatization
What would you recommend for the power sector: 1. Restructuring 2. Private sector involvement 3. Full fledged privatization?

21 Summary Session-2 Difference between privatization and private sector participation; Ways of involving the private sector in ISP; Examples of various public-private arrangements; Guidance for choosing between various options Arguments for the private supply of sanitation An exercise concerning advantages and disadvantages of privatization

22 Session-3: Improved management in public sector enterprises
Different options Elements of restructuring Strategies for privatization Example: Management issues water sector Performance indicators water supply Case: contribution of management science Exercise: the cost of issuing bonds versus taking a loan

23 Improved management: different options:
Restructuring state-owned enterprises Privatization Bringing in private sector elements: - in management - in finance - through outsourcing or - out contracting

24 Elements of restructuring
Enterprise level changes, such as - Changing the product mix - Introducing different technologies - Change the location, or - The plant configuration Changes in the context in which public sector enterprise functions: more competition, more autonomy, a recession or a new opportunity for export Changes in personnel: change in management and or reduction of employment

25 Strategies for privatization
Public offering of shares Private sale of shares New private investment in the enterprise Sale of government assets Reorganisation into component parts Management employee buyout Lease and management contract Combination of the above methods

26 Example 3: Issues in water sector, insufficient water because of:
Lack of repair and maintenance activities No participation of the population in the preparation, or implementation of the project No good cost recovery system No capacity to manage water supply at the municipal level No private sector involvement

27 Performance indicators water
Solvency ratio (equity capital to total capital) Yield to assets Efficiency as connections per personnel Price of 150 m3 Operating revenue as % of operating costs Unaccounted for water Collection efficiency Coverage Service to poor people/neighbourhoods Productivity

28 Case: capacity building through MBA or short courses
Strategic management, which helps defining where we want to go with an organization Change management: helping organisation and its staff to go from one way of doing things to another way of achieving fixed targets. Project management makes project successful Financial management: techniques assuring positive financial results of enterprises activities Operational management Integration: how can such modules help to analyse a problem and result solutions?

29 Exercise 3 The cost of issuing a bond versus taking a loan?
Which factors should be taken into account when calculating the cost of issuing a bond versus taking a loan? Think about the need: - to involve investment bank - to get a credit rating - to look for guarantees or insurances - how much can be obtained from one source?

30 Summary Session-3 Different options for improving public sector enterprise management examined Elements of restructuring process listed Strategies for privatisation were presented Management issues in water sector used as illustration, with performance indicators Case: need for capacity building including contribution of management science and short courses Exercise: the cost of issuing bonds versus taking a loan

31 Session-4: What does better enterprise management mean for different levels of government?
What different levels of government can do to improve public enterprise management Government policies to support effective private sector involvement in ISP Cases: water supply in South Africa and solid waste management in Zambia Exercise: design an enterprise friendly environment Summary

32 What different levels of government can do to develop economic activities
National level: create policy environment and macroeconomic conditions Regional level: make the region attractive for investors Local government level: - land - infrastructure - consultation stakeholders

33 General government policies to improve enterprise management
Macro-economic policies Technology development policies Physical planning policies

34 Regional / District government policies
Develop a vision and strategy on ISP Provide co-ordination between different levels of government Stimulate private sector involvement Discuss with organisations of private sector enterprises

35 Local government policies
Provide space and infrastructure Provide incentives for private sector development and involvement Attract foreign investment Provide information on ISP Promote link with local knowledge resources

36 Lusaka, Zambia private sector involvement in waste collection
Private waste collectors are licensed by the Lusaka City Council and the Environmental Council of Zambia to collect and dispose of waste (usually septic tank waste and solid waste). Operators charge their customers and in turn pay the Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company for disposal of the sanitary wastes into the latter’s facilities

37 South Africa: water supply through a partnership
Private sector and NGO involvement is envisaged The local authority remains responsible: ensuring that the services are provided to the residents and communities regulating the provision of services at local level monitoring the implementation of agreements with service providers

38 Exercise: design an enterprise friendly environment
Design an enterprise friendly environment for your country Specify the role of different levels of government: - local - regional/city level -national What could the private sector itself contribute? Who would you involve (which stakeholders)?

39 Summary Session-4 Role of governments to improve public enterprise management Government policies to support effective private sector involvement in ISP Cases: - water supply in South Africa - solid waste management in Lusaka, Zambia Exercise: design an environment that is conducive to private sector involvement in ISP


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