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Asperger’s Syndrome By: Sarina Krantzler and Ariana Lucidonio Period 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Asperger’s Syndrome By: Sarina Krantzler and Ariana Lucidonio Period 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asperger’s Syndrome By: Sarina Krantzler and Ariana Lucidonio Period 1

2 What is Asperger’s Syndrome?  Part of the Autism spectrum  Difficulties in social interactions and non-verbal communication  Restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests

3 How is it different from other ASDs?  It differs from other autism spectrum disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development.  Linguistic- language development/talking  Cognitive- ability to think and understand

4 Causes of Asperger’s  Exact cause is unknown  Researchers suggest the likelihood of a genetic basis  No known genetic cause  Typically in families that have family members who have behavioral symptoms of AS, in a more limited form

5 Onset  Diagnosis most commonly made between ages of 4-11years old  Testing includes:  Neurological & genetic assessment  Tests for cognition, motor skills, verbal and nonverbal strengths and weaknesses, style of learning, and skills for independent living  Conversation and play-based interview with patient

6 Children with AS/ Daily Life  Unusually sophisticated vocabulary at a young age  “Little professors”  Difficulty understand figurative language (humor, irony, sarcasm, teasing)  Hear and see very well  Can identify small changes in patterns  May be sensitive to sound and light  Physical clumsiness (poorly coordinated)  Feel uncomfortable in own skin  Sleep problems  Difficulty describing/identifying emotions (alexithymia)  Prefer routine and structure

7 Video- Asperger’s Children Speak Out  ch?v=p23W7uawcjI&edufilter= gMLbZye9Ttwkax4D13Y3Fg&saf e=active ch?v=p23W7uawcjI&edufilter= gMLbZye9Ttwkax4D13Y3Fg&saf e=active

8 Treatment  No cure for Asperger’s syndrome  Treatment plan: therapies and intervention that meet specific needs of individual children  Early intervention is best  Programs: social skills training, talk therapy, medication, physical therapy, speech and language therapy, teach parents behavioral techniques to use at home

9 Do children with AS get better?  “With effective treatment, children with AS can learn to overcome their disabilities, but they may still find social situation and personal relationships challenging. Many adults with Asperger syndrome work successfully in mainstream jobs, although they may continue to need encouragement and moral support to maintain an independent life.”

10 Fun Facts  Rarely lie/ judge others  Live in the moment  Passionate  Perfectionists  Speak about themselves  Few, but intense, interests  1 in every 250 children get AS  4x more likely in males than females

11 Famous People with AS  Susan Boyle: Singer  Adam Young: Singer in Owl City  Robin Williams: American Actor  Bill Gates: Entrepreneur  Isaac Newton: English mathematician  Albert Einstein: Physicist

12 Works Cited  erger/detail_asperger.htm erger/detail_asperger.htm  mental-health-aspergers-syndrome mental-health-aspergers-syndrome  erger/detail_asperger.htm erger/detail_asperger.htm

13 Test Questions  When is Asperger’s Syndrome diagnosed?  A. 1-2 years  B. 4-11 years  C. 13-16 years  D. 3-6 months  List 3 behaviors a person with Asperger’s Syndrome might have.

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