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Software for an organized, engaged and productive workforce.

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1 Software for an organized, engaged and productive workforce.
powerfully simple work management Software for an organized, engaged and productive workforce.

powerfully simple work management FEWZION FOR PROCESS PLANNING Topic Timing 1 Getting around Fewzion 5 minutes 2 Creating a process plan 20 minutes 3 Creating and managing tasks

3 Navigation Bar Reporting / Crew Dashboard Weekly Plan
The Fewzion system is designed to be easy to use and navigate. The following slides are designed to help you understand how it works and where to find the things you need to create, adapt and review a plan. Reporting / Crew Dashboard Weekly Plan Schedules, shiftly, 24/48hr and weekly Equipment Schedule Roster User, KPI & Process Admin

4 Weekly Process Plan Weekly Process Plan
Fewzion connects the work you want to get done and the targets you want to meet with the resources and equipment you need to get the plan done. Weekly Process Plan Choose which process to look at The people available to do the work come from the roster List of standard tasks Shift resources and equipment area The equipment available to do the work with comes from the equipment plan KPIs come in automatically from the process configuration and can be edited by clicking on the cell. Shift tasks, listed in priority order 1P – 3C Overall KPI targets for the week are added up at the bottom.

5 Add or edit tasks Add a task by either double clicking in a shift area to go through to the shift plan then click the <+> button on the bottom right of the shift plan. You can duplicate a task by right clicking on a task in the task list and choosing duplicate. You can then edit the task details in the form below and add the duration, required resources, equipment, targets and notes to the task. Add a task to the standard task list by dragging and dropping it into the standard task list. Create a process task with required resources, duration, equipment, targets and notes. Work orders and attachments can be included in tasks if required It is a good idea to set a target for the crew to meet within a shift.

6 Weekly Process Plan Fully resourced process plan
A weekly plan is created by dragging and dropping standard tasks from the task list on the left into the shifts of the weekly plan. In this way it is possible to see when there is too much work for the people and equipment rostered on for the shift. Tasks to be done in your area can be added by other process owners but need to be approved or declined before the weekly planning meeting. Fully resourced process plan Drag and drop tasks from the standard task list into each shift Cells go red when there is too much work for the available people or equipment As work is completed throughout the week it changes colour or is rescheduled Double click on a shift to see the plan for that shift / process Shadow tasks are gray and come from a different process, they must be approved or declined by the process owner

7 Process shift plan The shift plan shows the deputy their targets, tasks, people and equipment for the shift and allows them to adapt the plan to cope with change. Choose which process to look at Shift lengths are configurable in the admin area KPIs are shown and People/ Equipment needs are compared with those available. Available people come from the roster. Equipment comes from the equipment plan Both can be moved around and made unavailable if something happens before the shift. Attachments can be added to the shift and print automatically with the shift plan. Add a new task by clicking on the + symbol Planned tasks are visible with their resource needs. Tasks can be edited by double clicking

8 Print a process shift plan
The shift plan shows the deputy their targets, tasks, people and equipment for the shift and allows them to adapt the plan to cope with change. Attachments that are added to the shift plan will print automatically with the shift plan.

9 Make a task into a standard task
If you’ve created a task that you think you will use again then it is smart to add it to the standard task list by dragging it from the shift into the standard task list.

10 Manage tasks Tasks can be deleted, copied to another production process, duplicated, assigned to a new group or made to recur. The task list can be sorted Right click a task to show task options Tasks can then be dragged and dropped into a group New task groups can be added by choosing “Assign to a new group” from the right click options

11 Make a task recur (by day, week, month)
Tasks can be made to recur on a regular timeframe to reduce the need to add tasks to the plan that you know should occur each day, week or month. Simply right click on a task, choose <Recurrence>, <Add>, then complete the form.

12 Exercise Add a new task to a shift in Fewzion
1. Give this task a description, resources, equipment, a target and some notes. 2. Add this task to the standard task list 3. Add this task to a “group” 4. Make this task recurring (weekly on Tuesday, day shift) 5. Plan this task into another shift

13 WEEKLY PROCESS PLAN Leader Behaviour Setting Clear Direction Develop a plan for each shift that is realistic and meets our weekly production targets. The Weekly Production Plan is the collation of process shiftly plans for a week. The weekly production plan is created by each of the production areas individually based on Planned maintenance shifts and pit priorities. (set and communicated in advance by the operations manager) Production targets (set for the conditions / current TARP) Tasks that need to be done (based to a large extent on a sequence plan). The people expected to be there (within tag board constraints) Equipment that is available (within tag board constraints) Supplies that are required to complete work. Tasks required by other departments. Used properly, Fewzion enables planners and coordinators to see when they have planned too much or too little work for the people or equipment available. It therefore enables planners to adjust their plan to meet their constraints. Fewzion will warn users when critical elements of the plan are incomplete or in error. Users must ensure all warnings and resource constraints are resolved before completing their weekly plan. The weekly plan must be completed the day before the weekly planning meeting and reviewed by process superintendents for quality. What does an effective weekly plan look like? Sets pit priorities, maintenance shifts and communicates them a week in advance. By shift, accounts for realities such as roof support TARP, sequence tasks, belt moves, maintenance, known issues, machine availability, planned work etc. Updates the roster, leave and equipment plans before everyone begins planning. Accepts, declines or replans all shadow tasks. Addresses all warnings and resource constraints. Attaches work orders and work instructions to tasks and shifts, where appropriate. Users: Production Manager, Superintendents, MSOs, Coordinators & Deputies Timing: Weekly by CoB Wednesday

14 Exercise Develop a weekly plan for your process using Fewzion. Ensure that it satisfies each of the “what good looks like” criteria on the previous page. Please have this ready for our one on one training session

powerfully simple work management RESOURCING YOUR PLAN WITH PEOPLE AND EQUIPMENT Topic Timing 1 The Equipment Schedule 10 minutes 2 People, rosters, leave 30 minutes

16 1. PLAN - EQUIPMENT Equipment Schedule (what tools should they use, are they available?) Our equipment schedule enables you to see what equipment is available, which process it is assigned to and when it is due for it’s next service. If necessary, equipment can be lent to another process for a shift or longer.

17 Manage Equipment The equipment list is uploaded during system set up and can be edited by schedulers with the relevant permissions. Each piece of machinery is allocated to a default process and can be given a status, location, service day. On any particular shift the piece of equipment can be allocated to another process by selecting the other process in the relevant colored cells. Equipment is allocated to a default process If the equipment is to be used by another process then it can be changed in these cells (for the specific shift/s) These diesels have been allocated to the DIESEL maintenance crew for a service. This will make them unavailable in the plan on that shift

18 PLAN - PEOPLE Roster (who’s going to do the work and will they be here?) Our roster tells you who is planned to be working, which process they work for, what their role is and if they are planning to be on leave. The Leave Kiosk enables the crew to request leave (for approval by a manager). Once approved the person will be planned to be unavailable in the shift plan.

19 Paul Moynagh | 0431 74 84 94 |
Manage Roster Use the roster to manage resourcing levels on each shift (currently supported through a simple roster spreadsheet upload). Leave console and integrated rostering tool will be included in version 2.1 Roster is by crew and by individual so that people can move crew if required. Leave can be entered through the leave console and will make a person unavailable once approved by their leader. Paul Moynagh | |

20 2. Manage all your leave requests (past and present) in one place.
Manage Roster Crew should use the leave kiosk to request and manage leave their leave requests either on site or if appropriate from home. 1. Swipe card or enter ID to login 3. Request leave within set constraints (e.g. available leave and hours) 4. Discuss or dispute decisions, with a manager A URL / Link to new leave requests and any messages are sent to the relevant approver for each request

21 3. Add Leave in the Roster You can add leave to the roster by dragging and dropping a bar for the period leave is required against the relevant user. Shows how many people and leave slots are available and the number of people already approved for leave for this person’s role, process & crew. Choose the type of leave

22 Approve leave Leave approvers can find leave for their crew at the bottom of the roster and approve or decline it. Review comments added by the requester Only approve leave where there are available slots for each day requested. Only managers who are leave approvers for the relevant person can approve their leave.

23 Exercise Manage equipment and people plans Diesels
1. Add a new piece of equipment, assign it to a process area and plan its service schedule. 2. Assign this piece of equipment to a different process for two shifts 3. Check the process to ensure it has been assigned correctly. Rostering 1. Update your roster in the roster spreadsheet 2. Move a person to unavailable in a shift plan 3. Move a person to another process during the weekly planning process

24 PROCESS PLANNING HABITS For:______________________
Good Habits Critical Moments Strategy to sustain it Add work to next week’s plan as you think of it during the week. You can always reschedule. Get your weekly plan done early on Wednesday, run it past everyone in your process area and ensure it is on target for the week. Resolve all warnings each morning or as they arise to keep a tidy house. Review progress against the plan every morning and after each shift and find out why. Talk to the crew underground before the new crew goes to work to ensure you have understood where you are up to, immediately adapt the shift schedule if it needs it and print a new shift plan for the crew.

25 Commit and Adapt with Whole Mine Schedules (Weekly, Daily, Shiftly)
powerfully simple work management Commit and Adapt with Whole Mine Schedules (Weekly, Daily, Shiftly) Topic Timing 1 The weekly & 24/48 hour schedules 20 minutes 2 Shift Schedule 10 minutes

26 Weekly Planning / Review System
Fewzion enables effective planning behaviours so that work is ready to be executed on each shift Day / Shift 16 Week / Monthly Plan Long Term Plan (Theory) 1. Consider monthly targets and budget 2. Update weekly maintenance schedule 11. Weekly review meetings 10. Improvement actions captured then planned 3. Update Roster and Leave spreadsheets 4. Update equipment plan in Fewzion 5. Create weekly process plan, resource balance and approve / decline cross function tasks Weekly Planning Add tasks and targets Weekly Process Plan 9. Daily process review meetings using reports 9. Shift is run and closed out 24/48 hour schedule Weekly Whole of Mine Plan 6. Weekly planning commitment meeting 7. 24/48 hour schedule meeting, commit to next 24 hr 8. WoM Shift Schedule / Handover Plan Check Do communicate adapt / commit

Leader Behaviour Setting Clear Direction WEEKLY PLANNING MEETING What does an effective weekly planning meeting look like? Starts meeting on time with chair and ensures that all process and planning roles are represented. Confirms pit priorities and maintenance shifts and confirms all plans have been built on these terms. Confirms all warnings and resource constraints have been addressed before the meeting. Reviews critical tasks for the pit. Reviews weekly plan for each process in order of priority and ensures any unforseen issues are identified and addressed. Makes simple changes to the Fewzion plan on the screen to ensure new plan is possible. Develops and assigns to a person and plan actions to mitigate potential problems. Everyone agrees that the plan is possible as documented and commits to achieving it. Review and commit to the weekly plan The weekly planning meeting is a critical moment when all process owners (superintendents, coordinators, planners) agree on their plan for the following week. The meeting should be chaired by the operations manager and probing questions should be asked to ensure everyone is clear about priorities, maintenance shifts, production targets and critical tasks. Users: Operations Manager, Superintendents, available MSO, Coordinators, Planners. Where: Planning room Timing: Weekly the day before the start of the plan.

28 Weekly mine schedule The weekly mine schedule gives the operational management team a tool to use during the weekly planning meeting to review the plan for each shift and each process. This page works like the weekly plan but displays each process down the page and each shift for the next week across. Tasks can be dragged and dropped between shifts and processes and KPIS adjusted to meet constraints that have become apparent since the plan was committed to. All except the most important tasks can be hidden by the “summary view” to simplify the meeting. Processes down the page All the shifts for the week across the page Shift KPI area Shift resources and equipment area KPIs for the week Shift tasks Overall resource balance for the mine for each shift

Leader Behaviour Setting Clear Direction Adapting to change 24/48 HOUR PLANNING MEETING Review, adapt and commit to the plan in time to solve problems before they occur. As each day goes by the weekly plan becomes more inaccurate. It is therefore important to review the plan daily 24 – 48 hours before it is expected to happen to ensure we have the best chance of finding and resolving issues. To be successful we must ensure Production targets are set for the conditions Tasks are based on the current chainage on the sequence plan That the people expected to be there will be there (i.e. all leave is accounted for) Equipment is available (i.e. any breakdowns have been allowed for) Supplies that are required are available. Tasks planned by other departments are known and possible. The Fewzion 24 – 48 hour schedule screens should be used to review the plan in detail ensuring that all issues are resolved and actions to mitigate potential problems are developed and assigned to a person and plan. What does an effective 24/48 hour schedule look like? Considers in detail regarding the next 24 and 48 hours all realities such as roof support TARP, sequence tasks, belt moves, maintenance, known issues, supplies, machine availability, planned work etc. Ensures roster, leave and equipment plans are up to date. Accepts, declines or replans all shadow tasks. Addresses all warnings and resource constraints. Attaches to tasks and shifts, where appropriate, all work orders and work instructions. All attendees agree that the plan, as it stands, is possible based on all known information. Users: Production Manager, Superintendents, MSOs, Coordinators Where: Planning room Timing: Daily at 2.30 pm

30 24/48 hour mine schedule The 24/48 hour mine schedule gives the operational management team a tool to adapt the plan 24 hours before it is due to happen. This page works very similarly to the weekly plan shows only the next 48 hours across (72 hours on a Friday). Tasks can be dragged and dropped between shifts and processes and KPIS adjusted to meet constraints that have become apparent closer to the point of doing the work. All except the most important tasks can be hidden by the “summary view” to simplify the meeting. Choose which process to look at` Shift KPI area Shift resources and equipment area Shift tasks Overall resource balance for the shift

Leader Behaviour Setting Clear Direction UNDERMANAGER BRIEFING What does a good Undermanager Briefing look like? Deputies and MSO’s come prepared with edited shift plans after a handover with their off-going shift. Follow MSO Brief agenda. Use Fewzion whole of mine shift schedule Make trade offs to balance resources and equipment against production priorities. Ensure there is no Red on the plan Identify and capture in Fewzion any new actions / jobs for ERZ Controllers and production areas. Accountability and leadership drive performance Setting clear expectations for the team of deputies and ensuring that they and the Undermanager know that what each other are doing is critical to a successful shift. The Undermanager must run a short focussed meeting to align the team to the critical objectives of the shift. The Undermanager should use the Whole of Mine Shift Schedule and make the necessary trade offs where resource or equipment constraints exist. Undermanagers should ask questions that get their deputies thinking about their plans for the shift and ways that they can ensure they meet targets and complete all the work assigned. Users: MSOs and ERZ Controller's Location: Planning room Timing: 30 min before start of shift

32 Shiftly mine schedule The Shiftly Schedule enables planners, undermanagers or deputies to see where work is up to and adapt their plan at the beginning of their shift for the reality of the conditions they expect to experience. This feature means it is always possible to have a shift plan that is able to be completed. This may be done during a handover, an undermanager briefing session or by the shift coordinator before the shift starts. Scroll through upcoming and past shifts Shift KPIs can be changed at the last minute Shift resources and equipment can be dragged from one process to another or made unavailable Shift tasks can be dragged and dropped into the next shift Tasks the user thinks won’t be able to be completed can be dragged into the undermanager’s area for rescheduling Dragging a person into unavailable brings up a box to enter the reason they are unavailable Overall resource balance for the shift

33 Incomplete Task Notes The undermanager should record notes about why tasks wer left incomplete at the end of shift. The incomplete task note area displays after the shift is finished. Double click the incomplete task note box to bring up a dialogue box to write a note. Notes are printed in the undermanagers report.

34 Print the shift plan Deputies and the undermanager should print the shift plan before the muster and use this plan and any attachments to guide their work throughout the shift.

35 Exercise Contribute to planning meetings
1. Review the weekly schedule and adapt the plan to ensure all shifts are able to be completed with the available people and equipment. 2. Role play the 24/48 hour planning meeting and adapt your plan for a shift where the two previous shifts did not produce. 3. Adapt the shift schedule for a broken down loader in development and the need for an extra fitter in the longwall. Role play the Undermanager briefing session before a shift begins.

36 PROCESS PLANNING HABITS For:______________________
Good Habits Critical Moments Strategy to sustain it Add work to next week’s plan as you think of it during the week. You can always reschedule. Get your weekly plan done early on Wednesday, run it past everyone in your process area and ensure it is on target for the week. Resolve all warnings each morning or as they arise to keep a tidy house. Review progress against the plan every morning and after each shift and find out why. Talk to the crew underground before the new crew goes to work to ensure you have understood where you are up to, immediately adapt the shift schedule if it needs it and print a new shift plan for the crew.

37 Software for an organized, engaged and productive workforce.
powerfully simple work management Software for an organized, engaged and productive workforce.

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