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Doctoral Studies in France Romain Garbage – French Institute in Prague.

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1 Doctoral Studies in France Romain Garbage – French Institute in Prague

2 General organisation Doctoral Schools (Écoles Doctorales/ED) Supervisor => Research Unit => Doctoral School 3-year program Yearly registration to the University ~400€/year (~10 000Kč) Defence in front of a jury of specialists

3 Global figures 63 500 PhD students in 2012 12 000 new doctors in 2011 41% of foreign PhD students 284 Doctoral Schools 90 Institutions 2077 Research Units Data: MESR

4 Access to doctoral studies Master Degree (equivalent to Mgr or Ing) Supervisor with HDR (habilitation) Particular requisites depend on Doctoral School Very often, funding is compulsory

5 Funding types MESR grants – Doctoral Schools Project grants – Supervisors CIFRE grants – Company funded Others (fundations, research institutions, local authorities…) Where to find offers Doctoral School websites Laboratory websites ANRT website (CIFRE, Network

6 Material conditions (doctoral contract) ~1300€/month (~36 000Kč) Possibility to teach (+300€/month) Work contract => participation in social system (social security, unemployment) Represents the majority of the cases Different for other sources of funding (especially foreign)

7 Requirements of the Doctoral School (example based on my personal experience) 2 articles (1 submitted and 1 accepted) 6 credits (courses, teaching, scientific communication, vulgarisation, stays in other labs/private sector) one oral communication 750 pts at TOEIC test 2 meetings with an external profesor

8 Defence procedure (example based on my personal experience) Writing of the manuscript (corrections) Confection of the jury list (2 referees => detailed report on manuscript) First Doctoral School Commission Sending of manuscript to referees Second Doctoral School Commission Defence in front of the jury

9 Co-supervised Doctoral Studies Thèse en cotutelle 2 supervisors Agreement between 2 universities Conditions depends on each university Awarding of a diploma from each university or a joint delivered diploma

10 The French Government Scholarship Program (BGF) Mobility grant program Funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs Czech citizens 2 subprograms: Cotutelle(DC)/Stage(ST) Covers all domains (Exact and Engineering Sciences, Life and Earth Sciences – Medicine, Social Sciences and Humanities, Economic and Law Sciences) 2014: 39 DC (7 new)/18 ST (30 months) Call for 2015: launch in October 2014

11 Cotutelle BGF 3 year program Involves 2 supervisors: 1 in Czech Republic and 1 in France Agreement between Czech and French universities (convention de cotutelle) Aimed at Mgr/Ing students 5 month stay in France per academic year Starts from 1st of October or 1st of November

12 Stage BGF Short stay, from 1 to 3 months Aimed at PhD students or young doctors (PhD obtention after 2013) Scientific project with a French researcher Necessary to define a clear objective of the stay: learn new techniques, use of equipment, access to special ressources (bibliographical)…

13 BGF calendar Deadline for submitting applications: 13 th of March 2015 Oral presentation 30 th March/2 nd April 2015 Results by May 2015 ST start from the 1 st of June 2015 DC start from the 1 st of October 2015

14 BGF practical info Campus France Paris manages the technical aspect 767€/month for Cotutelle (~21 000 Kč) 795€/month for Stage (~22 000 Kč) No university fees Healthcare/insurance included CF can provide accommodation International travel costs not covered!

15 More information General: Campus France website MESR website BGF program: French Institute website (Cotutelle) (Stage) Contact: Campus France Prague +420 221 401 050 Romain Garbage (to 31/10/14)Clément Diot (from 01/11/14) +420 221 401 003

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