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A First Course in Video Game Design Dr. Michael Katchabaw Department of Computer Science The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "A First Course in Video Game Design Dr. Michael Katchabaw Department of Computer Science The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 A First Course in Video Game Design Dr. Michael Katchabaw Department of Computer Science The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada

2 Outline 1)Computer Science at Western 2)Introducing a Course on Video Games 3)A Course on Video Game Design 4)Experiences 5)Future Directions

3 Computer Science at Western The University of Western Ontario, located in London, Ontario, is home to 23,000 students and nearly 1,200 faculty members. The University of Western Ontario, located in London, Ontario, is home to 23,000 students and nearly 1,200 faculty members. Computer Science at Western, housed in Middlesex College (shown at right), has 400 undergraduates, 140 graduate students, and 25 research faculty members. Computer Science at Western, housed in Middlesex College (shown at right), has 400 undergraduates, 140 graduate students, and 25 research faculty members.

4 Computer Science at Western Western offers several undergraduate and graduate programs, and a wide variety of courses: Western offers several undergraduate and graduate programs, and a wide variety of courses: Computer graphics. Computer graphics. Artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence. Software engineering. Software engineering. Systems and networking. Systems and networking. Theory of computation. Theory of computation. Algorithms and data structures. Algorithms and data structures. And many, many more. And many, many more.

5 Computer Science at Western Like most universities and colleges, Western did not offer any courses that directly dealt with video games. Like most universities and colleges, Western did not offer any courses that directly dealt with video games. It offered all of the background courses and core components of game technology, but nothing that tied it all together and put it in context. It offered all of the background courses and core components of game technology, but nothing that tied it all together and put it in context. A new course was clearly needed … A new course was clearly needed …

6 Introducing a Course on Video Games The first thought was introduce the course at the senior undergraduate level. The first thought was introduce the course at the senior undergraduate level. All such courses would first go before our departmental curriculum committee, and then on to other committees at the faculty and university levels. All such courses would first go before our departmental curriculum committee, and then on to other committees at the faculty and university levels. Departmental Curriculum Committee Faculty Curriculum Committee University Curriculum Committee

7 Introducing a Course on Video Games It was not thought that the chances for success would be high this way. It was not thought that the chances for success would be high this way. Would the very idea of a course on video games be acceptable? Would the very idea of a course on video games be acceptable? When this kind of course is rare, and has never been done at Western before, how do we know it will succeed? When this kind of course is rare, and has never been done at Western before, how do we know it will succeed? Would we have the instructional resources within our department to support the addition of such a course? Would we have the instructional resources within our department to support the addition of such a course?

8 Introducing a Course on Video Games As a result, it was decided to introduce a gaming course at the graduate level. As a result, it was decided to introduce a gaming course at the graduate level. There is much more freedom in selecting topics … it is essentially up to the Professor, with approval of the Graduate Chair. There is much more freedom in selecting topics … it is essentially up to the Professor, with approval of the Graduate Chair. There is also more flexibility if things do not quite go as well as planned. There is also more flexibility if things do not quite go as well as planned. With this, the course was formed. With this, the course was formed. Now, the trick was to decide what aspect of video game development to cover in it … Now, the trick was to decide what aspect of video game development to cover in it …

9 A Course on Video Game Design To decide the perspective for the course, our current curriculum was consulted. To decide the perspective for the course, our current curriculum was consulted. We had courses covering the main technical aspects of gaming (graphics, animation, artificial intelligence, networking, and so on). We had courses covering the main technical aspects of gaming (graphics, animation, artificial intelligence, networking, and so on). We had courses covering many of the facets of software development. We had courses covering many of the facets of software development. We needed something to bring it all together just for game development. We needed something to bring it all together just for game development. A course on video game design! A course on video game design!

10 A Course on Video Game Design Game Design Software Design Technical Design (Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Animation, Physics, Networking, …)

11 A Course on Video Game Design: Topics Games in general Games in general The evolution of video games The evolution of video games Game genres Game genres The early game development process The early game development process Layers of design Layers of design Principles of game design (generic and genre-specific) Principles of game design (generic and genre-specific) Storytelling Storytelling Level design Level design Puzzle/obstacle design Puzzle/obstacle design Trade offs and warning signs in game design Trade offs and warning signs in game design Preproduction and production Preproduction and production Software lifecycle models for game development Software lifecycle models for game development Technical issues Technical issues Ethical issues Ethical issues The future of gaming The future of gaming

12 A Course on Video Game Design: Texts

13 Main course text: B. Bates. Game Design: The Art and Business of Creating Games. Prima Tech, 2001. B. Bates. Game Design: The Art and Business of Creating Games. Prima Tech, 2001. Technical references: K. Hawkins and D. Astle. OpenGL Game Programming. Prima Tech, 2001. K. Hawkins and D. Astle. OpenGL Game Programming. Prima Tech, 2001. M. Collins, et al. Linux Game Programming. Prima Tech, 2001. M. Collins, et al. Linux Game Programming. Prima Tech, 2001. W. Engel and A. Geva. Beginning Direct3D Game Programming. Prima Tech, 2001. W. Engel and A. Geva. Beginning Direct3D Game Programming. Prima Tech, 2001. T. Petchel. Java 2 Game Programming. Premier Press, 2001. T. Petchel. Java 2 Game Programming. Premier Press, 2001.

14 A Course on Video Game Design: Evaluation Marks for students were made up of three main components. Marks for students were made up of three main components. Participation: Participation: To encourage attendance and discussion. To encourage attendance and discussion. Assignments: Assignments: Two medium-length research papers: Two medium-length research papers:  An in-depth review of a game of their choice.  A discussion of whatever they consider to be the most significant in the history of gaming.

15 A Course on Video Game Design: Evaluation A group development project: A group development project: Each group had to develop a reasonably large-sized game on their own. Each group had to develop a reasonably large-sized game on their own. The game genre, target platform, development environment, and so on were up to each group to decide. The game genre, target platform, development environment, and so on were up to each group to decide. Deliverables included a proposal, game design document, technical design document, testing document, and the actual game itself (in source and binary format). Deliverables included a proposal, game design document, technical design document, testing document, and the actual game itself (in source and binary format).

16 A Course on Video Game Design: Website Course website:

17 Experiences Planning for the course on video game design began in the summer of 2002. Planning for the course on video game design began in the summer of 2002. This course began in January 2003, and is scheduled to be completed at the end of this April. This course began in January 2003, and is scheduled to be completed at the end of this April. In setting up and teaching this course, many valuable lessons were learned … In setting up and teaching this course, many valuable lessons were learned …

18 Experiences: Setting up the Course Approval for the graduate course went quite smoothly and without objections. Approval for the graduate course went quite smoothly and without objections. Obtaining some resources for the course, however, was not as easy: Obtaining some resources for the course, however, was not as easy: Finding suitable texts, and obtaining copies was difficult. Traditional text publishers do not carry them, and other trade publishers were not cooperative. Finding suitable texts, and obtaining copies was difficult. Traditional text publishers do not carry them, and other trade publishers were not cooperative. Getting software or development hardware for the course was hard. Some companies were very helpful; many others were not. Getting software or development hardware for the course was hard. Some companies were very helpful; many others were not.

19 Experiences: Setting up the Course Shortly after announcing the course, we were swamped with requests from undergraduates wanting to take it. Shortly after announcing the course, we were swamped with requests from undergraduates wanting to take it. Dozens and dozens of e-mails! Dozens and dozens of e-mails! Undergraduates, however, need special permission and an 80%+ average to enroll in graduate courses at Western. Undergraduates, however, need special permission and an 80%+ average to enroll in graduate courses at Western. A cross-listed course was added to let a select few undergraduates in. A cross-listed course was added to let a select few undergraduates in. Enrolment had to be limited though. Enrolment had to be limited though.

20 Experiences: Lectures The selection of course topics was very well received by the students. The selection of course topics was very well received by the students. A lot of preparation time, however, was required for each lecture. A lot of preparation time, however, was required for each lecture. There was not a single book with all of the desired material for the course, so it often required searching through multiple sources. There was not a single book with all of the desired material for the course, so it often required searching through multiple sources. Demonstrating concepts required the collection of screen shots, videos, and game saves, which can be time consuming. Demonstrating concepts required the collection of screen shots, videos, and game saves, which can be time consuming.

21 Experiences: Lectures It is surprising how cultural the notions of video games and games in general are. It is surprising how cultural the notions of video games and games in general are. We have a very strong international student population at Western, with students from around the world. We have a very strong international student population at Western, with students from around the world. In many countries, video games are not as common as they are here. In many countries, video games are not as common as they are here. Furthermore, the games people play in general vary greatly from country to country. Furthermore, the games people play in general vary greatly from country to country. In some cases, age boundaries are starting to show in many ways. In some cases, age boundaries are starting to show in many ways.

22 Experiences: Assignments Assignments for the course were very well done and without any problems. Assignments for the course were very well done and without any problems. Papers showed a great amount of insight, and were generally a pleasure to read. Papers showed a great amount of insight, and were generally a pleasure to read. To assist with submissions, a system of late coupons was used to allow students to create their own extensions as necessary. To assist with submissions, a system of late coupons was used to allow students to create their own extensions as necessary. They were well used, but not abused. They were well used, but not abused.

23 Experiences: Group Projects In many cases, group projects, did not go as smoothly as individual assignments. In many cases, group projects, did not go as smoothly as individual assignments. Each project started out reasonably well. Each project started out reasonably well. All of the games proposed were interesting and innovative in a variety of ways. All of the games proposed were interesting and innovative in a variety of ways. It was clear, however, that many projects had serious scope issues. It was clear, however, that many projects had serious scope issues. As project deadlines loom now, it would appear that only one project will be fully realized according to its original vision. As project deadlines loom now, it would appear that only one project will be fully realized according to its original vision.

24 Experiences: Group Projects What went wrong in the other projects? What went wrong in the other projects? Scope. They tried to do too much, and did not heed warnings to the contrary. Scope. They tried to do too much, and did not heed warnings to the contrary. Feature bloat. In some cases, features were actually added as the projects progressed. Feature bloat. In some cases, features were actually added as the projects progressed. Asset development. A lot time and effort was spent on graphics, sound, and so on. Asset development. A lot time and effort was spent on graphics, sound, and so on. Tools and platforms. Most groups tried to learn and use a new environment. Tools and platforms. Most groups tried to learn and use a new environment. Time. Workloads were often quite heavy. Time. Workloads were often quite heavy.

25 Future Directions Learn from experience: Learn from experience: Knowing our needs, make arrangements for suitable teaching, text, software, and hardware resources. Knowing our needs, make arrangements for suitable teaching, text, software, and hardware resources. Make adjustments to lecture material to maintain currency. Make adjustments to lecture material to maintain currency. Add a more international flavour to some discussions. Add a more international flavour to some discussions. More restrictions on group projects. More restrictions on group projects.

26 Future Directions Next year, this course will be offered as a cross-listed senior level special topics course to both undergraduate and graduate students. Next year, this course will be offered as a cross-listed senior level special topics course to both undergraduate and graduate students. After that: After that: Bring this course on as a regular offering? Bring this course on as a regular offering? Investigate multi-disciplinary collaboration with Visual Arts, Media Studies, and Music? Investigate multi-disciplinary collaboration with Visual Arts, Media Studies, and Music? Introduce a specialization in video game development at the undergraduate level? Introduce a specialization in video game development at the undergraduate level?

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