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Progress Housing Group Tammy Bradley. WHO ARE WE? Housing Association Registered Provider Social Housing Registered Social Landlord ‘Council’Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress Housing Group Tammy Bradley. WHO ARE WE? Housing Association Registered Provider Social Housing Registered Social Landlord ‘Council’Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress Housing Group Tammy Bradley

2 WHO ARE WE? Housing Association Registered Provider Social Housing Registered Social Landlord ‘Council’Corporation

3 HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS Private, non-profit making organisations that provide low-cost “social housing" for people in need of a home Regulated by the Homes and Communities Agency General needs, independent living, supported, specialist Providers of new build, shared ownership, leasehold

4 PROGRESS HOUSING GROUP VISION To have a positive impact on people and communities by providing high quality homes, supporting independence and creating opportunities


6 As a sector, housing provides a lot more than a property We want to understand the needs of our tenants and communities We want to support our tenants and communities We invest in services to improve wellbeing Our regulators expect this consideration

7 CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND Those living in social rented housing are more likely to experience poverty, social exclusion and worklesness compared to people living in other tenures Progress Housing Group Customer profiling Tenants incomes are generally lower than the average 36% tenants employed compared to average of 60% 44% young people living in our properties are NEET Higher proportion of our tenants with a disability 16% (average 10%) Lower life expectancy in most deprived neighbourhoods, likely to be social housing tenants

8 REGENDA - WELLBEING Research shows that high wellbeing adds 7.5 years to life expectancy Partnership of housing associations Using The Five Ways to Wellbeing framework Collecting data to demonstrate impact of work Integrated wellbeing strategy

9 SO WHAT ARE WE DOING? Financial inclusion Progress Futures Health and Wellbeing Community Investment Supported Living Tenant Scrutiny Community Safety Independent Living Lifeline

10 Financial Inclusion Specialist team to support tenants Reduce impact of Welfare Reform for our tenants Ensure best use of stock (under occupancy) Budgeting support and training Energy efficiency advice

11 Progress Futures Person centred approach Helping tenants into employment, education and training Bursary fund 69 customers supported into employment training and education Volunteering opportunities

12 Health and Wellbeing Be healthy be happy programme of activity – digital inclusion – Falls prevention – Get fit workshops – Sheltered housing conference – Keep warm, keep cosy Health and Wellbeing Toolkit – supported living tenants

13 Community Investment £1.5m over 5 years to invest in communities – Digital futures – New Fylde Futures – Jubilee events (independent living) – Longton Community Church van – Community Caretakers – Development workers

14 Supported Living Close partnerships with adult social care/health Delivering accommodation to people who need support Properties we develop typically bespoke for an identified group of people Address long stay hospital closures

15 Scrutiny Pool Tenant involvement – Mystery shopping – Volunteering – Tenant inspector – Voids inspector – Green inspector Assess and review service areas from a customer perspective

16 Community Safety Witness support service Community Safety week Partnership working

17 Independent Living Tailored support and plans to meet individual need Scheme managers/support staff Scheme activities coordinator Handyperson Aids and adaptations Partnership working – extra care, activities, Healthwatch

18 Progress Lifeline Lifeline services across Lancashire to dispersed and sheltered customers Peace of mind service – emergency support for carers Lifting service – NWAS, CCG, falls prevention team Lancashire Telecare contract with Tunstall Healthcare UK Ltd Telecare sensors in the home

19 Summary Not particular to PHG Health and wellbeing a priority in business plans Most housing providers will deliver similar activity Lots of community involvement events across the county Strong partnership working

20 Don’t forget…. We foster excellent relationship and trust with our tenants We are open to partnership working to benefit local communities We hold a lot of data about our tenants but lacking in health and wellbeing We are employers too


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