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Parenting and Developmental Psychology Beyond nature and nurture.

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Presentation on theme: "Parenting and Developmental Psychology Beyond nature and nurture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parenting and Developmental Psychology Beyond nature and nurture

2 What makes a good parent? O Take a look at “The Parenting 10” in the article given to you today. Rank them here, from #1-10 and be ready to discuss!

3 Warm/cold? Strict/permissive? O Authoritarian parenting: O Permissive parenting: O Authoritative parenting:

4 Attachment O The emotional ties that form between people. O Since infants are basically helpless, feelings of attachment are essential. O Infants prefer being with people over being alone; by 4 months, special attachment to mother. By 6-7 months, infants try to maintain contact and cry when separated. O By 8 months, stranger anxiety and separation anxiety often develop.

5 The importance of attachment O Harry Harlow discovered “contact comfort:”

6 The love hormone: oxytocin

7 Secure vs. insecure attachment O When mothers or other primary caregivers are affectionate and reliable, infants usually become securely attached. The child cries when the parent leaves and are happy again when the parent returns. O Attachment disorders:

8 The development of self esteem O Unconditional positive regard: O Conditional positive regard:

9 Controversies continue… O Attachment parenting? O Tiger mothers? O French-style parenting? O Helicopter parenting? O Free-range parenting?

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