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Developing Operational Soil Moisture Processing Chains: The Experience with European Scatterometers and Synthetic Aperture Radars Wolfgang Wagner

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Operational Soil Moisture Processing Chains: The Experience with European Scatterometers and Synthetic Aperture Radars Wolfgang Wagner"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Operational Soil Moisture Processing Chains: The Experience with European Scatterometers and Synthetic Aperture Radars Wolfgang Wagner Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation (GEO) Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)

2 Main Expertise  Development of Level 2 and Level 3 processing chains for C-band Scatterometers (25 km) – ERS scatterometer (1991-2011) – METOP ASCAT (2006-2020+) C-band Synthetic Aperture Radars (SARs) – ENVISAT ASAR (2002-2012) -Global Monitoring (GM) mode (1 km) -Wide Swath (WS) mode (150 m) – Sentinel-1 (launch 2013/14)  Level 2 and Level 3 parameters Soil Moisture – Surface soil moisture at 25 km (ASCAT) and 1 km (ASAR GM) scale – Soil Water Index (indicator of profile soil moisture) at 25 km Freeze/thawing at 25 km Water bodies at 150 m

3 Our Approach  Work globally (or at least continental)  Use simple but robust models Detailed error characterisation and quality flags Calibration of Level 2/3 algorithms using historic data archives

4 NRT 25 km ASCAT Soil Moisture Product Descending orbits on 8/10/2012 NRT Processing by EUMETSAT within H-SAF

5 NRT 25 km ASCAT Soil Water Index (SWI) Product Profile Soil Moisture Anomalies on 8/10/2012 NRT Processing chain built up within geoland2; possible extension in GIO Global Land

6 ASCAT Processing Infrastructure

7 1 km ASAR Soil Moisture ESA SHARE Project

8 ASAR WS Water Bodies Product June 2007 September 2007 Water surface extent in Ob floodplain based on 150 m ASAR WS data

9 ASAR Processing Infrastructure  So far only in-house 200  600 Terabyte 12 processors  Global processing of 1 km ASAR GM data doable  “Only” regional products for 150 m ASAR WS  Technical Challenges Version control Quality control Several projections Resampling Processing speed Visualisation etc.

10 Our Experiences with Users  We have several hundreds of data users Users, including scientific users, come only when operational large-scale processing capabilities have been put in place  Users can live with missing and inaccurate data when well documented  Only few users can pay for the data  What is a viable business model? Users of our ECV soil moisture product released in June 2012

11 Our Experiences with Science Data Quality  It takes much too long to pass on scientific innovations to the operations  The experience gained by working globally is totally different from working only locally Local problems may be irrelevant in the global picture Algorithmic failures may become apparent that have never been predicted by the theory Areas of Unexplained Dry Soil Backscatter Behaviour

12 Our Experiences with Service Development Models  In earth observation a „common“ service development model is ATBD and scientific prototype are developed by the scientist Operational software is written by software engineers Service is run by operational agency  This approach might work well if abundant funding is available  In case of limited resources the problems are Very long development cycles (several years) Neither the software engineers nor the operational agency can build up enough expertise about the algorithms and products Scientists do not know whether their algorithms run correctly or not In case of problems responsibilities are not clear Development teams may quickly break up under new funding schemes  EO service programmes designed with the vision „to get rid of the scientists“ in the operational phase are bound to fail!

13 Applying Service Development Models as in NWP Scientists must be able to test their algorithms without too many constraints!

14 Large Data Volumes: Rethinking EO Service Models  New EO satellites will acquire an unprecedented data volume Sentinel-1 – 1.2 Terabyte per day just for Level 0 for one satellite – Tens of Petabyte required for complete mission  Challenges Data distribution Reprocessing Quality control Visualisation etc.  New approaches are required Bringing the software to the data Massive parallel processing New cooperation models between science, industry, and users Planned dissemination network for the Sentinel satellites (ESA)

15 Wrapping Up  The high technological potential of EO is still only partially tapped  Successful EO missions must not stop short of delivering just „images“  With the US system of environmental satellites being at the risk of collapse, Europe has now a window of opportunity to become the agenda setter in this domain  In order to seize this opportunity Europe must address the current structural deficits in the governance of GMES and planning of the EO data processing capabilities  As of today Europe lacks the processing infrastructure to cope with the huge data volumes generated by novel satellite missions such as Sentinel-1  Processing facilities must offer tens of Petabytes storage, massive parallel processing capabilities and high speed communication networks.  New EO service development models are urgently needed  GPOD, CEMS & Co are the pathfinders

16 An Austrian Initiative Earth Observation Data Centre for Water Resources Monitoring a cooperation initiated by EODC Water

17 EODC-Water Objectives  Strategic goals Establish Austria as a player in the operational EO ground segment and service market Strengthen its academic, institutional and commercial organisations by coordinating, focusing, and reinforcing their expertise and capabilities  Overall aims Provide unique EO products for improved monitoring of water resources Operate Collaborative Ground Segment components for the Sentinel satellites Apply service standards as commonly employed by NWP centres Focus on fully automatic and continental to global scale products Establish the logistics and seamless ITC infrastructure system  Key products & services Pre-processing products for Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Global medium-resolution hydrological parameters – Soil moisture, snow, water bodies, glaciers, … Service & Support

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