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Skills for Life Improvement Programme Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Building the foundation for “Building the numbers” What needs.

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1 Skills for Life Improvement Programme Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Building the foundation for “Building the numbers” What needs to happen? Noyona Chanda October 2008

2 Skills for Life Improvement Programme Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Noyona Chanda, LLU+ at LSBU 2 Regional / national role Teacher education Research and review - Numeracy provision, practice and curriculum Curriculum support drafting professional standards for numeracy teachers Materials, resources and models National numeracy professional development centre Building capacity – teacher, teacher trainer and trainer of teacher trainers LLU+ Numeracy

3 Skills for Life Improvement Programme Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Noyona Chanda, LLU+ at LSBU 3 Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Noyona Chanda, LLU+ at LSBU 3

4 Skills for Life Improvement Programme Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Noyona Chanda, LLU+ at LSBU 4 The Skills for Life Improvement Programme is delivered on behalf of the Quality Improvement Agency by CfBT Education Trust and partners LLU+ recent research and development work : mostly qualitative, organic, dynamic and evolutionary M4L pathfinder project National Audit Office – inquiry into current situation re numeracy provision (2008) Numeracy overview - QIA Skills for Life Improvement Programme (2007 – 2008) review of the Adult Numeracy Core curricula

5 Skills for Life Improvement Programme Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Noyona Chanda, LLU+ at LSBU 5 The Skills for Life Improvement Programme is delivered on behalf of the Quality Improvement Agency by CfBT Education Trust and partners LLU+ numeracy research and development role within SfLIP……. gain an overview of the numeracy activity and issues across all strands of the programme support regional numeracy development work in collaboration with project partners and development advisers report findings from this and other related research to QIA

6 Skills for Life Improvement Programme Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Noyona Chanda, LLU+ at LSBU 6 Findings from LLU+ research 1.Numeracy smaller than literacy. 2.Invisibility of numeracy 3.Managers have no interest in numeracy 4.Poor marketing of adult numeracy provision - uninspired 5.Not enough numeracy specialist teachers and teacher educators 6.Not enough full-time posts for numeracy 7.Need for stronger links between language, literacy and numeracy teacher educators 8.Lack of innovative approaches in teaching numeracy 9.Mismatch between national concerns for levels of numeracy and individuals’ perspective 10. Evidence of numeracy in all settings (education, training, workplace, society ) PERSON – PERCEPTION – PROVISION – PROFESSION

7 Skills for Life Improvement Programme Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Noyona Chanda, LLU+ at LSBU 7 The Skills for Life Improvement Programme is delivered on behalf of the Quality Improvement Agency by CfBT Education Trust and partners Foundation - Cornerstones and base Provision – who’s championing for expansion and innovation? - Why is funding not prioritising numeracy? Workforce – why is it not ready to meet the demand? Curriculum offer – is it what learners want or need? Potential learners – why aren’t they getting the message about numeracy improvement and increased earnings? Some key questions

8 Skills for Life Improvement Programme Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Noyona Chanda, LLU+ at LSBU 8 The Skills for Life Improvement Programme is delivered on behalf of the Quality Improvement Agency by CfBT Education Trust and partners What needs to happen? Organisational priority / senior management commitment Improving quality of numeracy teaching Promoting numeracy to potential learners Expanding provision Organisational priority Capacity building

9 Skills for Life Improvement Programme Numeracy Teachers in London, 22/10/2008 Woburn House Noyona Chanda, LLU+ at LSBU 9 The Skills for Life Improvement Programme is delivered on behalf of the Quality Improvement Agency by CfBT Education Trust and partners Measure, scope and prepare the groundwork Build the blocks and numbers A golden future – a numerate workforce!

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