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Chapter 22 Study Notes The Atmosphere.

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1 Chapter 22 Study Notes The Atmosphere

2 Characteristics of the Atmosphere
Chapter 22 Section 1 Characteristics of the Atmosphere

3 1. The __________ is a mixture of______, primarily nitrogen, oxygen, and argon, that surrounds Earth. atmosphere gases

4 compounds 2. The two most abundant __________ in the atmosphere are ______ ______ and water vapor. carbon dioxide

5 3. One effect of air pollution is ________ of the _____ ____.
destruction ozone layer

6 4. Dust, ____, and pollen are all __________ in the atmosphere.
salt particulates

7 5. Atmospheric pressure is measured with a ________.

8 troposphere 6. The __________ is the lowest layer of the atmosphere, where all _______ conditions exist. weather

9 stratosphere 7. The __________ is the layer of the atmosphere which contains the ______ layer. ozone

10 mesosphere 8. The __________ is the coldest layer of the atmosphere in which temperature decreases as altitude increases.

11 thermosphere 9. The ___________ is the uppermost layer of the atmosphere ; includes the ionosphere.

12 10. Interactions between solar radiation and the __________ cause ______.
ionosphere auroras

13 inversions 11. Temperature _________ can intensify the effect of smog when cool, polluted ground air is trapped by warm air.

14 12. One harmful effect of temperature ________ is _______.
inversions smog

15 Solar Energy and the Atmosphere
Chapter 22 Section 2 Solar Energy and the Atmosphere

16 13. Energy from the sun travels to Earth as _________.

17 spectrum 14. The electromagnetic _______ is all of the frequencies or wavelengths of _____________ radiation. electromagnetic

18 15. The solar radiation least absorbed by the layers of the atmosphere before reaching Earth is ______ ______. visible light

19 Albedo 16. _______ is the fraction of solar radiation reaching Earth that is reflected.

20 17. _____ radiation that is not reflected back into the atmosphere is _________ by surface materials. Solar absorbed

21 infrared absorbed ground
18. After Earth absorbs ________ rays that heat the ground, thermal energy is _______ by the atmosphere from the _________. absorbed ground

22 19. The warming of the surface and lower atmosphere of Earth that occurs when carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other gases in the air trap heat near Earth’s surface is known as the ____________ ______. greenhouse effect

23 20. A _____ between Earth’s absorption of solar energy and an increase in temperature makes the _______ part of a day in the ________. delay warmest afternoon

24 21. _________ is the transfer of energy as heat through a material.

25 Convection 22. _________ is the movement of matter due to differences in density caused by temperature variations.

26 Atmospheric Circulation
Chapter 22 Section 3 Atmospheric Circulation

27 Coriolis Effect 23. The ______ ______is the curving of the path of a moving object from an otherwise straight path due to Earth’s ________. rotation

28 Coriolis 24. Because of the _______ _______, an object that travels north from the equator will curve to the right. Effect

29 Convection 25. ________ cells are the three looping patterns of air flow that exist in each hemisphere.

30 Prevailing 26. ________ winds that blow through the middle of the United States are called _________. Westerlies

31 trade 27. The _____ winds of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres meet at the equator in a narrow zone of weak variable winds called __________. doldrums

32 28. The narrow bands of high-speed winds that blow in the upper atmosphere are called ___ ______.
jet streams

33 29. _____ winds are influenced by local _______ and local temperature.

34 30. ____ breezes blow cool air _____ _____ to water.
Land from land

35 THE END!!!

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