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About Germany Group 6 03 Emily 16 Alice 18 Vivian 20 Eric 28 Cindy 2015/6/2.

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Presentation on theme: "About Germany Group 6 03 Emily 16 Alice 18 Vivian 20 Eric 28 Cindy 2015/6/2."— Presentation transcript:

1 About Germany Group 6 03 Emily 16 Alice 18 Vivian 20 Eric 28 Cindy 2015/6/2

2 Outline  Part 1 : Country →Geography →Capital →Population →Weather →Religion →Traditional costumes →Education →language →Currency  Part 2 : Industry → Economic → Industry  Part 3 : Characteristic →Festival →Food →Spot  Part 4 : Conclusion  Part 5 : Reference

3 Part 1 : Country  Geography  Capital  Population  Weather  Religion  Traditional costumes  Education  Language  Currency

4 Geography  Longituide:13.4°E  Latitude:52.52°N  Area : 357,021km2

5 Capital  Berlin

6 Population  Eighty million

7  Germans 81%  Other Europeans 7%  Middle Easteren 5%  Others 7%

8 Weather

9 Religion  Christian

10 Traditional costumes  Young deliberately wearing a harness Lederhosen costumes.

11  People love a small-cap, small cap that has become a significant feature on clothing.

12 Education features  No grades  Half-day  Learn English on Grade 3  Practical courses

13 Education concept  Happy growing  Basic social common senseInitiative to do specific things  Training leadership

14 Language

15 Currency  Since 1948, Germany use Mark, until 2002 switching Mark to the euro.  1EUR =34.35 NTD

16  Mark

17 Part 2 : Industry  Economic  Industry

18 Economic

19 Industry Volkswagen BMW

20 Part 3 : Characteristic  Festival → Munich Oktoberfest → Germany New Year  Food → Staple foods → German pork knuckle  Spot →Alsfeld →Romantische Strase →Berlin Wall

21 Festival - Munich Oktoberfest  “Wiesn”  Came from a royal wedding  The largest folk carnival  Bavarian folk style and customs

22 Festival - Germany New Year  A little like Chinese New Year  Fireworks  Fish scale  “Dinner for one”  Rethinking

23 Food - Staple foods  Bread  Sausage  Potato

24 Food - German pork knuckle  Haxe  Eisbein

25 Spot 1 : Alsfeld  Little Red Riding Hood’s hometown  Typical Country-style  Architectural forms: stone and wood  Beautiful patterns and painted  figure statue


27 Spot 2 : Romantische Strase  Established in 1950  The oldest sightseeing strase  Large distribution  Origin of the name : (1)Shortcut to Rome (2)Romanticism

28 Spot 3 : Berlin Wall  Abundant Political and history → second world war  Most fashionable city  Social progress : Affiti art

29 Part 4 : Conclusion Beautiful country

30 Part 5 : Reference  Country  Education  Currency %B9%A3&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=BRljVdXcBY7y8QWVuYPQBA& ved=0CAkQ_AUoAg&biw=1366&bih=643  Traditional costumes  Language  Industry  Festival  Food  Spot 2011%E5%BE%B7%E5%9C%8B%E7%AB%A5%E8%A9%B1%E5%A4%A7%E9%81% 93%E2%80%A7alsfeld- oberhess(%E9%98%BF%E6%96%AF%E8%8F%B2%E7%88%BE%E5%BE%B7)

31 T h a n k y o u Q & A

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