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Space Exploration CJ Newman. Prompt Should American manned space exploration be pursued?

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Presentation on theme: "Space Exploration CJ Newman. Prompt Should American manned space exploration be pursued?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Exploration CJ Newman

2 Prompt Should American manned space exploration be pursued?

3 Overview  Space Exploration has been a big topic throughout the past fifty or so years.  After 1963, American power has been shown by our presence on the moon and in space.  Seen as both a blessing and a curse, people are on both sides of the line, not knowing what the future will hold.

4 For Space Exploration  Futurists and visionaries looking to capitalize for funding, are planning ahead.  Space exploration has been in the back of all capitalist’s minds, with the possibility of major profits.  Looking forward to space, the moon, mars, and all other planets.  Futurists think that the moon, and space, are necessary in order for the human race to survive

5 Against Space Exploration  Realists and some taxpayers are against space exploration  Realists believe that space is unnecessary, and we should focus on our planet for protection and to protect it.  Taxpayers believe that unnecessary taxes will be put in place, and will take what little money they have, and put it towards the money they owe to the government.  Both are valid points and have been argued for decades.

6 History of Space Travel Source A  Primarily talks about the History of Nasa  Explains the motivations for Americans to go to space  Unbiased  Written by an unknown source.

7 The US Government should cut NASA funding  Written by Jerry DeGroot, British scientist  Explains the ludicrousness of the American dream of Space  States “Obscenely expensive manned missions mean that practical, earth- based science suffers, as does the genuinely valuable satellite research so essential to the way we live today.”  Biased against space flight

8 Back to the Lunar Future  Explains that, in order for us to gain traction in NASA, we need to go to the back to the moon.  States that “Learning to utilize these underground formations might also be a transferrable skill for Mars exploration and development. Clive Neal, a University of Notre Dame planetary geologist, cites images of lunar-like formations on Mars. In addition, he looks forward to Moon life teaching us how to maintain life-support systems for indefinite periods of time.”  Written by Rick Docksai  Article is biased

9 Space Exploration is Inspirational and Educational  States that in order for humans to live and thrive, we need to go to space.  Buzz Aldrin, former NASA pilot, states “Buzz Aldrin: I think the aerospace industries of the U.S. and all nations will gain from considering the return from, for example, satellite reconnaissance, and many other areas that I'll touch on.”  Written by unknown author  Article is biased

10 Has NASA lost it’s edge?  States that America should not focus on their own space foundation.  Insists that we collaborate with other countries and their programs to further our own.  “With further stressed budget environments, space agencies will have to turn to international collaboration to fund the large-scale missions they'll want in the future.”  Written by Liz Kruesi  Article is biased

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