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Locality-Aware Request Distribution in Cluster-based Network Servers Presented by: Kevin Boos Authors: Vivek S. Pai, Mohit Aron, et al. Rice University.

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Presentation on theme: "Locality-Aware Request Distribution in Cluster-based Network Servers Presented by: Kevin Boos Authors: Vivek S. Pai, Mohit Aron, et al. Rice University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Locality-Aware Request Distribution in Cluster-based Network Servers Presented by: Kevin Boos Authors: Vivek S. Pai, Mohit Aron, et al. Rice University ASPLOS 1998 *** Figures adapted from original presentation ***

2 Time Warp to 1998  Rapid Internet growth  Bandwidth limitations  “Cheap” PCs and “fast” LANs  Need for increased throughput 2

3 Clustered Servers Back-End Node Clien t 3

4 Weighted Round Robin (WRR) 4

5 Pure Locality-Based Distribution 5

6 Motivation for Change  Weighted Round Robin  Disregards content on back-end nodes  Many cache misses  Limited by disk performance  Pure Locality-Based Distribution  Disregards current load on back-end nodes  Uneven load distribution  Inefficient use of resources 6

7 LARD Concepts  L ocality- A ware R equest D istribution  Goal: improve performance  Higher throughput  Higher cache hit rates  Reduced disk access  Even load distribution + content-based distribution  The best of both algorithms 7

8 Outline  Basic LARD Algorithm  Improvements to LARD  TCP Handoff Protocol  Simulation and Results  Prototype Implementation and Testing 8

9 Outline  Basic LARD Algorithm  Improvements to LARD  TCP Handoff Protocol  Simulation and Results  Prototype Implementation and Testing 9

10 Basic LARD Algorithm  Front-end maps target content to back-end nodes  1-to-1 mapping  First request for each target is assigned to the least-loaded back-end node  Subsequent requests are distributed to the same back-end node based on target content mapping  Unless overloaded…  Re-assigns target content to a new back-end node 10

11 Flow of Basic LARD Client 11

12 Determining Load in Basic LARD  Ask the server?  Introduces unnecessary communication  Current load = number of open connections  Tracked in the front-end node  Use thresholds to determine when to re-balance  Low, High, and Limit  Re-balance when (load > T limit ) or (load > T high and there is a “free” node with load < T low ) 12

13 Outline  Basic LARD Algorithm  Improvements to LARD  TCP Handoff Protocol  Simulation and Results  Prototype Implementation and Testing 13

14 LARD Needs Improvement  Only one back-end node per target content  Working set is a single node  Front-end must limit total connections  Still need to increase throughput  One node per content type is unrealistic  …add more back-end nodes? 14

15 LARD/R  LARD with R eplication  Maps target content to a set of back-end nodes  Working set is several nodes with similar cache content  Sends new requests to least-loaded node in set  Moves nodes to/from sets based on load imbalance  Idle nodes in a low-load set are moved to higher-load set 15

16 Flow of LARD/R Client 16

17 LARD Outline  Basic LARD Algorithm  Improvements to LARD  Request Handoff Protocol  Simulation and Results  Prototype Implementation and Testing 17

18 Determining Content Type  How do we determine content in the front-end?  Front-end must see network traffic  Standard TCP Assumptions  Requests are small and light  Responses are big and heavy  How do we forward requests? 18

19 Potential TCP Solutions  Simple TCP Proxy  Everything must flow through front-end node  Can inspect all incoming content  Cannot respond directly from back-end to client  But front-end can also inspect all outgoing content  Better for persistent connections 19

20 TCP Connection Handoff  Front-end connects to client  Inspects content  Forwards request to back-end node  Returned directly back to client from back-end node 20

21 LARD Outline  Basic LARD Algorithm  Improvements to LARD  TCP Handoff Protocol  Simulation and Results  Prototype Implementation and Testing 21

22 Evaluation Goals  Throughput  Requests/second served by entire cluster  Hit rate  (Requests that hit memory cache) / (total requests)  Underutilization time  Time that a node’s load is ≤ 40% of T low 22

23 Simulation Model  300MHz Pentium II  32MB Memory (cache)  100Mbps Ethernet  Traces from web servers at Rice and IBM 23

24 Simulation Results – Prior Work  Weighted Round Robin  Lowest throughput  Highest cache miss ratio  But lowest idle time  Pure Locality-Based  An increase in nodes  decrease in cache miss ratio  But idle time increases (unbalanced load)  Only minor improvement over WRR 24

25 Simulation Results – LARD & LARD/R  Throughput ~4x better (8 nodes)  WRR would need nodes with a 10x larger cache size  CPU bound after 8 nodes  Cache miss rate decreases  Only 1% idle time on average 25

26 Simulation Results – Throughput 26

27 Simulation Results – Cache Misses 27

28 Simulation Results – Idle Time 28

29 What Affects Performance?  WRR is disk-bound, LARD/R is CPU bound  Increasing CPU speed improves LARD/R, not WRR  Adding more disks improves WRR, not LARD/R  LARD/R shows no improvement if a node has > 2 disks  WRR is not scalable 29

30 LARD Outline  Basic LARD Algorithm  Improvements to LARD  TCP Handoff Protocol  Simulation and Results  Prototype Implementation and Testing 30

31 Prototype Implementation  One front-end PC  300MHz Pentium II, 128MB RAM  6 back-end PCs  7 client PCs  166MHz Pentium Pro, 64MB RAM  100Mb Ethernet, 24-port switch 31

32 Prototype Testing Results 32

33 Evaluation Shortcomings  What influences the results more?  LARD/R protocol?  TCP handoff protocol? 33

34 Conclusion  LARD and LARD/R significantly better than WRR  Higher throughput  Better CPU utilization  More frequent cache hits  Reduced disk access  Benefits of Locality-Based and Load-Balanced  Scalable at low cost 34

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