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Chapter 23 Section 3 Handout

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1 Chapter 23 Section 3 Handout

2 1 Any form of water that falls to Earth’s surface from the clouds is called: precipitation

3 2 Name four major types of moisture that falls from the air to Earth.
Rain Snow Sleet Hail

4 3 Rain: Liquid precipitation

5 4 Drizzle: Rain consisting of drops smaller than 0.5 mm in diameter

6 5 Snow: Precipitation consisting of ice particles

7 6 Sleet: Clear ice pellets formed when rain falls through a layer of freezing air

8 7 Glaze ice: A thick layer of ice on a surface

9 8 Ice storm: The condition which produces glaze ice

10 9 Hail: Solid precipitation in the form of lumps of ice

11 10 What is the size of normal raindrops? 0.5 to 5 mm in diameter

12 11 What is the most common form of solid precipitation? snow

13 12 What are the three forms in which snow may fall? Small pellets
Individual crystals Crystals combining to form snow flakes

14 13 How do snowflakes change in size as the temperature goes below 0oC?
They get smaller

15 14 In what kind of clouds does hail usually form? Cumulonimbus

16 15 What process causes hail to form and fall to the ground?
Convection currents within clouds carry rain drops to high levels, where they freeze. They are carried upward again, accumulating additional layers of ice. They fall when they are too heavy for convection currents to carry.

17 16 Why is hail potentially harmful? It can damage crops and property

18 17 The diameter of most cloud droplets is about: 20 micrometer.

19 18 What must happen in order for a cloud droplet to fall as precipitation? It must increase in size

20 19 What two processes cause cloud droplets to fall to Earth?
Coalescence and supercooling

21 20 What happens in the process of coalescence?
Small droplets combine to form larger droplets.

22 21 During supercooling, a substance becomes extremely cold and:
does not change its state.

23 22 What is NOT true of freezing nuclei?
They are a form of precipitation

24 23 Why don’t super cooled water droplets freeze?
There are not enough freezing nuclei available

25 24 What does water vapor from supercooled water droplets do?
It condenses on ice crystals that have formed on freezing nuclei.

26 25 Which of the following are created by the process of supercooling?
Snow and rain

27 26 What is the name of an instrument used to measure rainfall?
Rain gauge

28 27 In one type of ________, a funnel fills one side of a divided bucket with 0.25 mm of rainwater, and then tips and sets off an electrical device that records the amount.

29 27 In one type of rain gauge, a funnel fills one side of a divided bucket with 0.25 mm of rainwater, and then tips and sets off an electrical device that records the amount.

30 28 What instrument measures snow depth? Measuring stick

31 29 About how much snow does it take to produce 1 cm of water? 10 cm

32 30 What does Doppler radar measure? The intensity of precipitation

33 31 How does Doppler radar work?
It bounces radio waves off rain or snow and times how long the wave takes to return.

34 32 Name three things meteorologist can determine with Doppler radar.
Location Direction of movement Intensity of precipitation

35 33 How does Doppler radar save lives?
By warning people of approaching storms

36 34 The process in which freezing or condensation nuclei are introduced into a cloud to cause rain is called: Cloud seeding

37 35 Which of the following are introduced into a cloud to cause rain because they resemble ice crystals? Snowflakes Hail stones Carbon monoxide pellets Silver iodide crystals

38 35 Which of the following are introduced into a cloud to cause rain because they resemble ice crystals? Silver iodide crystals

39 36 The substance used in cloud seeding to cool cloud droplets and cause ice crystals to form is: Powdered dry ice

40 37 What are three ways in which cloud seeding materials are released?
Burners on the ground Flares dropped from aircraft Dropping from aircraft

41 38 Does cloud seeding cause a significant increase in precipitation?

42 39 What are two ways in which cloud seeding could help people?
It could ease drought and it could help control severe storms.

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