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Go to the Website: teachers/ncalkins/index.php Click on Practice Quizzes on the Left-hand side Take Volleyball Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Go to the Website: teachers/ncalkins/index.php Click on Practice Quizzes on the Left-hand side Take Volleyball Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Go to the Website: teachers/ncalkins/index.php Click on Practice Quizzes on the Left-hand side Take Volleyball Practice Quiz 101 if this is the first time in the class 201 if you were in my class last semester

2 Weight Management How does having excess body fat relate to your health?

3 Questions for Discussion Can a person eat junk food all day and not gain any weight? Why or why not? Is it possible for a person to exercise for an hour everyday and not lose weight? ? Why or why not?

4 Weight Loss Weight loss comes down to one thing: you must burn more calories than you consume. In order to lose 1 pound of fat, you must burn 3500 calories more than you consume. To gain a pound of fat you will have an excess of 3500 calories. If in a week, I consume 10,500 more calories than I burn, then I will gain 3 lbs. 10,500 / 3500 = 3 lbs

5 If you are...Your caloric balance status is... Maintaining your weight"in balance." You are eating roughly the same number of calories that your body is using. Your weight will remain stable. Gaining weight"in caloric excess." You are eating more calories than your body is using. You will store these extra calories as fat and you'll gain weight. Losing weight"in caloric deficit." You are eating fewer calories than you are using. Your body is pulling from its fat storage cells for energy, so your weight is decreasing.

6 Metabolism Calculating how many calories that you burn in a day is the first step in knowing if you are going to gain or lose weight. Not everyone burns calories at the same rate throughout the day. Your metabolism is basically how you use energy—how many calories that you are using for all of your activities (essential & nonessential). It is affected by factors such as body composition, gender, and activity.

7 Basal Metabolism You have to consume calories in order to have energy. In order to function, your body needs a certain amount of calories—for your heart to beat, your brain to think, and even to digest your food, you need calories. Basal metabolism (or resting energy expenditure) is the minimum amount of energy required for the body to be able to function.

8 Calories Calories come from foods and drinks that contain fat, protein, and carbohydrates. No matter the source, calories are the same in the body--if you have eaten too many, they will turn into fat. You could eat salads all day and gain weight if they had more calories than you burned. You could eat fast food once a day and not gain weight because you burn more than you consume.

9 Weight Loss Effective weight loss has to be controlled through diet and exercise. Increasing physical activity is important, but only doing that and not watching what you eat will not bring about weight loss results. You have to do BOTH in order to effectively lose weight!!

10 Calories Burned During Exercise Activity130 lbs155 lbs190 lbs Running 10 min mile pace 590704863 Walking at a slow pace 148176216 Swimming (moderate intensity) 236281345 Playing basketball (fairly intense game) 472563690

11 Calculate Your Calorie Expenditure You need to know how many calories that you burn in a day in order to determine how many that you should be eating. That way you can control weight gain or loss or maintenance. Girls 14-18 yrs 1800 cals Boys 14-18 yrs 2200 cals

12 Burger King “Good afternoon and thank you for choosing Burger King. What can I get for you?” “I want the Double Whopper with cheese, a king sized fry, and large shake.” CaloriesTotal FatSaturated FatSodium Double Whopper w/ Cheese 1150 (58%/43%) 76 g. (117%) 33 g. (165%) 1530 mg. (64%) King sized French Fries 600 (30%/22%) 30 g. (46%) 16 g. (80%) 1070 mg. (45%) Large Old Fashioned Ice Cream Shake 1200 (60%/44%) 64 g. (98%) 45 g. (225%) 510 mg. (21%) Totals: 2950 calories 170 g. 94 g. 3110 mg. 148%/109% 262% 470% 130%

13 Starbucks Grande White Chocolate Mocha  410 calories  15 grams of fat Venti Caramel Frappuccino  500 calories  16 grams of fat Grande Breve Mocha with Whip  610 calories  46 grams of fat

14 Weight Loss Healthy weight loss should not be more than 2 pounds a week. That is a number to ensure that you are practicing habits (exercise and diet) that can be maintained over a period of time, not just for a short time and then put the weight back on when you relapse. People should have a lifestyle of healthy eating and exercising instead of going on random diets that can’t be maintained.

15 Dieting If a person decides to “diet” and restricts his/her calories too much then the body will go into “survival mode and begin to break down muscle tissue for fuel. When protein is broken down, it releases nitrogen. Your body will quickly wash away the nitrogen by releasing water from tissue cells, causing an immediate reduction in water weight and a noticeable drop on the scale.

16 Muscle & Metabolism Muscle is a metabolically active tissue. It requires a certain number of calories each day to maintain itself. Therefore, the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn even when you’re just sitting around. As your muscle mass drops, so does your daily calorie requirement, so when you go on extreme diets you can actually decrease how many calories that you need.

17 Muscle & Metabolism Suppose, for example, that a dieter loses 10 pounds of muscle (along with maybe 20 lbs. of fat) on a strict diet. Now suppose that each pound of muscle had been burning 50 calories a day just sitting there. Together, those 10 pounds of muscle had been burning 500 calories a day. With this muscle tissue gone, the dieter must now consume 500 fewer calories a day in order to maintain that weight-loss.

18 Metabolism So, even though they may weigh the same as they did when they started, they now have a lot more fat and a lot less muscle than they did before the diet. This means that their metabolisms are slower and their calorie requirements are lower. Even if they return to their pre-diet eating habits, they still require 500 fewer calories a day due to the muscle loss. That’s one reason dieters are prone to regaining all of the lost weight and then some.

19 Metabolism The goal is to consume as many calories as you can while still losing body fat and maintaining or gaining lean muscle. If your calories are already below normal, don’t restrict them further. Instead stick with your current amount and focus on becoming stronger and more active, so you can gradually increase your calories to a normal healthy level.

20 Weight Loss If your calorie intake is already in a healthy range, decrease it only slightly, and only if necessary. A small reduction of about 250 calories a day, or 10-15 percent less than usual, is more likely to protect your lean muscle and less likely to trigger a slow-down in your metabolism.

21 Weight Loss Following this type of routine, it’s possible to gain about one pound of muscle per week and lose about one pound of fat per week. The end result is that the number on the scale might not move much at all, it may even go up.

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