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Motivation and Discipline Teaching is a combination of instruction and order (Doyle) Teaching is a combination of instruction and order (Doyle) To maintain.

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Presentation on theme: "Motivation and Discipline Teaching is a combination of instruction and order (Doyle) Teaching is a combination of instruction and order (Doyle) To maintain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivation and Discipline Teaching is a combination of instruction and order (Doyle) Teaching is a combination of instruction and order (Doyle) To maintain order, you need motivation and discipline To maintain order, you need motivation and discipline

2 Fewer discipline problems occur when students are motivated through active involvement in meaningful learning and when enthusiastic teachers present material in stimulating ways Fewer discipline problems occur when students are motivated through active involvement in meaningful learning and when enthusiastic teachers present material in stimulating ways Students have neither the time nor the energy to create discipline problems Students have neither the time nor the energy to create discipline problems Teachers cannot motivate when students are disruptive Teachers cannot motivate when students are disruptive

3 What motivates students? Teachers CANNOT MOTIVATE students and make them learn Teachers CANNOT MOTIVATE students and make them learn The teacher can only manipulate environmental factors The teacher can only manipulate environmental factors Motivation is impacted by the personal factors within the student and the external environment that can be manipulated by the teacher. Motivation is impacted by the personal factors within the student and the external environment that can be manipulated by the teacher.

4 Motivation is affected by: 1. The degree of concern or tension that exists within the learner 2. The feeling tone -pleasant or unpleasant 3. Interest 4. Success 5. Knowledge of results 6. Intrinsic-extrinsic motivation

5 Theories of motivation 1– need for achievement

6 Theories of motivation 2– social learning theory Self-efficacy – situation specific confidence Self-efficacy – situation specific confidence Motivation involves 2 parts Motivation involves 2 parts –A belief that he/she can be successful –A belief that the outcome will be worthwhile A person is more likely to behave in a certain way if the outcome is positive and less likely if it is negative. A person is more likely to behave in a certain way if the outcome is positive and less likely if it is negative.

7 Theories of motivation 2– social learning theory (Cont.) You can improve self-efficacy by: You can improve self-efficacy by: –Personal performance accomplishments – best predictor of self-efficacy –Vicarious experiences (modeling) –Verbal persuasion –Emotional arousal

8 Theories of motivation 3– attribution theory, locus of control, learned helplessness Attribution theory – successes & failures due to things that are: internal/external; controllable/uncontrollable; stable/unstable Attribution theory – successes & failures due to things that are: internal/external; controllable/uncontrollable; stable/unstable Locus of control – do you control things or do things control you? Locus of control – do you control things or do things control you?

9 Learned helplessness –Does the students always give up quickly? –Does the student fail to demonstrate a variety of strategies after an unsuccessful attempt at a learning task? –Does the students always say, “I’m not good at this?” –Does the student not take credit when he/she does well? –Does the student tell you he/she doesn’t care, or just go through the motions?

10 How to correct this Teach students to attribute failure to lack of effort – do NOT just give easy tasks. Teach students to attribute failure to lack of effort – do NOT just give easy tasks. Change the learning environment: Change the learning environment: 1.Set goals that are specific; hard, but attainable; and short-term. To do this, pre- test and analyze student errors 2.Select learning styles that fit students’ needs 1.Inclusion style 2.Competitive and non-competitive activities 3.Peer tutoring or heterogeneous learning groups

11 Change the learning environment (cont.): Change the learning environment (cont.): 3. Focus on progress NOT end result – maybe graph improvement 4. Once skill is mastered, have student attribute success to ability. It is important for them to see that success can be earned through effort.

12 If failure does occur, help them to attribute it to incorrect learning style not a lack of ability If failure does occur, help them to attribute it to incorrect learning style not a lack of ability Mastery-oriented classrooms stress progress and learning rather than performance and ability. Mastery-oriented classrooms stress progress and learning rather than performance and ability.

13 Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Students perform in agreement with the perceived expectations of their teachers. Students perform in agreement with the perceived expectations of their teachers. –Rosenthal & Jacobson –Especially true of disadvantaged children in urban areas

14 Self-Fulfilling Prophecy (Cont.) Research shows that physical educators form expectations based on: age or grade level, motor ability, physical attractiveness, perceived effort, and the presence or absence of a disability. Research shows that physical educators form expectations based on: age or grade level, motor ability, physical attractiveness, perceived effort, and the presence or absence of a disability. When low-skilled students internalize low teacher expectations, learned helplessness may result. When low-skilled students internalize low teacher expectations, learned helplessness may result.

15 How to communicate high expectations to students 1. Present tasks holistically, concretely, and briefly using concrete examples, brief explanations, and cues 2. Help students refine, extend, and apply tasks (rather than jumping from one skill to another). 3. Provide specific task-related feedback to students and modify tasks as needed to ensure student success

16 Do YOU cause the problem? Ask yourself… Do I expect enough from my “low” ability students? Do I expect enough from my “low” ability students? Do I present new and challenging materials to my “low” as well as my “high” ability students? Do I present new and challenging materials to my “low” as well as my “high” ability students? Do I smile as frequently at my poorest students as I do at my best students, at my least favorite as much as my favorite students? Do I smile as frequently at my poorest students as I do at my best students, at my least favorite as much as my favorite students?

17 Do YOU cause the problem? Ask yourself… Do my nonverbal responses convey negative feelings to my “low” students (frowns, shrugs, rolling eyes)? Do my nonverbal responses convey negative feelings to my “low” students (frowns, shrugs, rolling eyes)? By creating a friendly environment, do I encourage all students to feel free to initiate a conversation with me? By creating a friendly environment, do I encourage all students to feel free to initiate a conversation with me? Do I give as much corrective feedback on skill performance to my “low” ability students as my “high” ability students? Do I give as much corrective feedback on skill performance to my “low” ability students as my “high” ability students?

18 Do YOU cause the problem? Ask yourself… Do I praise and respond positively to appropriate behavior and good performance for my “low” students or do I allow it to pass unnoticed? Do I praise and respond positively to appropriate behavior and good performance for my “low” students or do I allow it to pass unnoticed? Am I less tolerant of incorrect answers and inappropriate behavior of my “low” ability students? Am I less tolerant of incorrect answers and inappropriate behavior of my “low” ability students? Do I give my “low” ability students as much time to answer questions as my “high” ability students? Do I give my “low” ability students as much time to answer questions as my “high” ability students?

19 Creating a Learning Environment to Motivate Students While students bring in their “baggage” the teacher can: While students bring in their “baggage” the teacher can: 1. With-it-ness and overlapping 2. Smoothness and momentum 3. Group alerting and accountability 4. Challenge and variety

20 With-it-ness Knowing what is going on in the classroom at all times Knowing what is going on in the classroom at all times Need to constantly scan the room – don’t just watch the action Need to constantly scan the room – don’t just watch the action Whole group – is easier to scan than station work -so much be more vigilant with stations Whole group – is easier to scan than station work -so much be more vigilant with stations Monitor with your ears too. Monitor with your ears too. If there is a problem – move closer, or give the look, regardless – deal with it!! If there is a problem – move closer, or give the look, regardless – deal with it!!

21 Over-lapping Also called interruptions Also called interruptions When they occur, deal with it and return immediately to what you were doing. When they occur, deal with it and return immediately to what you were doing. Often asked to handle several things at once – be methodical and do it, but continue to scan the class. Often asked to handle several things at once – be methodical and do it, but continue to scan the class.

22 Smoothness and momentum Lesson flow is critical to teaching effectiveness Lesson flow is critical to teaching effectiveness Use student behaviors to re-direct a lesson -pacing is crucial. Use student behaviors to re-direct a lesson -pacing is crucial. Some will ignore small misbehaviors if they know the activity will stop it, but MUST deal with ANY misbehavior that is a safety issue. Some will ignore small misbehaviors if they know the activity will stop it, but MUST deal with ANY misbehavior that is a safety issue.

23 Experienced teachers know when to interrupt a lesson to deal with misbehavior and when to keep moving. Experienced teachers know when to interrupt a lesson to deal with misbehavior and when to keep moving. Do NOT over-dwell on a misbehavior – move on Do NOT over-dwell on a misbehavior – move on You can also cause the problems when you over-dwell on instructions – KISS You can also cause the problems when you over-dwell on instructions – KISS By keeping instructions simple or using visuals to explain, teachers can improve the pace of the lesson and avoid causing the problems By keeping instructions simple or using visuals to explain, teachers can improve the pace of the lesson and avoid causing the problems

24 Accountability & Group Alerting “Without accountability, there is no task.” “Without accountability, there is no task.” Effective teachers set criteria for their tasks and then hold students accountable for reaching those criteria. Effective teachers set criteria for their tasks and then hold students accountable for reaching those criteria. Group alerting – teacher asks a questions, but waiting to decide who to call on – everyone is now alert and paying attention Group alerting – teacher asks a questions, but waiting to decide who to call on – everyone is now alert and paying attention

25 Challenge and Variety Students need challenge, but they also need success -80% Students need challenge, but they also need success -80% Lessons must have variety Lessons must have variety

26 Effective teachers believe that ALL of their students are capable of success and communicate that belief to their pupils. Effective teachers believe that ALL of their students are capable of success and communicate that belief to their pupils.

27 Motivation and Preventive Discipline Preventative discipline is good teaching and involves: Preventative discipline is good teaching and involves: 1. Belief in the worth of each student 2. A warm, supportive, well-organized environment 3. Teacher modeling of mature behavior and appropriate ways to solve problems

28 Motivation and Preventive Discipline (Cont.) 4. Well-planned, appropriate learning and assessment experiences 5. Helping students learn self-direction and responsibility for their own behavior.

29 Acceptable Disciplinary Practices Waiting aggressively Waiting aggressively Rewards – intrinsic or extrinsic Rewards – intrinsic or extrinsic Contingency contracting – should be clear, fair, honest, positive, and systematic Contingency contracting – should be clear, fair, honest, positive, and systematic Contingent activities Contingent activities Social reinforcement and praise Social reinforcement and praise Tokens or points Tokens or points

30 Acceptable Disciplinary Practices (Cont.) Punishment Punishment –Allow an undesirable act to continue (or insist it continues) until the student is clearly bored with it. –Always accompany punishment with a suggestion of something positive –End the punishment with the student’s decision to perform the desired behavior –Reward the positive behavior or the student will revert back to the bad behavior to get your attention

31 Acceptable Disciplinary Practices (Cont.) The social contract – logical consequences The social contract – logical consequences Individual conferences Individual conferences Group discussions Group discussions Loss of privileges Loss of privileges Time-out Time-out

32 Discipline Video recorders Video recorders Cooperation between home and school Cooperation between home and school Administrative assistance Administrative assistance –Is it worth going to the office? Meet with principal ahead of time –Know the student – do they WANT to go to the office –Send a note about what he/she did –See the administrator as soon as you can –Do NOT send more than one student at a time –If student returns, calmly admit and ignore any face- saving behaviors he/she displays

33 Discipline Mediation Mediation Handling explosive or violent situations Handling explosive or violent situations –Prevention is key-  Be a hard target  Don’t let misbehavior get out of hand  Do NOT lose your temper  Be decisive, act quickly, and disarm the situation  Do not let punishment be excessive – WWI  Calm the class

34 Explosive situation In case of robbery or hostage attempt, do not resist. Do as you are told. Do not resist In case of robbery or hostage attempt, do not resist. Do as you are told. Do not resist In case of rape attempt – keep the intruder talking as long as possible. Negotiate without pleading. In case of rape attempt – keep the intruder talking as long as possible. Negotiate without pleading. Mentally make a record of the attacker’s description Mentally make a record of the attacker’s description Get help Get help Do not touch anything the intruder has touched. Do not touch anything the intruder has touched.

35 Unacceptable practices Coercion Coercion Ridicule Ridicule Forced apologies Forced apologies Detention without a specified purpose Detention without a specified purpose Imposition of schoolwork or homework for punitive purposes Imposition of schoolwork or homework for punitive purposes

36 Unacceptable practices (Cont.) Punishment instigated on the spot, including grades Punishment instigated on the spot, including grades Group punishment for misbehavior by one or a few Group punishment for misbehavior by one or a few Corporal punishment – that includes exercise as punishment and may be against state law Corporal punishment – that includes exercise as punishment and may be against state law

37 New Teachers should: 1. Learn school policies and procedures thoroughly 2. Be an example the students can emulate 3. Be a teacher, not a pal, to students 4. Plan and organize

38 New Teachers should: (Cont.) 5. Be flexible but consistent in carrying out plans 6. Respect and appreciate students as individuals 7. Let the students know from the start what the payoff will be for working ahrd in class.

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